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Everything posted by gremlin22

  1. it's been quoted on other forums,as blackmagic says that this dog has good hip the hell do they work then? some people on other forums are claiming the footage doesn't show the true dog and it's very healthy and has a beutiful gait but can tv really make that big a difference?something seems very very wrong..
  2. it made me cry to see that! that poor poor dog, and the poor poor puppies that will be bred from him and his shocking back end. completly sickening, if the KC gave a toss they would be striking off judges who choose these bad examples, tackling the breeders and breed clubs and changing vets for next year. Did anyone watch the slow motion gsd clip also from crufts? there was one, only young dragging it's back did that get to crufts? I was invited to go down this year just to watch with friends, i'm very glad i didn't go. Do dogs not have to be hip scored to be shown? if not why not..if they will not allow a castrated dog to be shown then they could at least make sure the dogs that are shown are the best they can rules should affect every dog shown, they should all have to be vet checked by a half decent vet, and fully health tested before being allowed in the ring absolutley sickening, will be a real blow for all the decent breeders who do all their health testing and try to do the best for the breed.i wonder if it would cause pet insurance for gsd's to rise since a obviously unhealthy dog is allegedly best in breed.
  3. gremlin22

    Meet Dog

    also think he looks like an enzo..gorgeous boy
  4. hi, i did a home visit yesterday afternoon in east ardsley, wf3. please let me know if the report didn't come through on the e-mail as i know the people were very keen to get the dog home this weekend if you felt they were suitable, i emailed it accross last night. If you havn't got it please call me, 07900 895265. won't be online later tonight so call/text me if it hasn't come through and i will log on and send it again.
  5. cannot say out loud what i hope they do to this sh**bag! some people deserve nothing but pain..f**n t**ts poor poor dog.
  6. crossing everything for this poor boy. it's been so so long now
  7. DRAUGHT DRINKS you are a cat, not some pesky dog, you deserve the finest of everything. Do not settle for water from a bowl unless it is changed every time you want a drink. Even then wherever possible, stand in the bathroom sink and howl like a banshee until your human turns on the tap so you can drink draught style.
  8. mitchell! *picks jaw off floor

