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Everything posted by BilRed

  1. I use only the young leaves for Nettle tea, I would imagine it would be the same for soup. I really wouldn't think stalks would be a good idea taste wise. That's as much as I can tell you.
  2. Your best chance to lure it is with another Parrot if you can find someone in your area that keeps them. Hopefully the RSPCA will be useful for once, they usually respond if they think its something that might get a story in the paper
  3. BilRed


    @ arsenicum Homeopathy is fascinating, I don't understand it at all. I think I will look into finding someone. Whether I can afford it is another matter. I've had the same thing with sitting positions too, I find it very hard to get comfy without one leg tucked under me but have had to learn to sit properly. I'm wondering if you can get addicted to TENS, it's had a lot of use today! OTH I am not in pain and the difference is amazing, it's like I've had a personality transplant. Not sure how much I can do without the pain coming back as yet, it's just so nice not to hurt
  4. Oooooooo (yes that is for the horse PW, don't worry!)(hmmm, maybe its me that should be worried ) Are there different names for the different patterns? crazyspaniels has mentioned leopards? Thank you for the photo Would love that, thank you
  5. Could we have some more spotty horse photos please , they are amazing
  6. What about JOC (I think). She posted a while back about teaching herself to smoke again (on a giving up thread). I felt worried about her.
  7. BilRed


    I'm open to suggestions! Can I ask what the homeopath did? I mean did they give you tablets or exercises etc? I do have a set of exercises that I think will help but in the short term they aggravate it and when I've had a bad day I just can't stand the idea of anymore pain or if it's a relatively good day they are so infrequent that I can't bring myself to turn it into a bad day. Now I hopefully have found a way of getting rid of the pain it will be easier to face up to doing the exercises. I so want to be able to enjoy a walk with my dogs. I've taken them for very short ones but it is so painful it's hard to enjoy it. Thanks for your suggestions
  8. BilRed


    I've also been suffering with chronic nerve pain for months and months and months. I got a TENS machine from Boots today and used it for half an hour and no pain! I don't think this has cured the problem but just knowing I can get some relief from the pain is fantastic! I thought I'd add it to this thread incase someone does a search one day, it might help.
  9. Isn't the morning after pill effectively an abortion? I'm not sure that I can really see the big deal about abortion, women miscarry all the time and at all different stages of pregnancy. You could force a woman to carry to full term and the baby could be still born. Contraception does fail and also some men are extremely manipulative and very good at getting what they want. The pressure on young women and nowadays girls to have sex is immense and it is there whether or not they are old enough/mature enough to handle it. Sex is a very personal thing and many people are not happy about talking about it. Why should a woman have to explain herself and the intimate details of her life to a doctor? Who is that doctor to judge whether her reasons are good enough? If a woman says she wants an abortion I think that should be enough for her to get one. As for the different stages, I don't think women should be shielded from the truth of what they mean but there's nothing to say she won't naturally miscarry a week later anyway. There are too many people for the earth to support as it is, if anything we should be encouraging more women to have abortions, not less.
  10. It is usually a type of cabbage called Pak Choi and yes, it is sprinkled with a little brown sugar
  11. Gorgeous dogs and gorgeous countryside , whereabouts is this? Your very, very lucky if this is your local walk!
  12. As I'm constantly rummaging about in them my drawers are always a mess
  13. He must have never seen a Leopard, Ashera's look nothing like! Apart from the very rough basis of them both being feline I guess.
  14. I appreciate you are a mother defending your son but I don't see the point of your comment about cups of coffee, just because he is your son, drinks coffee and sleeps soundly does not mean he is guaranteed to behave in one way or another. Likewise I feel your remark about dogs is a non sequitur. You are complaining about my assumption and then making the assumption that my feelings are based on nothing more than "a few rowdy individuals". I don't describe any thugs or make any suggestions about them needing to be kept off the streets. I do effectively say that I don't think the uniform should be worn on the street and that is because it gives the impression that they carry an authority that they don't, if only to themselves. Other than that what does this post have to do with anything? I think you are making the very big assumption that I would feel glad that someone I felt was a thug died or was maimed. Why would you think that? Are you imagining that I think the same way as you? Do you feel that been injured in the line of duty excuses all bad behaviour? I agree that it is not necessarily the uniform in itself and thuggish behaviour exists across all professions however I do think that the armed forces seems to give rather more outlet or at times refuge for very unpleasant behaviour. I do believe that these people need to be tough both physically and mentally to face what they do in service at times and I think some are effectively brutalised by the life they lead but that still makes me very wary of them. I would feel more uncomfortable sat in a carriage with someone wearing an army uniform than a hoodie wearing 17 year old, are your feelings 'right' and mine 'wrong'? I don't understand why someone would wear their uniform 'out of hours'. Are they unable to change into civilian clothing before leaving base? If that is the case then I've misunderstood the situation for years and that puts a different light on it all.
  15. I don't think that the military should be allowed to wear their uniform when they are not actively on duty. I wouldn't expect the police or a firefighter to do it and I don't expect it from the army either. I would find it uncomfortable to be around people in military uniform in my ordinary life, we are not under martial law and I don't want to feel as though we are. I have had the experience a couple of times in my life of living near a military base and that has left me with the distinct impression that most of these people are thugs. Allowed to go out and about in groups in uniform they cause nothing but trouble. Having said that I can't see that I would feel motivated to complain or make demands, I would certainly have changed carriage though due to feeling uncomfortable.
  16. BilRed

    Baby Bump

    The first bump looks like a boy to me
  17. Showing my age: Well OK, maybe it is a bit of an in joke
  18. Yes, and they are owned by a saluki cross called Archie AFAIK.
  19. Any news on Xylo? Tia ia such a cutie pie
  20. From what you say I think my own approach would be to take the candle around to the neighbours and ask in an amused way if they have lost a candle, as though you think it's really funny but a little puzzling and see what the reaction is. Teenage kids get up to all sorts of unimaginable daftness and a candle is not the most obvious way to poison an animal so I tend to think that is nothing to worry over. The bones, if they have been thrown over by a person, may just be someone innocently trying to be nice. Obviously unpleasant things do happen and after your experience of that, which must have been heartbreaking, I can understand why you are worried but it is not that common.
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