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nicky H

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Everything posted by nicky H

  1. nicky H


    Mitzi is still overweight, she came to me overweight and we have tried alot to get the weight off her but she has put it on , she has been for a full check up (well lots of check ups) and her health is fine, So we need some ideas to help get the weight off her She LOVES her food, but i have cut her food down alot and no more treats She doesnt do running, only plays now and again so it is hard to get her to excercise well. Would be greatfull for any ideas
  2. Molly went missing from Nuneaton area in Coventry on 10th Feb. Brindle with a white chest and her left back leg has a massive wart. 6 years old. She is SPEYED and is wearing a collar. There is a cash reward for recovery. Please look out for this dog! Contact 02476 384029 MOLLY
  3. how cute is that pic I really should not be up at this stupid hour but Zoo vet is on telly all night and i cant switch off
  4. hermit crab named Herman. An only child, you were raised in a small coastal community. You were quite beautiful, but always a little awkward around your peers. After you failed a public speaking course three years in a row, the town doctors diagnosed you with a social anxiety disorder. Because of your fear of open spaces and social situations, you decided to keep your business indoors, away from the public eye. During your time alone, you discovered your talent for sculpting and decided to dedicate all your time and energy to your art. You specialised in making extraordinary sculptures by using whatever you found around you, so you were very fortunate to live on a beach without a sewage outlet. All the top crab critics say your sculpture gallery is the best in the world, although we think that something fishy is going on.
  5. Try some of these next time you go shopping, i personally think i shall try number 10 1. Get 24 boxes of condoms & randomly put them in people's trolleys when they aren't looking. 2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5 minute intervals. 3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the ladies toilet. 4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone: "Code 3 in Housewares" and see what happens. 5. Go to the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on credit. 6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 7. Set-up a tent in the Camping Department and tell other shoppers you are sleeping over and invite them in if they bring pillows from the Bedding Department. 8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask: "Why can't you people just leave me alone?" 9. Look right into the security camera, use it as a mirror and pick your nose. 10. While handling large knives in the Kitchen Dept, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are located. 11. Dart around the store suspiciously, while loudly humming the theme from Mission Impossible. 12. Hide in a clothing rack . . . and when people browse through, say: "PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!!" 13. When an announcement comes over the loudspeaker, hit the floor and assume the foetal position and scream "NO!...It's those voices again!!!" 14. Go into a fitting room, shut the door and wait a while... then yell loudly: "There's no toilet paper in here!"
  6. Im Nicky, i live in Liverpool, i foster for Home Counties Boxer Welfare, Freshfields Animal Rescue and have fostered for WAW in the past, in my spare time i paint cartoon murals and pet portraits and anything else to stop me dying of boredom while looking for a proper job I currently live with Joey - Boxer Dog Mitzi - Boxer Dog Cassie (foster) - Boxer Dog Skittles - Tabby cat Fiver - black bunny Leo - Lion head bunny Banjo (foster) - Bunny Badger (foster) - Bunny Pumpkin - syrian Hamster a few tetras and a frog in the pond
  7. heres mine, my legs are actually that chunky too
  8. Warts on head and sides. Quite small. 15 years old. Wearing a collar. Reward offered Lost outside chip shop on Wednesday 11 January, 2006 on Scotland Rd, Everton, Liverpool, Merseyside. Please ring 01512930305
  9. As a scouser myself i am very offended by that joke :lol: :lol:
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