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Everything posted by PRO-GALGO UK

  1. You need to be waiting at least a week before putting fish into a new tank, and use CYCLE or similar bacteria culture, or a piece of filter from an existing tank, to get yours going. Fan tails are extremely sensitive fish due to their intensive breeding and I would say dont put one in until the tank is a good 6 months old. Start with some hardy fish, just 1 or 2 to get the tank going. And dont overload the tank. Bio-orbs arent brilliant tanks and goldfish are very messy fish, pooing out most of the food they eat. Id say 4 is probably the most you can expect to get in a bio-orb. Also with live plants in goldfish tanks they tend to eat them and create even more waste.
  2. I watched all of it and thought that for the most part it was a very good programme. I hope most of the UK watched it. It shows however that there is no point what so ever having "regulated garaunteed" pelts, i.e. "cruelty free" if when they get to the auction house they are sorted by colour and length so you end up with the best and the worst farmed skins in the same garment. And I dont see how any producer of furs could therefore claim that their garments were approved UNLESS they bought direct from the regulated farms!!??? Her opinion on the trapping was ridiculous and I think if they had caught a bobcat and she had either shot it or seen it be shot she might have felt differently And here is where I get a bit contraversial... she mentioned only wanting to EAT food that was farmed ethically but no doubt she wore leather which has no provenance whatsoever and could have come from the cruellest farms imaginable..mainly from the poor discarded 3 day old male calfs of the dairy industry. Another reason Im so glad that Im vegan
  3. Hi, Im Elkie from Bristol and I work with GLWR and PRO-GALGO Me and my OH Paul have Ruby: Saluki 5 years old Pip: ex-racing greyhound 4 years old Cauchy: greyhound 18 months old Lucy: saluki x 18 months old Logan: Borzoi x 5 years old Roma: whippet x bedlington 10 years old Tilly: Pug 12 years old Milo: Pug 8 years old We are heavily involved in the rescues above and are busy most weekends fundraising for them but its worth it for the hounds
  4. Hi everyone, Im the coordinator for PRO-GALGO UK, and we are totally thrilled that you have chosen us for your sponsor scheme this month We are a small charity and in the UK have only 3 members which help to run it, and in Spain all the hard work is done by our founder Mo Swatek. Please take a look at our blog where we keep you up to date with all the news from Spain, and also our forum where you can chat to other galgo and podenco lovers
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