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Everything posted by Kathyw

  1. Like an address book but with just phone numbers. I have about four address books and no matter how I try I never seem to get all my number in one book and all of the books are in varying states of falling apart. I have tried to do one on a spreadsheet but it doesn't work. Thank you
  2. Allows them to die in their homes or another palce of their choice - something their victims did not have. They should rot in jail. Allows them to die in their homes or another palce of their choice - something their victims did not have. They should rot in jail.
  3. But was he was not blown up along with a few hundred others. Also they could not have known in advance what resistance if any, they were going to come across and therefore did not know in advance for sure they were going to hurt anyone, whereas the bombers did - that was their purpose. They knew blowing up a plane meant no survivors. To me there is a very, very big difference in the two crimes.
  4. Seems a general malaise on the part of the police and rspca - police must be to busy rounding up 'dangerous dogs' and rspca just being normal. Perhaps a call to newspapers might generate some investigation and maybe the return to owners of any stolen dogs plus rescue from breeding for the other poor dogs at this location.
  5. I found Fee's post very thought provoking. driving - I don't but as I do not like speed - I will say 'slow down please' - not because I am worried about on coming cars but more for MY own safety - selfish. I would not hurt a living creature animal or human because it would keep ME awake at night - selfish. I would not steal because I was brought up to believe it is wrong and I do not want to go to prison - selfish. In fact everything I do or do not does not depend on the law or what is morally right or wrong but on how it effects ME. I think that is how most people live - people who have no qualms about committing crimes - have the opposite views. If I do this crime I will get something/feel good but they will not lay awake at night because the ME factor comes first and they do not think about the consequences of the ME factor. Don't know if I have explained the last bit properly but I know what I mean.
  6. It's simple. Ronnie Biggs & co stole lots of money. Lockabie bumbers stole lots of lives. I honestly think Biggs was only released on compassionate grounds because government knew the bomber was going to be released. Loss of money means more to the government than loss of lives.
  7. As you would be in 'my manor' the drinks would be on me - I think I could stand a couple of watered down orange juices - I think that is your fav tipple is it not?
  8. Would love to have a coffee/whisky/whatever with you if you are this way Diane and L & H. (I have some wonderful dvd's of yours) L & H please please please don't bring your dogs here - your size 10's are very welcome but not your dogs. However much you hurt the owner of the vicious dogs - your dog could still be badly hurt and I couldn't bear that. There is a hotline number I have got that is like crime stoppers - you give them the info and they investigate - I have so much info on this owner - they would have a field day with her.
  9. Most of the owners of the victim dogs werer probably threatened and frightened but the owner of the Pomeranian puppy was a different kettle of fish. She is the widow of a police officer - she retains contact with the force and when this happened she had offers from the police for whatever help she needed. She also doesn't scare easy herself and when the nice chat from nasty owner got nasty she went back at her but suddenly it all stopped and they avoid any mention of what happened. So fear did not come into it in that one case. Ray used to take Elsa for a short walk before we went out otherwise she would poo in the car but I stopped that because of fear of Elsa being attacked. Elsa refuses to poo in the garden so often poos in the car on the way to the parks. Small price to pay for her safety.
