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Everything posted by Greygal

  1. You have my sympathy and I do so agree with you about these owners whose dogs 'are friendly and just want to play' even when your dogs are on lead and you are obviously taking evasive action. If you have a difficult or old dog, one that is arthritic or recovering from an op etc. as I often do, the last thing you need is their 'friendly' dog charging over, but some owners just don't get it. I think they are irresponsible......they think I am unfriendly!
  2. What sad news. Fly free sweet Bailey and know that you were loved.
  3. Oooops, isn't!!! I thought you meant this site but of course you meant the OC site.....silly me!!
  4. Hope she's doing OK. She sounds just gorgeous!
  5. Well it's up and running again now anyway so we can all get our daily 'fix'!
  6. Lovely! Long may he remain happy and settled in his new home.
  7. So sorry to hear this. Make lots of lovely memories together and take lots of pics in this last week, then help him on his way with your love.
  8. Really hope it is third time lucky for this lad. Such a gorgeous boy it's not surprising folk are queuing up to try to give him the ideal home. If only some of the other long-termers could be so lucky though!
  9. So glad he is safe and sound. What a lovely neighbour you have there.....a potential hound owner maybe!!
  10. No idea.....but isn't she gorgeous!!
  11. Have a wonderful day Sandy and I hope the sun is shining for you too!
  12. Sounds like he is going to be a real pleasure for some lucky new owner to enjoy.
  13. Isn't she just the prettiest little thing and sounds to be doing really well for her age. Hope she stays fit and healthy for a good while to come and can enjoy lots of happy times wherever she ends up staying.
  14. Greygal


    Oh brilliant!! How happy that must have made the dog and her owner to be able to spend whatever time they have left together. So good of the home to go to all that trouble for them, though I suppose it wouldn't be so easy if there were several residents with dogs to be managed.
  15. Such a shame that this chance didn't work out for Whiskey either. Hopefully it will be third time lucky and he is such a sweetie I can't think he will be waiting too long.
  16. Isn't he just gorgeous and no doubt going to bring pleasure wherever he goes.
  17. Just hope that poor little mite is not lying injured and suffering a slow death out of sight of rescuers.
  18. Well I suppose it wouldn't occur to them that it could be the wrong dog but it makes you wonder what sort of a relationship they have with their pet not to notice the difference. Apart from behavioural differences all mine have had odd physical characteristics....a scar, a wart, an odd claw, a lump .....something that would identify them definitely.
  19. Good luck Whiskey. Be a good boy and all will work out just fine for you!
  20. Many thanks for all your good wishes. Luckily Sally likes the Liver Diet food though she's not so keen on the tablets! She actually slept through the night and is quite perky this morning though of course one tablet and one meal of special kibble cannot be responsible for that. She seems to have on and off days though so I'm hoping she will show some improvement and still have plenty of quality time to enjoy yet, as she is only around 12 years 6 months young and a real little sweetie too.
  21. Our OC lurcher girl Sally has been out-of-sorts recently so this morning we went to the vet for a check-up. They did blood tests and unfortunately the results show Sally has problems with her liver. We came away with 21 days supply of Zentonil liver support tabs and a supply of Hills Prescription Liver Diet food in the hopes that these can help halt or even reverse the damage. The good thoughts and best wishes of Oldies Club members would also be a help I am sure, so please spare a few for my lovely girl.
  22. A terrible thing to happen but I'm sure unfortunately it won't be the last time. There seem to be many unsuitable owners like this with dogs they don't know how to treat properly and turn them into the aggressive and dangerous animals they never were initially. So sad for the baby but I hope the authorities take some action against the father in this case.
  23. What a lovely old couple they make! Surely someone will fall for them very quickly and find space to give them some home comforts again.
  24. Greygal


    So sad. Hope someone can find a space for her so she can enjoy whatever time she has left surrounded by comfort and love.
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