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Everything posted by clare1976

  1. Happy belated Gotcha Day Milly She is beautiful - I love that second photo of her
  2. Finally had the results of Lady's lumps. Good news and bad, there was cancerous cells in the lumps but the good news is that they have been removed completely, just need to keep an eye on her and if any more appear straight back to the vets. Also her "brazillian job" has started to grow back now and she has lots of short stubble!! Lady will be having a lovely weekend this weekend as she is going to the grand dogs.....I however am going to the outlaws, I can't wait.......oh who am I kidding
  3. Happy Gotcha Day Tigger, your gorgeous
  4. Morning Fugees Am feeling a bit cheesed off today, phoned the vets yesterday for the results of Lady's biopsy only to find that they hadn't been put through yet so they are going "through" as urgent today, although we don't seems to be having much luck. We went for a walk yesterday and the same dog that attacked her last October went for her again last night, this time I got in the way as all I could think was that she has only just had the stiches out from her operation and ended up having to go to the Docs for a jab and then the hospital for an xray in case my bone was chipped - my arm is black but mostly blue so I have a t shirt on that matches I called the Police this time and insisted that they come and take a statement from me - I am still waiting.
  5. Happy Gotcha Day Sir H Lady sends a big kiss to her favourite mud wallower! Clare & Ladybird xx
  6. I really have no idea what breed she may be but she is gorgeous
  7. Lady is home from the vets. The operation went well, the vet removed four lumps in total which he has sent off to be checked. She went off really happily this morning, not even a backward glance!! She has to go back on Saturday for a check up and for the bandage on her leg to be removed where she had the drip in and other than the bad brazillian job she is now sporting on her tum and being tired she is absolutely fine. The vet did do a blood test while he had her in and that has shown she has renal failure but he said that it was to be expected in a dog of her age and could be controlled by diet and not to worry too much I will try and get some photos of her tomorrow. Thank you again for all your good wishes
  8. So glad she's home and looking just a beautiful as ever. Hope you post lots more phots of Flora xx
  9. I am so pleased for you Clare xx
  10. Thank you Andrea Thank you to everyone else who has sent good thoughts for Ladybird. She is going to have her tea in a minute and then allowed nothing after 7 pm, I think that may just be the hardest thing for her!!! I will let you know how she is tomorrow. Love Clare & Lady
  11. Thinking of you, hope all goes well
  12. Ladybird hasn't been to well recently, her arthritis has been getting worse so we took her to the vets and she has started taking Metacam which has really helped her and definately put a spring back in her step (she has also rediscovered the settee as she is able to jump on and off it again!) But..........we took her to the vets on Saturday morning for a check up and the vet we saw this time was concerned about 2 small lumps. When we took her in about 2 weeks ago I asked the vet to check them and she said there was nothing to worry about, the vet we saw on Saturday said that they were tumours on her mammory gland and needed to be removed, he wasn't sure until he did the biopsy if they were cancerous but it would be better to remove them sooner rather than later. Lady is 14 next week, the vet said that she is very healthy, heart and lungs are fine but that she may be just a little bit overweight (how rude!!) but I keep getting leaky eyes everytime I think about what she is going to have done, so...... Lady will be going in on Thursday morning to have them removed so if its not to much trouble and you have some "get better quick" thoughts could you send them her way please? Thank you Clare & Ladybird xx
  13. Fab pictures, although I can't decide who looks more "in lurve" Saffy & Wiggle or Sir H & Spike!! ps I haven't told Ladybird that Sir H is in lurve in case she gets a bit upset!!!
  14. Lovely photos. All your dogs are gorgeous
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