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Everything posted by Rudi

  1. Sorry for your loss - run free pretty Maisy xx
  2. I agree it is Princess Diana-ish - that too was a circus.
  3. People definately copy him. I went to an APDT registered dog trainer who was obsessed with CM - he was getting people to loop their puppies' lead around the back of the ears and high up under the throat, when the puppy objected to something, you were supposed to lift their front feet off the ground until they stopped struggling. He did it to my puppy once and commented that he liked it when they struggled! I didn't go back and lodged a complaint with the APDT that didn't go anywhere. Admittedly, I did take a couple of months to complain. A friend of mine runs training classes and she's lost count of the number of people who come through the door doing that neck prodding/sshhh thing. Somebody did it to my young rottie once - he thought it was ace and it just sent him sky high and he jumped all over them. I don't like the kicking thing, where he flicks his leg back and kicks the dog - not sure how that's a good idea, but maybe I'm too stupid, not having a brain and all...
  4. It's just said on the news that his body is going on view at the Never Land ranch so his "fans" can say goodbye. How utterly ridiculous - where's the dignity in that? Just shows how the people around him, including his family, are intent on squeezing the last bit of publicity and fame out of him - no wonder he was strange!
  5. Psyllium husks are said to clear the gut of worms, I've no evidence for it though. Royal Canin put it in their dry dog food to maintain bowel health and Dorwest Keepers Mix contains it for the same reason.
  6. Shame it's only four months
  7. I wouldn't use any flea or tick treatment at all - there's no way they can be healthy for the dog. I give mine garlic on a regular basis and Rudi, who is 5 tomorrow, has never had a single flea and only one tick. I hate the fact that products like Frontline are now marketed as being for monthly use - it's a con and just isn't good for the dog.
  8. I don't have strong feelings either way. I think he was damaged and if he wasn't famous, would have had far more psychiatric care but if I walk into another shop that has his music playing, turn on the TV to find another tribute programme or turn on the radio and hear yet another song I may well bang my head on a wall, hard.
  9. I don't know... they might eat him. Karma for all the dogs he's bullied.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. Caffery is very special. Run free lovely boy.
  11. Don't know where to post this or what can be done but thought it was worth posting here just in case someone was in a position to buy this bitch and make sure she and the pups stay safe Mods please delete if you think the link is inappropriate as I guess it's giving this "person" extra advertising.
  12. Rudi

    Tta Cruciate Repair

    If anyone has got any experience with this - could you PM me please? Thanks
  13. What's the difference between Jade's 'racist' comments and your comments about her being stupid, ugly, fat and gobby? What has her physical appearance got to do with anything? I'm no fan as she hasn't done anything I'm particularly interested in and I don't think her predicament is any more terrible than anyone else in the same situation, a young mother dying and leaving her children is just awful but if she can make some money, good for her. The dog comment is silly too - I believe she owns one??
  14. My friend's rottie who is 9 has been having Cartrophen injections for quite a while and they work really well on him. Also - they started hydrotherapy with him as he'd lost so much muscle and the results are amazing - he's much more comfortable.
  15. Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of having a TTA done on a large breed (e.g. rottweiler), or any breed I guess. I know most repairs are TPLOs but I'd like to speak to someone about the recovery process for a TTA if there's anyone out there... Thanks Jo
  16. I'm crap caught on the hoof too so to speak If you aren't happy with the sitter - ring up and get your key back. I'm lucky in that I work 10 minutes from home, so I go home at lunchtime, but occasionally I don't and the dogs are fine. Sometimes my brother will let them out for me - but Rudi doesn't even come downstairs those days - he stays curled up on my bed! I would not have someone walk my dogs but it would be good to have someone just go round to let them out if I couldn't make it back one lunch time. How about asking if, for £10/£15 she'd simply go to your house, let the dogs in the garden for a pee, re-fill their Kongs or whatever and settle them down again. I really do think that your dogs will be fine left on their own for three days a week, they still have you there four days a week. Why not try it for two weeks - if you see changes in their behaviour i.e. destructiveness, stress etc., then re-think having a walker. I think you're worrying yourself far more finding a sitter than your dogs will stress about being on their own. Give them a good long walk in the morning, fill up Kongs with nice stuff and leave them to settle
  17. Glad she was rescued - that could have turned out badly!
  18. **** knows. He has no eyebrows
  19. I hope he can act, I'm not impressed at all at the moment
  20. They are great tips - I'm going to print them off Yeah, I agree completely. I wouldn't tell people in my family as it would be impossible to verbalise anything to them. My mother probably wouldn't roll her eyes, but it would rapidly become how it affected her and my father would do a guilt trip about how worried my mum is about me. I would never have written that about my parents a few years ago, it would have felt (still does and probably is) disloyal but it's true!
  21. Oh my, doesn't look like you're going to get talked to for a while!
  22. for you too. I think having dogs makes a huge difference for me, I don't have children or a partner and I'm not sure I'd bothering getting out of bed some mornings if I didn't need to look after the dogs. I never 'said' that out loud before because it seems a bit melodramatic but being bounced on in the mornings definately helps.
  23. Roxy is gorgeous - well done all for making her safe xx
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