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Everything posted by suzeanna

  1. wow...I bet you feel better for having parted company with that Claz! I remember my mum telling me that when she was a student nurse, it always worried them that it was stew for dinner the day after operating could have fed half a ward on that!
  2. " work on the Southampton Gay Scene, where the norm is gay and lesbian couples with kids of varying different ages from previous hetro relationships, these kids are the most well adjusted kids, and are brought up in stable loving homes which is what kids need. It is irrelevant whether whether it is a gay or straight home. Society has changed from what is was ten even twenty years ago - it seems as if you have not. " I know this is straying from the original point of the post, but just thought that I'd comment on this...yes they may be well adjusted in an environment where they are the norm.....but they aren't necessarily accepted where they aren't. I've read in our local paper a couple of times recently of lesbian couples who are having to move because of the hostile reaction of their neighbours, and on a personal level, a colleague of my husband is a transsexual (male to female) living with another woman and her daughter. They have had to take the girl out of school and homeschool her because of the level of bullying, and they are selling their house because of the continual egg throwing and graffiti, not to mention damage to their cars, in the area where they are. So...some of society may have changed..but not all, I'm afraid. The girl in this case, who is thirteen or so I think, is so affected by it they think she will need to see a therapist, and my husband's colleague has been off work for the past five weeks with no sign of coming back yet with stress.
  3. If he is to be held responsible....what about a baby who is adopted...and then the adoptive father leaves the family home. Who does the woman go after for maintenance? her ex...who is not the child's father...or the real father who presumably didn't want it in the first place? I think once you have taken steps to have a child out of the usual parameters, then you and whoever you are intending to bring the child up with, regardless of the sex of your partner, should be solely responsible for that child.
  4. Shouldn't that be a pubic phone?
  5. My son and his wife have just changed their plans for Christmas for the THIRD time. I think I may scream.
  6. My son and his wife have just changed their plans for Christmas for the THIRD time. I think I may scream.
  7. Are the dogs in the first photos all pitbulls? if that's so, I can see how the confusion arises about which dogs are and aren't, because I can think of at least four dogs round here which look identical to those. Maybe they are, and maybe they aren't, but the owners would have an awful lot of trouble if they were ever seized as being "of the type", I imagine. Lets hope yours are settled for the rest of their lives in happy homes
  8. sorry Julie...shouldn't laugh! but it will be easier to clean than the floor......
  9. I know it may be clutching at straws, but years back I had a little papillon who suddenly went blind. The vet did all the tests, and he definitely had no sight. About a week later, I was waving my hand around and noticed his head moving to follow it...took him to the vet again, she checked and said he could see. As she said..he'll be walking on water next! it might...just might...come back again. Wendy and Bumpy
  10. I watched this show a captive audience in the waiting room of a hospital. I couldn't believe the sort of people he had on, I thought they were only the product of Little England scriptwriters imagination...I must have led a sheltered life! I most certainly wouldn't never watch it from choice, and I can't understand either the people who watch, or the people who take part. Must confess I think the willing watchers are probably the sort who would have been watching eagerly as the guillotine came down, or the hangman's rope tightened! I think he must be some sort of a sadist to want to front this type of show.
  11. I'm so pleased Emily has been found..her mum must be over the moon!
  12. Hopefully it wont set her back too badly! When we got Dylan he was very reactive to other dogs, out of fear as he'd been beaten up in the rescue where he was previously (by dogs, I hasten to add, not a person!). Last year a Japanese Akita came flying out of the gateway of its house and flattened him, he was bitten on his tummy but thankfully only bruised, not a penetrating bite. We thought it would really set him back but apart from insisting on walking on the other side of the road when we pass that house, he's been ok. I hope Jess will be fine, after a bit of initial wariness
  13. It'll be two years this Saturday since I lost my little pom Kelly..and three weeks after that her half sister Misty. I cant believe where the time has gone and I still miss them so much. Probably explains why I'm feeling broody and want to dognap every pup I see!
  14. Is Claz still having her op soon? if so, someone wish her good luck from me!
  15. The silly thing is some of the "hybrid" breeds are really just reinforcing a breed thats there already. A lhasa x shih tzu for example...shih tzus were made by breeding lhasas and pekes, so you are just strengthening the lhasa traits! same as dobes x rotties...dobes were bred by mixing rotties and other breeds in the first place. I know a friend in Canada has a small hybrid dog..cant remember what exactly..and she paid a fortune for her.
  16. I hope she is soon found..but as for the size, most members of the public know there are big poodles (standards) and little poodles. Toy or miniature wouldn't really mean that much I wouldn't think. Lets hope the poor girl is safe.
  17. Its not fair..I want another dog and I can't have one! why can't I be rich????
  18. I haven't knitted anything for around 35 years..but I got a very basic knitting pattern for a dog coat, looked up an online knitting training site (yes, I even had forgotten how to cast on and knit and purl..not to mention make buttonholes and cast off!) and so far I've made two and am on my third. If I can do can do it!
  19. I'm sitting here with some seriously loud music on to drown out the fireworks...Dylan is giving me pained looks (dont think he likes Oxygene 13) and I'm getting a headache! OH has gone to his tai chi class to enjoy the peace and quiet You can buy them online though.....
  20. The laws about fireworks now are you can't have them after 11pm...except on November 5th and New Years Eve when its midnight. If everyone knows who did the barstewards.
  21. easy it topless. If anyone says anything...drawl " but we always do this in St.Trop dahling..."......
  22. I think you should be counter complaining about EGAR besmirching your reputation...anyone can see that is the sweetest, prettiest most innocent puppy ever, and you were being so generous to let Sarah have it..and she throws your kindness back in your face like this!
  23. Thanks..but by trial, error and a lot of swearing I think I've sorted out what I couldn't do..if you see what I mean. Until I try to find buttons to go through the very small buttonholes, that is!
  24. What the heck is the point of Midland Mainline having a website that tells you if you have booked tickets for the days they are striking, you can travel on another day without extra charge...then you call the call centre (in Mumbai!!) and they totally contradict it and say they don't know what website you are looking at??
  25. Have I made the first page??? I need an experienced knitter to help me please.....
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