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Everything posted by Lizzie

  1. I feel awful! Try as hard as I can, I can't put into words how dreadful it is to lose an animal friend. Rumpole has lost Turbo and I can't put a reply on the thread because I don't know how to word it, it's happened to so many recently and I just can't do it. It's not because I don't care, it's because it hurts and I end up in tears for them.
  2. Good news for Spud, big sigh of relief. Come on Rosberg! Would love to see him get pole position at Monaco.
  3. Just returned from visiting Flynn in his new home, he's settled so well. He didn't make a fuss when I arrived, virtually ignored me and cuddled his new mum, that has made me very and . I am pleased it has ended so well and he's happy at last.
  4. Thank you Know I can rely on advice here, off to look at sewing machines now. How are the brakes on the Toyota?
  5. As always this is where I find Fugees come into their own with advice about buying stuff. I need a new sewing machine, my last one has finally bit the dust. It was a few years old to say the least. Now I need advice about the best buys, just an ordinary sewing machine for soft furnishings (doggy bedding ). Don't suggest an all singing all dancing makes the tea type machine, because I just won't need all the doo dah's on it, not only that I'm not brill with techy stuff. Any recommendations please?
  6. What wonderful news! Welcome home Talyn.
  7. I'm amazed at how many have found the election interesting, even my son! Never known such debate in our local, or in the supermarket. Everyone seems to have been caught up in "political fervour" or should that be fever?
  8. Happy (belated) Birthday Sorry its late, missed by just over an hour.
  9. What a bloody fiasco! People turned away from polling stations, lack of ballot papers, what the hell happened???? Each constituency has a returning officer who is responsible for organising polling stations, staffing levels and sufficient ballot papers. Even if its a low turnout they should have the resources in place to deal with a sudden influx of voters. I'm concerned in marginal seats that a true result will not be registered. Has our democratic process been compromised?
  10. I am losing trust in our police force rapidly, it was bad enough when we were burgled, but just lately I am not over fond of the deal with it yourself attitude that seems to be prevalent. (Unless you drop litter or minor motoring offences.) Surely its in the police remitt to recover stolen property and return to the rightful owner? Or have the rules changed without anyone telling us?
  11. A happy ending, I needed something cheery this morning. Thank you owl, just lovely.
  12. If the conservatives get in, will we have massive public spending cuts and tax increases? I'm looking at the situation in Greece, is it possible we could have civil unrest here due to the economic problems. Would we want the EU to bail us out imposing huge conditions attached to possible loans? Thanks to massive debts incurred during WW2, which we are still paying back to America and the underhand way they sold sub primes to our banks, we are still in hock to the good old USA. The recession started there and spread, look how they handled it, offloaded loads of rubbish onto other economies instead of sorting out their problems they caused one of the biggest economic downturns in history. And I'm still undecided how to vote, but it won't be Tory.
  13. It's been a horrid couple of days for so many. Sending for sad fugees. It was 2 years ago I said goodbye to Danny, followed by Ria 4 weeks later, its still a bit raw. Flynn is staying with his new family, just sorting out all the paperwork. I'm still a bit teary and missing him, but I know it was in his best interests.
  14. Sleep well Merlin, lovely boy.
  15. Gentle for Sir H, sleep well. Wendy I'm so sorry, you gave him a wonderful few years. Thinking of you.
  16. Interesting that no-one has commented yet on Gordies "Bigot" gaffe. I for one think that Cameron & Clegg are thinking "there but for the grace of God go I". How many of us in the privacy of our own home have voiced an opinion on someone? It could have been far worse, more vitriolic and with many swear words involved, no doubt loads of politicians have been on the recieving end and have erupted after a confrontation, but without a microphone involved. I have noticed there seems to be a little less mudslinging in this election.
  17. Thanks Becky, could you pm me rather than e-mail? I'm having a couple of little glitches with the e-mail service.
  18. Yes its me Michelle, just waiting for Becky to call.
  19. I posted a cheque saturday, I hope it has arrived OK.
  20. Lizzie

    April Rmf

    Alongside a bottle of vodka? Yep, know how it feels, but its not the answer. Come on sweetie, don't beat up on yourself, get some help. Talk to someone please! Anyone, Fugees are here, anyone of us will listen and offer support. I had 12 months of it and got professional councelling, wonder of wonders I came through the black days. Please, just talk to someone, it makes a hell of a difference.
  21. Lizzie

    April Rmf

    Just had a lovely phone call from a very dear friend, she and her fiance have sponsored a dog in my name at the Dogs Trust.
  22. Many thanks for all your advice Silly little beggar was chasing bumble bees and assorted other insects, can't find a sting on him. Gave him a piriton and just under an hour later he was back to normal. Bouncy and inquisitive, into much mischief as usual.
  23. Nico has come out in little bumps all over his head, I think it could be a bee sting. Is it OK to give a human piriton tablet, just to get some anti histamine into his system? Last time I saw this was on our 1st pointer many years ago and I can't remember what the vet said.
  24. Interesting reading! I too will never vote Conservative, the harm caused to communities will remain for a hell of a long time. They also caused the "I'm alright jack" mentality thats endemic now. As for the current economic crisis, caused by greed in the banking community, its going to take years to get out of this, Gordon Brown stepped in while the American government sat back and hummed and harred. He at least has admitted he made some mistakes dealing with it, but has the integrity to hold his hands up and say so. Sorry folks, I don't trust David Cameron too slick for my liking and never really answers any important questions, I've watched recent interviews and each time I haven't heard any thing I can warm to. Nick Clegg seems a decent sort of bloke, but recent dealings with Lib Dem candidates have left me wondering what the hell back up does he have? UKIP & BNP, I should cocoa! Green Party, I'm worried to death how much more tax the average taxpayer will have to fork out. I'm going to have to sleep on the question of how I will vote, but one thing for sure I will vote, otherwise I don't believe I would have the right to complain about anything any govenment implement. Too many people gave up their liberty to get us the right to vote, so please use yours.
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