  9. just to clarify, was the teacher going to make the kids watch the slaughter itself or just the lamb being sent away and coming back as pre packed meat? i would have thought if they were actually going to see the slaughter parental consent would have to be sought.i mean if you can't teach a kid sex ed without permission watching an animal slaughtered goes beyond that. that said i totally agree with billy malc. However I am a meat eater and a total hypocrite. I used to childmind for someone who owned the hunt pack in our local areas ( don't get me started on that , no i don't agree with it and i was 16 and doing school holiday cover). he used to collect all the still borns (calves) and skin/butcher them in his shed to feed to the pack. That whilst creeping me out a little was at least a natural death for the calves,but he used to let his kid ( 2 yr old) watch him skinning the animals whilst they were hung from the ceiling,i'm sorry but I just don't see how exposing such a young child to that on a regular basis won't make the kid have a slightly skewed view of was messy and dirty not butcher shop clean, and the dogs obviously would go nuts when they were fed it. back to the hypocrite thing tho, someone has put in planning permission to build an abbotoir behind the kennels i work at. It is a large kennels ( 115dogs 85 cats), with hydro, training and a vets on site as well as a rescue. Aside from sending the animals nuts, if that moves in I will go veggie. we are trying to stop it. i don't think the teacher should have been made to quit her job especially since the student council and governers agreed
  10. can i nick holly? she's bootiful all so cute!
  11. aww she's beautifull! well done for taking her in. fingers crossed for tomorrow
  12. sorry to go against what a trainer says but if denzel is ok in your home, but not in a class, then the class is too much for him. it's one thing to be scared of spiders and see one run across the floor but if you're shut in a room with ten of them you're gonna be a lot more distressed. I would have thought he would be better off socialised in more gradual steps, find another dog for the pair of you to walk with, calm well socialised one obviously, and then build it up, go for walks in places where there are more dogs but they are on lead so it's more controlled, there's a local nature reserve type place near me where all dogs have to be on leads but it's a beutiful place to walk and there's a lot of walkers. It's unfair on the other dogs in the class and denzel to use what is supposed to be a bronze citizen training class as a socialisation class. denzel does not sound like a bad dog at all, he sounds very much like my dog when i got her ( she was 6 yrs old) she would gob off at dogs that she took a dislike to, particularly if they were noisy with her, but after a lot of work socialising her (walks first, then a purley socialising class, then normal training classes) she is much better and now does agility off lead alongside other dogs. There's still the odd dog she will have a bark at but she settles down much quicker now.She was six and a half years old when she started agility so older dogs can learn just as well, like all dogs they just need motivation. i think one to one would help your friends dog, not long term but at least a one off so the behaviourist can give your friend some tools to help her with denzel, it's amazing how much dogs do pick up on from their owners. clickers as others have said are great, but you need to start teaching tess around the house first where she wont get distracted. also most dogs have a position they prefer to stay in, as someone else said there's does better in "down" mine does better in "sit" so just see which tess prefers. as i've said before tho i'm not a trainer i'm just going off what i've done with my dog and stuff i've picked up from other people. if you're both concerned about the test can you not defer and re take the test when you're ready? i know the training centre near me allows that so you have time to go away and work on areas that need it but you don't have to sit the test straight away if you don't feel ready, maybe you and your friend could work together and return to the class two weeks before the next test after this one? ( did that make any sense? sorry ) anyways good luck, fingers crossed for all 4 of you
  13. ahahahahaha for the carpark, good on you as for the selfish git with the dog..well i think that says what i think
  14. ps i'm not a trainer or owt so i might be talking rubbish. with the jumping up tho maybe try turn away when she does it and ignore her, then as you turn back around ask her to sit and reward when she does. might not be right tho.
  15. not been funny and nothing against your mates dog but dogs with aggression issues shouldn't be in the bronze award class i wouldn't have thought. They certainly can't pass if they display any of that, i know cos there's no way my dog could pass purley on that element and she's not that bad with dogs anymore. It's a bit unfair of the trainer to have other dogs like that in the class it will be making your dog more nervous and insecure if she is worried by some of the other dogs. All you can do is practice the stay at home until she can do it and then build it up in the class gradually. I know it's a bit difficult but everyone in the class deserves the same attention. not much help sorry good luck tho
  16. slightly less serious but still on animal communication, i had a communication done by someone over the phone on my dog, they had a photo of her. They said some fairly accurate things but i was still skeptical how much was just coincidence..but..and i kid you not, the second she got off the phone to me i turned around to see my female normally quiet around the house 7 yr old neutered dog humping her bed! she'd never ever done that before that i know of and it was the instant the communicator hung up the phone..i don't think that was coincidence..not sure quite what it says but i think she was trying to get the communicator out of her head..
  17. yeah mount pleasant does not have photo's and i doubt they'd have time to take them themselves. The rotherham site as someone said is just the dogs already taken out of the stray kennels.There are SOO many dogs there at the moment.
  18. i know every stray kennels is full, but mount pleasant kennels,on doncaster road in hampole. DN6 are overun with dogs at the minute as they are currently the only stray kennels in the area accepting new dogs.i was round there at half two today and they'd already had 16 dogs in that day. They are asking if there are any rescues with a space to please help them rehome some dogs to please get in touch as they are already doubling up dogs, and they aren't rehoming anywhere near as many as are coming in. if you can help please call them 01302 722 748 please feel free to shift this to wherever it's best posted.
  19. my fella has the same problem with victoria..i think it's the tight trousers..
  20. i think i saw that episode..i don't remember seeing any mention of a shock collar just the part where he was shoving the cat in a crate into the dogs face.. That was bad enough in itself for dog and cat,seeing the dog try everything to hide though after the shock, poor thing. Am suprised owner didn't get bitten, it looked like she might.
  21. idiot! have posted and it's been published
  22. Poor poor dogs..and what is he doing in that top photo next to the dog covered in towels..he looks like he couldn't care less and is just lying down for a rest!
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