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Everything posted by Abby

  1. Abby

    August Rmf

    THe muscles around my right shoulde rblade hurt wuite a lot when I breathe in more than moderately, and ache constantly. I did have a mild sprain/pull/something there 2 or 3 weeks back which seemed to have healed okay, but after sorting out lots of boxes in the spare room today it is worse than ever Either that or its sympathy pains to match Dylan's hurty right shoulder I think we'll both be on the homeopathy stuff, but unfortunately I can't prescribe myself complete bed rest (doG that would be grand ) so I'm just going to sulk instead.
  2. Abby

    August Rmf

    [quote name='Yantan' date='12 August 2009 - 02:31 PM' It's crawling with tourists here - they are EVERYWHERE. I couldn't get petrol this morning because of the long queues and poor Ruby can't get parked when she comes home from work. I wish they would let us have a "residents only" parking scheme. You have my sympathy We are deep in the throes of our tourist season and although of course I am delighted by the extra business, I do wish the Coop would remember that there are oodles of extra customers and restock the shelves a bit more often Hadn't thought of that - interesting. I will look into it, thank you wise owly one I need to go open up the pub now. And finish the fish pie. I have cut most of one side of the hair on Clive's back but he refused to roll over to let me do the other side so now he looks really really silly.
  3. Abby

    August Rmf

    We bought our rings last week. Mine is being resized but will be ready end of next week. I have just ordered Dylan some Ruta Grav to help with his injury. I am now going to make some fortifying coffee and dive into spare room no.2 to begin the giant sorting and tidying up process.
  4. Abby

    August Rmf

    That is really sad Mags Poor girl. Glad you like your wedding invites, do you have a lot more organising to do or is it pretty much done now? I tried on my dress the other day and was dismayed to find I seem to have lost more weight (why is it always from where you don't want to lose it - ie my boobs and ribcage where there's hardly anything anyway ) and it's a bit loose now. May have to find an emergency dressmaker to alter it
  5. Abby

    August Rmf

    Dylan is very unhappy. We finally took him to the vet this morning about his leg injury and the vet thinks it is a shoulder ligament problem, rather than the wrist. He is back on strict rest for at least ten days and then lead only walks for a while longer to see how it goes. No more handbrake turns while chasing toys Mr D please Because the shoulder was manipulated alot he is now hobbling worse plus he's so scared of the vets Also had to take Clive in for a lump on his mouth but apparently that is just a pyoderma ezcema thing that will go down with some cream. A BIG relief. After that start to the day we are now chilling and then I must go turn our two junk rooms into servicable spare rooms. Only 2 weeks and 1 day until the wedding
  6. Sending lots of healing thoughts for lovely Milly
  7. Very sorry to hear about Merlin and Ellie. Sending lots of for you all
  8. Well done, you did exactly the right thing. I'm actually planning to sort out some leaflets to keep in the car so I can have them to hand to give to people or leave under windscreen wipers. I'm bored of writing little notes every time along the lines of 'Your dogs look very hot and are panting very hard....etc'. I asked the staff at a garden centre the other day to keep an eye on a full coated alsatian that was in a car in the car park and to their credit they went and checked it immediately so they knew which one it was.
  9. Abby

    August Rmf

    Morning I have managed to move from the bed to the sofa, but I'm still lying down Big for Milly and you Alex, and lots of healing thoughts being sent to her. Tis day off today, but its grey and wet. I'm not too bothered actually, though I'd like to do some garden tidying, there's plenty of lounging to do. We've been super busy and are knackered. Again.
  10. Abby

    August Rmf

    Why am I here again? I have too much to do to be fiddling online. My emoticons don't work.
  11. I'm so sorry for you loss Cher
  12. Abby

