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How Do You Know If Dogs Are Happy?


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Reeeeeeally stupid question I see (its the one I would see on another forum and think :rolleyes: to myself) but my mum asked me today and I couldn't really give a straight answer!


I mean, I look at Henry and he reminds me of Stewie the baby off Family Guy. He looks at me sometimes with such evil looks. Usually when I am putting Phytopica on his food. Or when he can smell the stuff for his ears. Or when he knows its bathtime.


Other times he seems happy when he is chilling by the fire, tormenting the guinea pig, tormenting Molly and out on walks.


Molly always has her eyes on me. I can tell when she is happy cos she is either eating or out on a walk. Other times she throws me woeful looks that sometimes make me think maybe she would be better off living with someone who didn't work and could fulfil her dream of playing in fields all day.


Henry is currently in his crate grumbling away loudly to himself and Molly is lying on her back, legs akimbo, letting out a sigh every now and then. Bored, fed up dogs or happy dogs?

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It's kind of like: how do you know if a person is happy? I think. OK, some things suggest happiness - smiling, laughing, face contented, body relaxed - but different people are happy in different ways and for different reasons, and often indicate it in ways that you just have to learn, there's no overall key.


Some dogs lunge at other dogs, kangaroo and pull on the lead because they are stressed and scared and miserable. My Az lunges and kangaroos at (certain) other dogs because he thinks it's dead exciting to be barked at. It makes his day if he's had an excuse to have a good yell at Molly Collie down the road, and he prances on all grins and picking up his feet like a dressage pony afterwards... I can see that is totally different to a poor dog with fear aggression, but in terms of the body language at the time, it would be easily misunderstood...


I'm also thinking of people who have dogs that 'grin' - first time Molly grinned at me, I was a bit weirded out, I'd never had a dog that showed its teeth except to be grumpy. Rather glad I'd seen a picture of a grinning greyhound before or I might well have got that completely wrong!






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