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  1. it's a long shot but I know there's lots of people here with huge experiences and a wide range of expertese in various fields, does anyone have any experience or knowledge of stuff like behavioural issues related let's say to disability,in the sense of a physical disability or addiction to painkillers or anger management problems or similar? If so (if you would be so kind and you have the time obviously!) could you pm me? Have done a massive post but don't feel able to share the whole thing and don't know who to talk to but feel I need to talk to someone! Thanks a million
  2. Hope you've got this sorted by now, my son works for specsavers and said his branch would absolutely change them for you under their no quibble guarantee so your branch should as well.
  3. Am very proud of my son who did the London to Brighton bike ride yesterday well done Chris
  4. All so beautiful We have the gorgeous Brian who is 8 this year, who actually likes me and likes sweetcorn and peas and Prince Eugene master of the universe, handreared by Mrs Ook, the most spoiled and indulged cat in the world, by his other devoted human slave, and who has no time for me or anyone else at all unless I am opening a can of tuna in which case he tolerates me.
  5. it has all got too much for Harry and he's obviously had enough so he will be leaving us in about an hour
  6. thanks for ALL the thoughts for Harry I finally heard from the vet, the tests show that H is anaemic and that there's basically something going on with his liver, no mention of kidneys though. So it boils down to a possible liver scan (?) which the PDSA who are helping us may or may not pay for but even if they did there's no guarantee it could be treatable or that they will definately even be able to see what is wrong, the line was so bad I could hardly hear what the guy was saying hence the ?, or a course of steroids just to see what happens. Given that no one knows how old Harry is and I think he could be pretty old I am not sure what to do so going to have a think and speak to them again tomorrow. He's the same in himself, constant constant drinking when he is awake but thankfully he's had some rest today, he's also ravenously hungry which is not very like him he's never been very food oriented. Thanks everyone again very very much helps knowing you are all here and that people understand Jo x and Harry xx
  7. no of course I don't mind, quite the opposite, thanks Ange and thanks everyone for all the good thoughts, he's just this minute settled down to sleep after hours being very unsettled, confused and horrible (for him) uncontrollable drinking and peeing, we get the blood test results tomorrow. I hope he can get some rest for a while at least. Harry
  8. loads and loads of black squirrels here in Stevenage .
  9. definately agree, my dog Harry is, going by looks, part Cairn, he's old now but being a terrier is still a very opinionated person!
  10. Only just seen this thread ! Congratulations Barbara xx
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