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Anne Grose

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Everything posted by Anne Grose

  1. Is it worth asking the vet is the thyroid tablets come in a liquid form?? that would be a lot easier to administer for you. Anne
  2. Glad it worked - lovely to see Kofi again. She looks so much better and I am sure once you have got a bit more weight off her she will feel so much better. I had a feeling they would find she had a thyroid problem, and glad she is on medication to sort it. I am sure she will find a lovely forever home soon. Anne
  3. Yes, I think this would be more apppropriate. I shall print a few off and see what I can do. Anne
  4. Fee - have you any for dogs in Leicestershire, Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire as I could put those up locally in some venues where I think a reasonably local dog might have some interest?? Anne
  5. What a BRILLIANT idea - have you had much response, I am in South Derbyshire so about 25 miles east of you - maybe we could pair and blitz this part of the East Midlands together. Anne
  6. Elfish - now that I have gotta see Anne
  7. I was sent this beautiful poem many years ago and I have ever since that time spent a quiet snuggle time every day with both of my dogs. They are very precious to me. None of us know how long we have with our dogs - my Barty is nearly 5 but because of his physical disabilities I have no way of knowing how long he will be with me, so I make sure we have a snuggles every day. Now excuse me while I nip off and have a second one. Anne
  8. Sounds like you should come with me next time. I have only picked up from an owner twice and both times they have been in tears at the dog's leaving. Anne
  9. Anne Grose


    She is absolutely gorgeous and really doesn't look her age. What a beauty Anne
  10. That is so sad, I think I would rather be upset every time I pick up a dog than never know that feeling. Anne
  11. I know what you mean and I think those who chuck them out without a thought would make me more angry than upset. I tried very hard not to join with the owner today with her tears at parting and it was only when Kofi wouldn't get in the car and her owner had to come out to help us that I found myself in tears as Nick drove us off. When I read the letter to check that everything she had told me was in it, it set me off again. Anne
  12. Is it just me, or do others get just as upset when they pick up from an obviously hurting owner on a transport run. I was in tears twice today after we picked up Kofi, who was just an absolute darling. I am fine further down the line, but meeting caring owners who have to part with their dogs I find absolutely heartbreaking. Does anyone else feel this way Anne
  13. Absolutely gorgeous, well done you - hope they find a forever home soon Anne, Barty & Chloe
  14. What beautiful dogs - all of them. I am so glad that Poppy has settled in so well. All our love Anne, Barty & Chloe
  15. I shall await with eager anticipation the photographs !!!!! Anne, Barty & Chloe
  16. Thank you Dirtychicken. I do like to know what is going on - most of the time I don't because of my age!!!!! Anne
  17. If you feel comfortable giving her raw bones to chew, that will help the problem as it makes the stools bigger and therefore expresses the anal glands. Having said that my raw fed old border collie had terrible problems and ended up having them removed BUT that is not a decision to take lightly. Anne, Barty & Chloe
  18. Well, I am going to show what a newbie I am and admit I don't know what RMF means - can someone help a poor idiot??? Anyway, Barty had the two stitches out from his cut toe today and he was VERY brave for a lurcher. Anne, Barty & Chloe
  19. Hi, I have titre tested my dogs for some years now. Barty will be 5 in May and so far he has shown full immunity to everything. He was even showing antibodies to lepto last time, which showed he had come in contact with the disease and was producing an immune response. So he hasn't even had the lepto one. Choe was blood tested 9 months after receiving her full puppy vacs and showed no immunity to lepto, so the tests aren't foolproof because they will only show a response to challenge to lepto. Anne, Barty & Chloe
  20. Welcome to The Refuge, you will find the place quite addictive. I did !!!! Anne, Barty & Chloe
  21. Happy 2nd gotcha day - Bear you are beautiful and I can see why your mum loves you to death. Anne, Barty & Chloe
  22. Selina, I am so pleased that Ollie is feeling better Anne, Barty & Chloe
  23. Gosh - there are lots of us around here. I had no idea Anne
  24. I shall pm you as we are so close. You know what sort of dogs I have, they are great with other dogs. Anne
  25. It is quite possible, I have done quite a few for IRR. Anne Thank you Melp, I am in South Derbyshire in a village called Repton. I don't think we can be that far away from each other if you are Notts/Derby. Where are you?? Maybe we could meet for a walk. Anne
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