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Everything posted by cycas

  1. Catch my real cats sitting in the snow! They heartily disapprove of it, even the Hairy Bears and you would think the HB's were built for it....
  2. I'm arbitrarily extending the deadline on this till Chirstmas on the offchance someone else has the time to enter! I have justgivinged... In the meanwhile, I give you the Six Blobby Snow Cats of Chilsworthy (and their admiring audience). And also : The Tree of irredeemably tangled light. We looked at these lights and decided that disintangleing them was a task beyond any human wit. So we shoved them into a strange wire thing that my Mother in law gave us once. And behold! The Tree of Irredeemably Tangled Light was born!
  3. well a few, but they have like one cat each - I'm really only a bit worried because I have six. Six cats eat a lot! We do have a fair few tins though, so I don't think they will starve.
  4. About 3 inches last night in SE Cornwall, but my neighbour somehow got his Ford Focus out. I think it must have hoverpads... It's all melting at the mo, but quite slowly and going to ice, so how he's going to get back in again tonight I have no idea. There's a severe weather warning out for the whole area so we are going nowhere.
  5. Alas, I don't. Who would have thought a sled would be such a handy accessory in rural Cornwall! ooh thinking on though, I do have a bodyboard (like a little surfboard you lie down on)...
  6. Hmm. I can't think of anyone that I know who lives closer than Callington AND on a main road. There is only one main road anywhere near us, and even that is a good 40+ mins walk each way (we did it today to buy some looroll and in the snow it was close to 2 hours!). I don't think the garage where we bought looroll would be up for being a delivery point. However, I *could* try ringing the Callington pet shop and seeing if I can talk them into bringing the pet food to the nearest point on the main road : I spend loads there so I think they might do it.... It would still be a long walk with a heavy bag, but not *quite* so bad!
  7. We have more snow on the way, can't get out of the village (steep icy roads) and are running out of dry cat food. We have lots of wet, but if this keeps up I am going to have to walk to Callington and buy some more. It's 8 miles there and back, I may die of exhaustion.... That is one very cute pony-guineapig... I hope the teeny tinies pull through, glad they at least have plenty to eat and shelter now.
  8. Exactly, i can be efficient and enter it three times for the price of one! Though actually, I have also decked my music stand with lights today, and I'm thinking that may be a worthwhile entry too...
  9. Buddha looks like he's wearing a poodle costume to me! This Christmas skin is REALLY festive. It's like they kept doing bits, and 'no, not festive enough! Add more Christmas!'
  10. Youve got it worse than us then - I'm just over the Tamar and we've only had two inches tops. But the roads are so steep and shaded that it doesn't need much snow for them to become like skating rinks. We tried to push a car over the edge of oine road up onto the main road, but although it was only about 10 feet away, we couldn't get any purchase to push it. And the wheels seem to get all clogged with compacted snow.
  11. Mark was in Plymouth last night and has just had a hair raising journey home - parked in Gunnislake and walked from there cos the roads are impassible in anything other than 4WD. But hurray! He came via Tavistock, and bought Cheese! No way we are getting out of the village again till the roads are clearer, it's phenomenally slippy.
  12. Brrrrr that looks chilly. Short legs definitely a disadvantage in this situation...
  13. I am thinking I may try and make something out of snow since so much of it has been provided!
  14. That's one surprised and chilly-looking plant! We have about an inch and a half this morning. It was Mark's office Christmas party last night and he decided to stop over afterwards : I hope he can get back in along the lane. It gets so slippery here!
  15. Make plans about exactly what you will do when people start contacting you about deaf/blind dogs in urgent situations, and stick to them firmly. Otherwise you may find that you have accidentally set up a rescue... Also, make everyone put details on by filling in a form. Store the results of the form in a database. Don't let them send freeform emails, and above all, don't give them a telephone number!
  16. I also wondered if it could be the Advocate. I have one cat that definitely does react to Frontline, even though vets hate that idea, when you put the frontline on and the cat immediately gets a mad fit of scratching at the area and ends up with a front-line-blob shaped bald patch, it seems unlikely to be anything else. Mind you, I was sort of lucky with him - he did actually get fleas, and when he has the fleas, he didnt' have the skin reaction! But obviously not something you really want to test with a cat that could react very severely. My Frontline intolerant guy can tolerate Advocate. Good luck. It's horrible to see them scratching and not be able to help.
  17. She really is the classic ballmad collie isn't she - keeps on fetching till her legs fall off! How is she settling in now?
  18. Sorry to hear about Gracie and Fudge. I have an oldie visitor called Bob. Bob the lurcher!
  19. Hope it goes well. Sounds like they need a wakeup call, let's hope that it doesn't actually need you to resign for you to give them one.
  20. There were people on Radio 4 going on about delivery problems today. Here in Cornwall we have no delivery problems at all, but I do hope all your parcels make it through in time!
  21. I'm afraid she bought the puppy after all I hate it when people pretend to change their minds but don't really!
  22. ... just had another one, and I'm not even on rehoming today, supposed to be doing my day job!
  23. Oldies is swarming. I think the latest figure was 42 in foster and I can't even remember if that includes the last two 'really must be the last ones' urgents with nowhere to go... It is scary.
  24. He is 10, according to the previous owner. Pulls a bit on the lead but so totally laid back that I can believe he is an older lad.
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