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Everything posted by JACKYSIAN

  1. Thank you, lots of happy people in my office now!!
  2. Loads of love for Tim and his family. Poor Saffy, I've just been through the same thing with Tiz. Her back end is totally bald now . She's finally stopped being a quivering wreak when touched, I couldn't tell you what helped because I frontlined her, gave her blood cooling tablets, bathed her in cold tar shampoo, cleaned all the bedding and given her priton (sp)!!! My vet thinks it's grass seeds she's allergic to cos it only kicked off after the fields I walk in were cut for hay. Oh yes I stopped walking her on the field recently too and back on the beaches so that could of helped too!!!
  3. Thank you. I'll text my sister and let you know.
  4. Morning Migraine was still with me this morning...took another of the tablets that made me funny yesterday..feel much better now!! Cosmic Cat seemed not poohy and pukey last night, she was in full voice and kept yelling at me, I'm naughty at the moment and just let her have what she wants so she had yogurt, mayonaise (licked off my plate ) and cheese last night!! I'm hoping the vet can help and give her something to help her last, she's so thin and is drinking alot but she still seems happy and she loves her cuddles. I just need to get rid of this bloody flu she has as well. Thank you everyone for all the kind words, it really does help to know there are other people who understand. To alot of people she's just a cat, but to me she's 16 years of history and my little house husband (she shouts at me when I come in and demands her food on the table straight away!! ). Hope the news is good about Shadow.
  5. Sorry I haven't a clue....I work on the boats with no beds!!! My collegue who worked in the call center said it's 2 berth cabin. (Although if they are that big they won't fit in the beds anyway cos they is midget sized!!! )
  6. He's in my bad books...again!!! I've not been well the last few days, nothing specific but just not myself. Anyway yesterday I just didn't have the energy to ride so bought him in to feed and groom...and he spooked massively coming out of the gate, clipped the back of my heel and barrelled into my back!!! I didn't fall over but the swearing wasn't nice!!! Needless to say he got a little less food and a stern talking to!!
  7. Shows what a funny old world we live in, yesterday I saw Daisy's thread and thought 'oh I've never heard of that breed'. Then last night a couple at my horses yard were telling me about their old dog who was 'the best dog' ever...and guess what breed she was!!!! Going to print off her picture to tempt them with!! They are a working farm family and the dog would spend all day outside with dad.
  8. So glad it's not cancer. Fingers and toes crossed they can discover what is wrong. Heartbreaking to not have her home but at least she's in the best place for now. Migraine tablet has finally settled down, and migraine has gone!! My boss has just read the possible side effects and has taken the tablets off me!!! She said I had 3 of the possible side effects and under no circumstances to take them again!!!
  9. To be honest I've never checked if there is any insurance back up on any fosters/transport runs I've done. Naive (sp) in the extreame I expect but it's not something I'd thought to check on!! I guess I've always trusted the rescues to do the right thing if the worst happened! I presume the rescue know the dogs are being returned and are happy with the situation?
  10. Honestly if there is only 2 you take them cos I haven't asked my sister so what she doesn't know won't bother her. ( bagsied....not heard that for years!!!)
  11. Thank you everyone I think my sister might be interested in these for her and her daughter. What do you need? Loads of love for Lily. I do find coming and whining on here very cathartic but do feel free to pm me if you want to talk in private.
  12. Just changed her appointment to friday evening, just in case I have to let her go. I don't want to be a blubbering fool with a waiting room full! Taken a migraine tablet and now I feel very odd!! Got numb teeth and wozzy head!! I think I need today to go away and be forgotten about. For the first time ever I'm not wanting to go and see to Kane after work, I just want to go home. Today I feel the fact of being single very clearly, now is the time having someone else to share the load with would be most appreciated! Oh well there are people with bigger problems than me so I'll go and pull myself together.
  13. I'm so sorry Jazz. Loads of good thoughts for Shadow.
  14. He's just gorgeous, I could look at those faces all day!!!
  15. You've just discribed her to a tee. She spends alot of time sitting by the dogs big water bowl, just wobbling and staring into it. She likes me to change the water then she'll drink some more.
  16. Thanks Kathy glad you liked them. Cosmic is a grumpy old bird but does seem to be purring more recently, so sounds like you could be right. Glad you feel better Marge.
  17. Looks a fab day. Lots of beautiful dogs.
  18. Morning Got up to a front room full of puke and poohs poor Cosmic Cat isn't at all well. I think it's the beginning of the end. I don't know what to do cos I know my vet won't operate on her but her teeth are obviously not right cos she's messing her food everywhere. She purrs like a little motor when you touch her so she's obviously getting some joy from life but how do you know when to make that decision? She falls over sometimes now when she gets up, and falls over when she tries to shake. I'm so sad, she's been with me for 16 years and I don't know what to do. Vet on friday but I need to have my head clear incase I have to make a decision. Sorry to be so self obcessed.
  19. I haven't cried like that in a long long time. How those people can sleep at night. This morning in my office people who usually have no interest in dogs have been speaking of it, lets hope that is an indication that finally the general public are aware of what is going on. That cav woman who knowingly bred from her dog is a disgrace.
  20. I know, that's all I care about!!! I think Rex will 'act' upset but inside be relived she's going!!!
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