    August Rmf

    It's been an odd few days here. Satuday night we had a couple of blokes in the pub from the campsite down the road. They were a bit wierd, one especially so, but you often get 'alternative types' round here so nithing unusual. Monday morning, one of them - Oliver - walked into the river from the campsite and wasn't seen again. His body was eventually found in the river on Wednesday. Apparently he was bipolar and had taken himself off his medication. Don't know much more than that. The other guy, Russell, who was his aquaintance I think rather than a friend, but had brough thim here in his car, is not coping well. He's spent the last few nights here in the pub, not drinking a great deal, but just recounting over and over what has happened. Last night Russell was particularly bad and Kev had to tell him to go back to the campsite and get some sleep, rather than finish his last pint. He wasn't happy about it and wanted to be taken home, but Kev can't drive and wasn't prepared to get me to take him (I'd have been very uncomfortable being alone with him as he definitely not stable). It's only a mile down the lane and it was a moonlit night. It's going to be difficult if he comes back tonight as although he's been through a horrible experience, I think he is the type to take advantage of those around him. Everyone in the pub was massively uncomfortable with him and he got a bit agressive, particularly with one woman. We needed to avoid a confrontation between Russell and this woman's boyfriend. What can you do? We give support as much as possible, and we are widely considered to be very community minded publicans, but we are not a social service and there is something about this man that we think is not just about the shock of events. We'll see how it goes tonight. Unfortunately he has decided to stay down here on the campsite indefinitely. Rest in Peace Oliver, I hope you are happier now where you are.
  13. Thank you. I am having a nice day, with a walk on the beach and a surprise visit from my mum and dad who brought a present and a cake Sadly I now have to go work now but I'm sure I can manage with the goal of a leetle glass of wine at the end of service
  14. okey dokey, as soon as I finish in the kitchen today I will put down some receipes. Yantan - when we moved here and had to blitz the place as it was filthy we used loads of products I'd never had in the house before. Within a day of being here, Clive had a very bad cough and the vet was sure it was because of the cleaning products, especially floor polishes I threw those ones away immediately.
  15. Being currently washed up on the sofa with lots of aching muscles due to spending my so-called 'day-off' degreasing the pub kitchen I decided to finally get around to posting about my new cleaning habits. Yes, calm down, I know it's very exciting and just the thread you have been waiting for We've been in the pub for about 20 months now and I have been increasingly uncomfortable with the levels of cleaning products necessary to 'do the job properly'. So I started looking into alternatives to all those lovely products that include things like petro-chemicals and silly not needed chemical 'fragrances' that make my skin, nose and throat hurt and kill the planet while they're at it. It's a tough ask here because I cook a lot, have a lot of equipment to keep clean, have exacting regulations to keep to and use delightful stuff like deep fat fryers but... With the exception of a commercial anti-bacterial spray which Environmental Health want me to have, and dishwasher / washing machine stuff (next on my list to sort out) I have reduced my cleaning products to the following natural items: Distilled Malt Vinegar Borax Bicarbonate of Soda Soda Crystals (washing soda) Dr Bronner's Castille Soap (deserves a thread all of it's own) Various essential oils water much less elbow grease than you would expect With these I make everything I need, including: washing up liquid degreaser sanitiser floor & surface cleaner bathroom cleaner oven cleaner Now I've been doing it a little while it is much easier to whip up squirty bottle of whatever it is I need without always refering to my little recipe book or the net. Plus, for a girl who has a severe aversion to cleaning, I find it scarily satisfying! I will never go back to chemical cleaners, I just don't see why they are needed. And the best bit is...especially for anything remotely greasy...this way is EASIER. Vinegar is miraculous. Scrubbing out the deep fat fryer is easy peasy these days, in fact there's very little scrubbing involved because the metal seems to keep cleaner since I started using vinegar. Ermmm.. that's it really Just wanted to share the love a bit... Recipes on request is not a problem at all.
  16. Abby

    August Rmf

    Evening I have just spent loads of money on pants
  17. Abby


    Cherry what a shocking exposure I do love your hounds Marge
  18. How much you love your son Maria I am so pleased you felt the service was a celebration of Matthew's life. Thank you so much for sharing.
  19. we have a howling basset hound in the pub I think I need to hand round the ear muffs....
  20. Well, that's lovely for the charities involved but a tad too much competition for my liking Yet again I am sat on my booty being knackered when the kitchen is calling out for me to go WORK. Rhubarb and Strawberry crumble, here I come.....
  21. I have bought tickets for the little Fiat car via Oldlies Club. Someone stayed in the chapel next door to us recently and had one and it was so cute and dinky I really want to win it. How I think we shall fit two dogs and a cellar full of booze from Bookers in it I have no idea, but it was cute, so who cares? But then, I never win these things anyway so I will try not to pin my hopes on it...
  22. Sadly not I checked the passport site and it is definitely £72. Plus you only get 9months of your remaining passport time carred over, so I lose at least 2 years. Hey ho. We are having bacon butties and coffee soon
  23. I want to book holiday and flights for January now, but my passport is still in my name as not married yet and haven't had time to do it already. Guess that means I'll have to put off changing my name until after we get back from holibobs £72 for name change!! Yuck. Probably won't go away again for years... Morning, btw
  24. Evening I have just emailed the hotel that we hope to stay in for our holiday honeymoony thingy Lots of fingers crossed please that they will have the room available please Cute foal
  25. Halloo I yam at rest and it is lovely Anyone been to Marrakesh recently? We are pondering our January holiday / honeymoon and I quite fancy it. I have a very sleepy spaniel by my side who I have woken up by sneezing. He is sleepily outraged
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