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Everything posted by Natpants

  1. I've always wondered (well maybe not always) why dogs don't cry near chopped up onions
  2. I've never had any luck even with pints and pints of very strong salt water and mustard with Purdie (she drinks it willingly and doesn't even retch) so I've made a note of the washing tablet idea as she's got into so many scrapes like this as she's so resourceful (and others around me so careless with what they leave lying around), thanks for the tip. Hope your norty doglets are fine and well.
  3. *slinks out of thread quietly, realising her and Purdie-Monster don't quite belong here...*
  4. Should be fine but if in doubt ask your vet to ring the Poisons Bureau and they can calculate it exactly. for you, I've no doubt they'll be fine as it's such a small amount.
  5. Safe journey to the Bridge Maddie
  6. Looks like fun even if you've invented new rules! That's the main thing!
  7. Blimey, that is great news
  8. That's great Jessy, thanks. Do you have any advice as to how I'd find a reputable walker?
  9. Holy crap. Don't suppose you recorded the phone call and got the name of the puppy-drowing man did you? Gobsmacked, and not much shocks me on rescue boards anymore.
  10. Hi there, does anyone here have a dog aggressive dog that is walked by a walker? I'm thinking this could be a big problem but if not, how much am I looking at paying a professional walker (I'm in Birmingham) daily and what should I look for? Purdie would learn to accept most dogs given a bit of time with them but I've no idea what dog walkers are prepared to do (I'd also need to check (s)he knew how to handle potential situations with other dogs, how do you "interview" a walker?) Thanks.
  11. Natpants

    King Update

    I agree with this, even a qualified vet reading something like this on an internet forum could easily give the wrong advice. Sending healing thoughts for King
  12. ay av gott sum sortt ov wagg butt dis wun is rownd a bitt lyke an eleekopter ay downt fink dis wun is myne, itt mus belong too sumwun else... oww kann ay be-ead flowerz wiv dis sillee waggul? mi tayul iz awl bented and floppee
  13. Great pic of Charleyfoo at the end
  14. That's interesting, not what Purdie has though (no water involved, she won't even pee in the rain!) - she gallumphed off my lap - someone went to the kitchen - and landed badly against the coffee table. Very scary but fortunately not broken * She seems to be getting slightly better and her attempted wags are a bit higher than before when she realises she can't wag properly, so fingers crossed she's on the mend. *her tail, not the coffee table I meant
  15. How upsetting for you Sending healing thoughts for her
  16. orr mebbe yew av gott myne now?
  17. Purdie did this to me once when I was away and had left her with my housemate, she ate 5 days' worth of food in one day, very worrying. She was hungry again by the following day but it took a few days for her tummy to go down and get back to normal portions! So worrying for you, glad she's okay
  18. Happy birfday gorgeous lad
  19. ay carnt wagg mi tayul eneemoor Woeee is meeee.... Mummeeee tuk me too der vet an he sez ay av brewsed mi tayul an ay carnt wagg witch iz orribul as ay woz sew pleesed too see mummmeeee wen she kame too get mee aftur mi x-ray an bein prod an powked bye der vet but ay av lost itt. Dus anywun no where itt az gon? Mummmeee iz jus appee ay didunt broke mi tayul az she sed she woz scared. Luff Purdie-dogg
  20. Very moving indeed. Hope you're having fun scampering on the Bridge Jaffa
  21. Run free Dylan. It was a pleasure to have met you Thinking of you Kazz. xxx
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