  10. I was told that she used the same vets as me and ysterday I asked my vet if she was a client. If the answer was yes I would have registered my animals with another vet because I would not be willing to be in the same space as her and any or all of her dogs. He said that she did go there when the mum of two dogs was a pup - four years ago - she even took the dog to puppy training classes!!!!!(run by the animal warden) but stopped going to him after the second dog he patched up that had been attacked by one of hers. He said that she would not be welcome back. I know of at least one of his other clients who no longer goes because she thinks this woman dogs go there. I have been with the same vet for over 20 years but would have left in a heartbeat. She also has a chihauhau in the house - i fear for that doglet. I cannot understand the people not going after her in the courts to stop these attacks. When she assaulted me - it was after a few years of hatred on her part for me because I was the only one who was not afraid of her - then I had an op that left me without balance on one side. She hit me and before I could raise a hand, I spun round and round and down to the ground - as I got up she did it again and then again. Then she knew (and I knew) that I was incapable of doing anything back. Before the op she would have had a beating that would have ensured she never bothered me again. Looking back it must have been funny for any onlookers as I was just spinning round - I had no control. Same thing happens if someone in the street catches my left shoulder - I spin and go down. But I would still use the full extent of the law and get those dogs muzzled before they get the chance to hurt another dog. They all started off as innocent puppies and something happens that turns them into vicious dogs - what???????? I think vets should have to notify someone when they patch up a dog that has been hurt - especially when someone other than the owner pays the bill. She actually calls out to people not to bring their dogs into the closed in park until she has hers on leashes - so she is fully aware and admitting that her dogs are dangerous off the lead. We thought that the woman whose puppy was killed was to afraid of the woman to report it and that tore at me but it's seems once the price was right - everything was fine. I am emailing my mp to ask if there is anything she can do to force this woman to muzzle her dogs.
  11. Perhaps a few of you may remember a post I made on dp when I got assaulted by a woman because I asked her to keep her dog on a lead as the dog had attacked and hurt many dogs. He died and she got a puppy - normal sweet puppy but within a few months she attacked another dog and then it just continued. The owner mated her and kept a boy and a girl from the litter. All three dogs were known to be vicious. Last year they got a 5 month old Pomeranian puppy between the three of them. He later had a new hip put in and is now due for yet another op. The owner of this puppy fully intended to prosecute and then it all went quiet. She did not fear the owner of the three dogs so that was not the reason. But since then the three dogs have been on leashes except while in the fenced in park. My vet has patched up at least three other dogs with bad injuries that the three dogs have attacked. One of the dogs owners refused to take any money and reported to the animal warden but she backed off because her husband (a city banker) did not want to 'mess with those people'. Evidently the owner was told that if they attacked another dog then he would ask the courts to issue a muzzle in public order yet despite more attacks none have been reported by the owners to the police. The animal warden is aware of wach and every one of them. Last week a 10 week old german shepherd puppy was killed by one of these dogs. The owner of the puppy has no family and when I was told I phoned and then left a note for her to ring me - nothing. I was very worried as her neighbours said she was in a bad way. I thought at the very least this would force the owner of the vicious dogs to muzzle them in public. No - how stupid was I? We have just been told that the owner of the dead puppy was given £700.00 not to do anything about it and she took the blood money. We are reeling with shock. There is not enough money in the world to buy my silence and I cannot understand how anyone can be bought off. A puppy ripped apart and £700.00 makes it better? We have driven out of our area for a few years now because of these particular dogs as I am not prepared to risk any of my dogs getting hurt. Our so called animal warden is aware of each and every attack and has done nothing - I have never seen the point of his existance - let alone why he has the job he has. The three dogs are still unmuzzled and when the owner was told it would be better to muzzle them to protect other dogs, her answer was 'don't tell me how to treat my dogs'. How many more dogs will be hurt and even killed before something is done. btw this women is not a teenager she is a mother of two grown daughers, married and a home owner. Run free and happy ickle German Shepherd puppy - you are safe now. How much would it cost to buy your silence if one of your babies was savaged or killed?
  12. I really enjoyed that Alicia - Thank you. It took a couple of attempts as it went to a video page and nothing happened but then I waited and the video came up - well worth waiting for.
  13. Soya milk stops hot flushes. About a third of a carton once a day does the trick. Try to cut out as much dairy as you can.
  14. I believe that if you take a life then you should forfeit your own and as we don't have the death pemalty then it should be life in prison - no parole. The question of varying degrees of murder - I don't know - the battered spouse finally hits back too hard and kills - self-defence maybe but they took a life - some sort of sentence should apply - not life but certainly something more than a few years. The question should be what is the likelyhood of this person killing again? If the answer is a high possibility then life in prison till they die. Why risk another life just so they can have freedom. I do think that everyone has the capacity to take anothers life in a certain set of circumstances but thankfully we rarely encounter that set of circumstances. But I also think that there are people who have no qualms about taking another person life in any circumstances and we must be protected from them. I also consider child sex abusers too high a risk to allow freedom to. They cannot be rehabilitated and will offend again as soon as there is a chance. All non-violent crime can be dealt with in many ways that do not involve prison time. Keep the prisons for the killers. Child killers - sterilised and put in prison for life - no set of circumstances can excuse that crime.
