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Everything posted by suzeanna

  1. Read back so far..and gave up! so for those feeling ill.....we all told you last time sparkle!! (sorry) and OH says what the hell are you talking about woman? he thinks you are fine as you are, pretty and certainly not fat, and I won't say what else he said as you'll only get big headed and I'll likely cut his bits off
  2. Don't know if it would have the same effect, but when I had a new covering on my house's flat roof and they managed to spill some of the stuff onto my white upvc window ledges, the blokes said wipe them with olive oil and it will come off...and it did, and didn't leave a stain. So try worst you'll soften your skin!
  3. You can't kill her, she already committed suicide. I love that has humour (unusual for American tv) drama and tragedy, and a few reasonable looking guys. My OH isn't that keen on Eva, he says she's pretty, but too skinny by half.
  4. I was misled! I guessed No 5 cos I thought that was the one you'd said you were looking at, but he did pull my heartstrings with his sad face. Welcome home Cuddly Dudley Will he go with you Claire, when you move to wherever?
  5. So sorry to read this...we had been hoping he was getting better
  6. Ah...Meadowhall..... known locally as Meadowhell! I go twice a year and scoot round as fast as possible for things I need. My daughter goes around once a month and takes about four hours, I don't know where she gets the stamina.
  7. So she'll be checking your spelling of grammar then?
  8.'s obvious that it was a keyboard malfunction, and not a spelling error. Therefore you have nothing to be ashamed of, and Sam Squigg can stop sniggering!
  9. Just went upstairs and saw the mess Dylan had made of my nicely made bed in the spare room! do you think he's quite comfortable enough?
  10. No. 3 looks very sad...and the first one is exactly the sort of dog I always wanted when I was a child. I've grown up and developed more sense since then.....
  11. Got halfway down the lawn and the mower died! the grass is already long and by the time we can afford another mower I shall probably be losing Dylan in it
  12. Is your hair long? pull it into a tight pony tail (know as the council house face lift) that should pull some out!
  13. Been feeling very down today, so have been playing Deep Purple and suchlike VERY LOUDLY....I feel better now, but the rest of the street may be deaf.
  14. My Grandma, who eventually died at the age of 95, had heart attacks from her early fifties, each one a bit worse....apparently when she had one in her mid seventies the family were told that this was the end, so everyone gathered round her "deathbed", upon which she opened her eyes, glowered at the family and said you lot can b*gger off, I'm not dead yet! and proceeded to get dont give up hope too easily!
  15. I'm horrified at must have had a very cackhanded person doing it! my OH had one some years back to check for a stomach ulcer. He's the world's worst at swallowing tablets, even cleaning his teeth makes him heave and he was dreading it. He declined the sedative, as they warned it would give a bad headache after, and just had a spray on the back of his throat to numb it. He said although it was uncomfortable, it wasn't nearly as bad as he'd been expecting. Hope you soon recover.
  16. If it was a child from a relationship before we met, and it had no relatives on the mother's side to care for it, yes. From a relationship formed during our time together? not on your life! and he'd be lucky to escape with his manhood intact
  17. Sorry Liz your last remarks gave me a sudden vision of you and Bonnie hotly pursuing squirrels/rabbits (or even haggis) while your OH stood to his manly kilted thighs catching fish in the loch or wherever! It seems that in this world, for one set of people to benefit, another set are suffering...for example, the cheap clothes at Primark and Tesco, Asda etc are great for us, not so great for the girls in India working 80 hour weeks for 5p an hour to produce them. If we import vegetables and fruit and dont buy from our own growers, we are putting them out of business, but if we stopped importing, then other people in other countries would be out of pocket. edited to add: there was an article in one of the Sunday papers by a woman who claimed that the right foods could improve your sex drive. The one thing she said steer clear of at all costs was soya...she said it kills the libido stone dead!
  18. I had a pom who suffered with colitis...she had blood and mucus in her stools, but never threw up. Horrible question, but have you had a good lot at the vomit? worms can make pups sick, how often has he been wormed? Back on the colitis....we gave Lola boiled chicken and rice in small amounts when she had colitis, and it always sorted it, then went back to her normal food gradually and in small amounts. We had a GSD with colitis too, and our vet said feed him on tinned Chappie, the original yucky smelling fishy sort. She said when they had dogs with digestive problems in at the vet hospitals, that was what they always fed them. He was fine with Chappie, but if you tried anything else, his colitis came back, even the complete foods which were meant to be for sensitive stomachs. Hope he soon clears up! (and yes, I do think some vets prescribe special foods just to get more money out of you, but not all of them, and not all the time.)
  19. NO! if the person who was bitten puts in a complaint it will come before magistrates...if the dog has bitten before, they could order muzzling or pts...but the police cant just do that. My daughter's neighbours dog has bitten several people and killed one cat and badly hurt another and the police dont want to know!
  20. We're thinking of you today Claire and Gary safe journey into the Summerlands Lily, you'll have all your young heatlth and strength and be running like the wind sweetheart.
  21. My Dylan is a whippetxgrey (we think, and Claz thought so too) and he sits beautifully..and he can sit on his bot and raise both front paws in a high five without falling over
  22. I'd get him checked..he's your lab isnt he? they are renowned for eating anything whether or not its edible. He could well have something stuck. I know money is maybe tight at the minute, but I really would take him.
  23. He's absolutely gorgeous!
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