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Everything posted by dawnhughes

  1. think you'll find i'll be first in line for the icecream van Ellie's Lottie and my 2 are gonna be soaking wet and covered in sand from our beach walk so cant see them winning any awards :lol:
  2. My thoughts are with you all during this terrible time Run free Nancy
  3. dawnhughes


    fantastic photo! How can you be mad at that face tho
  4. Fantastic! He looks so happy and like he is througarly enjoying himself
  5. thankgod you took her when you did. Poor poor girl. Glad that she now will never have to go through any neglect agin to you all for rescuing her x
  6. Great Cheryl Ellie and I are going to Leasowe beach Sunday morning before the show to give the dogs a good run. If anyone else fancys it give us a shout! Also 2pm by the deed not breed stand sounds good!
  7. I hadnt realised grapes were so posionous for dogs :yikes:
  8. What a lot of lovely doggies Looks like a good day was had by all
  9. What a stunning looking dog Happy gotcha day Diesel!
  10. hee hee it was brought for my sister a few years back but my dogs have now adopted it and are straight on it as soon as they go in the garden When she was a pup Codie learnt immediately how to climb the ladder to follow big sis Skye
  11. FANTASTIC news. Hoping it continues...
  12. Sure can Ellie I am making a 'doggie' day of it and setting out early for walkies before. Havent decided where yet. Can make Leasowe before or after the show which ever suits you? Arrowe park itself is HUGE so when we get bored of the show we can go for a wander. Are we refugees arranging to meet or just going to 'bump' in to each other there? In which case post piccies of your doggies so we know who to look out for.. Us (Skye & Codie)
  13. Oh wow! What a stunningplace to walk and FANTASTIC photos. The colours are amazing. Now heres a walk I would LOVE to go on but prob a LONG way from me
  14. Made up Mal is feeling better He looks such a sweetheart
  15. Well as the weather was so nice my sister and I took my girls for an afternoon at the beach.. After the morning walk they did a bit of trampolining to burn off their breakfasts ;D Then we hit the beach... Skyes fave game.... Kill Codie Sandy Skye Sandy Codie Do you think they had fun? Also I finally go round to making a video for my girlies second gotcha year ;D It took forever to make but I am made up with the outcome Dawn x
  16. That would be me with the antisocial dog that used to go to Chris' training She has mellowed out now tho Will look forward to it Kazz! Mandy looks like a sweetheart Wonder if Codie will remember Korky & Max Hopefully the weather will be better this year
  17. What a lovely day it looks like you had. Great photos
  18. I used to go to the Tuesday class! Sounded like a good night! Well done Katie
  19. congratulations Mandy is lovely and I can see why you were smitten
  20. Thats a shame Kazz Would have loved you to see Codie again all grown up! Will have to find a way to meet in the future I will be there on the 2nd with my 2 doggies! I go every year and can't wait!
  21. Ahh she looks lovely Sure you will work your magic once again
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