  15. Just got a reply from my MP. There are over 1900 speed bumps in Islington and many of them are illegal - they do not adhere to the Highways Agency's guidence that a speed bump should not be over 10cm. Anyway Mp is contacting Ambulance service for their take on this. I could have told her as they have replied to my email concerning the delays caused by speed bumps etc. Perhaps sense wil prevail -highly unlikely in Islington- and these bumps will be removed as they have been in Barnet.
  16. Thank you Celeste and Merely. CB went upstairs last night but my Elsa refused and spent the night downstairs. We are going to have a look round later today but I think that Elsa will only use the stairs if they are carpeted so we are now thinking of a runner as I do not want the stairs completely covered. Elsa has HD and so her back legs are weak and I couldn't take any chances with her. Best idea is move to a bungalow - no stairs - Elsa sleeps with me. Thank you.
  17. Thank you very much. We have sort of decided to go with the stairs pads - and will go looking tomorrow as I like dogs to sleep with us. Elsa is scared and I am scared of her slipping and CB just refuses to go upstairs. BillyBoy is oblivious to any changes.
  18. Or even what they are really called. I have just removed the carpeting form the stairs with the idea of painting them (non-slip paint) but dogs refuse to use stairs. So thought about getting those sort of stair carpet pads things. They just sit on each stair - well they are stuck on. I know they are on ebay but I would like to go to a proper shop and have a lookie. Thank you.
  19. I do not advocate mob rule and yes we are supposed to be civilised and have laws but those laws are not protecting us the way they should be. The mother of Peter will be out in less than three years - law got that wrong - she should have got life with no chance of parole as should the two men but the law saw it differently to want the majority of the public wanted and expected them to get. Until the law punishes these people with sentences reflecting the people horror at their crimes then mobs will be howling for their blood. What sickens me the most is that the tax payers of this country will be footing the bill for the monster mother to have a new life. She has never done anything worthwhile in her life and probably never ever will - all at the tax payers expense.
  20. I didn't explain it properly. There is no smell once vinegar and water is used - the smell is coming from under the brass? bars that are across the floor where the doors are. - the wee has run under there. Poppy does very large puddles but bless her, she goes as close to the back door as she can - the back door is betwwen the two other doors so when she wees during the night - it runs under the bars that hold down the flooring. The smell is coming from under those bars - I cannot put anything wet as it will rot the flooring. I have had an idea. I am thinking of lifting the bars and putting lots of bicarb down and when it is soaked, clean it up and put another lot down and continue until all traces are removed. I think I will have to put Poppy in the crate overnight - she is 17 and is very clean when she has access to back garden during the daytime. If door is closed she will let you know she wants to go outside but at night the door is shut and Poppy cannot hold her wee. I need to have a word with Poppy's owner and maybe suggest propalin for Poppy.
  21. Well done you - I would come shopping with you. Leave dogs Well done you - I would come shopping with you. Leave dogs at Well done you. I would come shopping with you.
