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Raw Feeders


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Seriously thinking of putting Ben on a raw diet after speaking to his breeder, and have been looking at the Landywoods site, I must say I was pleasantly surprised, I was expecting manky cuts of meat of the slaughter house floor, but it doesn't seem that way at all. My question is, what do you do about veg ? do you buy it yourself or get the meat and veg mix ? and what about suppliments, what do you use ?. How much space would £30 of meat take up in the chest freezer ? if Ben did well on it I'd get a small chest freezer for the meat, but I need to see how he does first, and if I can get it delivered, they have delivery's in Edinburgh, so I could get it delivered to my Dad's and pick it up from there, but if it comes frozen I don't know if it would survive the 1hr journey home :unsure:

Oh what to do what to do !!!!!

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Veg - mine don't get much of it nowadays. They used to pick around it even when I basically blended it to a mush and mixed it with mince. I normally just use the veg that we haven't used and is overripe or about to go off, chuck it in a food processor, blend to a pulp then bag up and chuck in the freezer for whenever I bother to give it to them.


Supplements - I used to be religious about it but have become more slapdash recently. They get salmon oil everyday - in the evening mince meal. Especially since a lack of omega 3 &6 have been indicated in aggression cases and I have the over reactive Khanu. Their coats are much softer with the oil I have to admit. They get eggs fairly often, and natural yogurt - pretty much alternated with the eggs. Again mixed into the mince meal. In the past I have given vit c and vit e and garlic (natural) but it's a faff for 4 and since I stopped I haven't noticed the difference. I am going to start the garlic again as they picked up quite a few ticks over this year, but I don't know whether that's the lack of garlic or just an increase in the population of ticks.


When we get a delivery the blocks are so well frozen and pack together that it has sat out the front of the house for the afternoon until I get back and it hasn't defrosted so I shouldn't think a 1hour journey will be a problem.


Landywoods has a really good selection. I used to like getting the ox hearts, as they were whole and took me back to dissection classes at school. Since we moved further south though they don't deliver down here.


Dont' know how much you know about raw feeding. But a book I quite like is Kymythy Schulze Natural nutrition for cats and dogs - linky . I dont' agree with the fasting but I think that's about all I don't really like. I've found though that most people kind of find their own way that works for their dogs after a while. I certainly don't follow any kind of plan/book that i've read religiously at all.


I am slightly anal in that I have a spreadsheet worked out for amounts that they should all be fed, but that came about because I wanted to plan what to buy and order and know how long it should last. Plus i have 4 dogs who are fed completely different amounts and i find it difficult to not overfeed the smaller ones and underfeed the bigger ones until I have an idea of what each amount *looks* like in the bowl.

Edited by khanu
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I love a convert to raw feeding - it's an excelent way to feed. :biggrin:


I feed mainly raw meaty bones, no veg, no supplements. I do add an egg each now and again or yogurt or cottage cheese. Just a big dollop on top of their meat. I add a tin of sardines in oil (not brine) if I feed fish. I use garlic, a crushed clove each, for flea control.


I don't use Landywoods as I find the owner snappy and I won't deal with people like that. I use lovely people who are happy to give feeding advice. I also buy big bags of tripe chunks from Pets@Home. If you buy through UKBarf Club website they have a BOGOF offer during November.


I do measure what I feed because I'm not good at doing it by eye. There is a raw food calculator here on the left hand side of the page.



My two have one meal a day but only because it seems to suit them better. I don't starve them once a week as some people do. Also I don't feed at a regular time of day - it's afternoon/evening.


The BritBarf site is good. Lots of members who are happy to answer anything at all - even if you think it's a silly question. The members are very knowlegeable.


Hope that helps and it hasn't confused you. You are welcome to PM me. :flowers:

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Cheers guy's :flowers: I haven't received a reply yet from Landywoods about delivery to Fife, I'll give it till Monday then give them a phone. At least if it's that well frozen I can get it delivered to Dad's if need be. I haven't checked out the links yet though, it might be the dog food company will be an option too.

I have enquired at the butchers before and they weren't that helpful,or interested, I might ask again, see if I can speak to someone different, I used to get stuff from them but then it got sold and it doesn't seem to be run as a proper butcher that does it's own butchering any more.

Thanks for the offer Spins, I might just take you up on it if I go ahead :flowers:

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Sorry - I'm not asking for your address - just re-read that and it sounds like I am. PM me the rough area you live if you would like me to look up suppliers on the BritBarf Club

:laugh: Thats ok, I didn't read it that way at all :laugh:

I live in central Fife in Scotland.

Thanks for looking for me :flowers:

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This is the link for the special offer dog food that Jazz is talking about:


they will need your address to deliver

That looks a really good deal, but I don't know yet if/how well Ben will do on BARF, or which meats he'll prefer, so ideally I'd like to get a mixture, and the offer is on single types of meat, I wouldn't want to be stuck with £60 worth of meat that he turns his nose up at :)

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