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Everything posted by JoT

  1. Very worthy winner and reserve! Thank you for all your work on this, Amy, and thank you so much to everyone that entered.
  2. Thanks very much for the replies. Next time we go to the vet, I'll ask about it, but it looks like it could be related to his allergies.
  3. Ah, the allergy information is very interesting. He suffers with seasonal allergies in the summer that affect his skin and ears, so I wonder if his eyes might be made cloudier then. He wasn't with us last winter/spring (he was rehomed and then came back to us) so I don't know whether they looked less cloudy this time last year.
  4. I've noticed that Duke's eyes don't look as cloudy as they did when he first arrived here, about 18 months ago. But I thought I must be imagining it because I would have thought cloudiness was irreversible But then today, Paul mentioned that he thought they looked less cloudy. I hadn't said anything about it to Paul, so for him to notice too, made me think perhaps I hadn't imagined it after all. Just wondered if anyone else had noticed this happen? BTW, Duke's supposedly about 16 years old.
  5. Dogs Trust Merseyside have sent this gorgeous new photo of Meg, who is loking for a new home with her best buddy Taz. Doesn't Meg just have one of those faces that make you want to take her home. You can read all about them here. I hope they get a new home very soon.
  6. I'd like to come along to this but wouldn't know until very close to the date whether I'd be able to make it. So carry on making arrangements and I'll just keep my eye on them!
  7. Lassie's on the website now, Olive. I love her!
  8. We (the Oldies Club) had to reclaim a dog because he had bitten 3 people in his new home, because his new owner was blindly following the 'methods' in her Cesar Milan book. She idolised the man and wouldn't listen to our aftercare team when we tried to help her through the problem. He's a dog that's very intelligent and well-behaved. He just doesn't like people to leave his home. His behaviour is very easily managed with normal, kind, sensible methods - like distracting him with a biscuit! So I'd be first in the queue to electrocute CM.
  9. Oh no, I'm so sorry He was a very special little fella and must have left a huge hole.
  10. Oh, poor lad. I'm sure he'll feel much more comfortable once the fleas are gone.
  11. JoT

    Benny Ben

    I hope he continues to do well.
  12. JoT

    Benny Ben

    Oh, poor Ben. I hope he gets better soon.
  13. JoT


    That sounds very positive for child-friendliness I'll add a summary of what you've said to her entry and tag her as good with children . Hopefully that will get her some more interest.
  14. JoT


    Well done, Olive! I've added it to her entry and made one or two other changes to the text I've realised that we haven't said whether Ginny can live with children. Would she be happy with children and, if so, what ages?
  15. He does have long legs doesn't he Reminded me of a new born foal at one point!
  16. Jasper couldn't have wished for a happier ending to his sad story. I'm so pleased for him and his new family.
  17. Happy birthday Keira, you beautiful, dignified lady!
  18. Aw, one of my favourite dogs! Happy birthday Diesel!
  19. Just went in the kitchen after Paul had made the fire up, and found this Gemma doesn't look impressed Happy New Year everyone!
  20. I gave Duke antihistamines throughout the summer and autumn as he has various allergies and scratched and chewed at himself terribly. He had Malaseb baths every other day and the vet prescribed Piriton (one and a half tablets 3 times per day). The dosage for dogs is higher than for humans. Duke weighs about 17kg. The Piriton worked out very expensive from the vet so I read up on antihistamines for dogs and decided to try him on the type of antihistamine that you can buy readily in supermarkets etc. (Cetirizine Hydrochloride). I found dosage info online and gave Duke one a half tablets once a day. I think he was slightly less itchy than when on the Piriton, and with only having to give it once per day it made it much easier. Thankfully, Duke's problem has turned out to be seasonal as he stopped itching completely in November and so I'm just giving him the occasional Malaseb bath to keep him nice over the winter. Can't wait until next May when it starts all over again!! Good luck!
  21. JoT

    My Boys

    Absolutely gorgeous!
  22. Oh no! I hope she makes a miraculous recovery and it doesn't spoil your Christmas.
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