  22. Well done you - I would come shopping with you. Leave
  23. We have rhinofloor and in between the hallway and lounge and between hallway and kitchen there is that bar thingy that holds down the edges of the flooring in the doorways. Poppy wees profusely and at night always seems to do it there. We have laid towels down overnight but she manages to move them and then wee and it has gone under the bar. So even though wee is cleaned up with paper towels and then mopped with vinegar and water the smell seems to still be there. ie if you come back after a couple of hours walk then you can smell it as soon as you open the door. We can take both the bars up but the wee might have soaked into the underneath of the flooring - how so we get this clean and pong free? Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  24. My oldest friend - we were born two weeks apart and Mum looked after her - worked in care homes for many years. Last night we talked for a couple of hours for the first time in years as I wanted to ask her about care homes. What she told me shocked me to the core and I laid awake most of the night crying for the vunerable elderly who suffer such abuse. Then this morning we went to Mum's home and saw a lady who was a cleaner there - she had left but comes back often to see 'her people'. Everyone loved her and always said she should be a carer. She told me today why she actually left and I was again shocked. So I decided to find out who was supposed to be in charge of care homes and our elderly and emailed this to him. Do not read this if you have an elderly relative in a care home as it is very, very distressing. Dear Phil Hope, My Mum has been in a care home for three years and at first it was seemingly wonderful but the standards have dropped dramatically and I had insist on a lock being put on my Mum's door to stop other residents walking in at will and at night terrifying my Mum. I am trying to move my Mum elsewhere but keep getting thwarted by things that are supposed to be done not being done. I do not feel my Mum is safe in that place. I have a friend who worked in care homes and she told me of some happenings that filled with horror but whose outcomes shocked me beyond anything I have heard before. An elderly lady who could not speak had to be accompanied everywhere and one night a male carer had this duty. One of the other carers saw him take the lady into her room and happened to look back again and saw the male look up and down the corridor. This made her uneasy though why she didn't know. She got up and went down the corridor. She opened the lady door very quietly and saw that the bathroom door was wedged open with a chair; this was against the rules but would allow anyone in the bathroom to hear someone opening the door. To her horror she saw the man standing there with on hand down the ladies panties (the lady was 87) his trousers were down around his ankles and his other hand was busy - I think you can guess what he was doing. The man was suspended for three months on full pay while the investigation was carried out. He said that he wanted to go to the toilet but didn't want to leave the old lady so was holding her while trying to urinate! The fact that staff was not allowed to use the residents bathrooms didn't matter to him. He said that the woman who reported him was a racist (he was from Pakistan) and he was believed and re-instated to continue his disgusting abuse of the elderly. No-one would work with him as all had had suspicions before the incident so he was left to work completely alone. If this man ever touched my mum - I would swing for him. This is not an isolated incident, it happens many times up and down the Country and it has to stop. Also the corruption that goes on in some of these homes is worthy of some of our top bankers. Most people in homes have around £20 each week for themselves - this is usually kept in a safe for them. Over time the accumulate a tidy sum but also at the same time they lose some of their ability to 'know' about their money and this leaves it open to theft on quite a large scale. I know of someone in Kent who started as a cook and now runs the home, giving out medications without any training whatsoever. She also does the homes food shopping, pays one bill at the checkout and takes the food to the home and then takes her shopping home. This is all paid for on the one bill and is one of her perks. The residents are paying for her food bill amongst other things. I witnessed this myself and you can bet that it goes on all over the country. I am in regular contact with a lady who is setting up a website to list the best care homes. She wanted to also list the bad homes - name and shame them- her solicitor told her she couldn't do that. Why not? Also in many care homes people are employed who do not have good English. Now anyone who knows the elderly knows that they usually have some hearing problems and therefore have difficulty understanding what is said to them. And anyone who has hearing difficulties has more difficulty understand anyone with a strong accent. My own Mum's solution to this is 'I nod and say erm and nod some more'. I asked her if she had understood and she said 'not a word'. I asked some other elderly people about this and they said almost the same as my Mum. They got fed up of asking for the question to be repeated so they pretended they understood. This can be very dangerous and should be addressed yet no-one seems able or willing to do so - fear of being called racist is the answer usually. I emailed age concern about this and have yet to get an answer. Our elderly deserve better than this and someone should show the courage they should when this country needed them and do right by them. Tis easy to do justice - harder to do right. I do hope I get something more substantial in reply that a 'the minister has seen your email and the matter is being dealt with'. I can shout for my Mum but there are thousands who have no family member to shout for them. Is that not your job? I have a very big mouth and am willing to teach you how to use it. Yours sincerely, Irene Kathleen Wardley I forgot to add that the nurse who witnessed and reported the abuse was black, a fact that seems to have escaped both the abuser and the investigating body! I have email the minister again telling him this.
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