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Trpd Pcp Has To Move Workshop/Storage Facility


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Some may already know, but our landlord has given notice to terminate his tenancy on the premises where we sub-let the workshop & storage facility. Although we have a building nearing completion that we can then move into, there's still work to do on that, some of which is painting the walls and floor, once that has been levelled by the builders.


If there is anyone in the Pontypridd area willing to lend a hand with that, and the actual move, I could really do with a hand.


We're starting to auction off as much stock and surplus materials etc., and on the TRPD forum, so that there is less to have to move down to the new premises, and there are likely to be some incredible bargains over the next few weeks, but still a huge amount of stuff to relocate. :ohmy: Trying not to think about how much work will be involved, and especially if I have to attempt it on my own! Frankly, I doubt I am up to it... In fact, I know I am not! After tackling racking bark chips in front of the new bilding earlier today, my back's in bits and I'm having to resort to painkillers. :laugh: This old age lark isn't to be recommended!

Edited by AlTRPD
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If anyone on the walk wishes to do a bit, then I am sure there will be plenty to do still, thanks, Owl.


I've yet to be given a deadline to move, and am hoping the owner of the premises won't be too hard on us, although much will depend upon who will take out the new tenancy on the main place.


Whatever, you'll see the new place on the 8th, and will then have some idea of what is involved, and I'd be grateful for any help that anyone is able to offer, thanks. :flowers:


Today, besides taking loads of photos of things we have to clear before the move, I managed to make further inroads into spreading the lorry loads of bark chips over the car parking area.


One thing about it, there's lovely dog walks right on the doorstep, should anyone wish to combine a walk with a bit of work, and once it's done, it'll be lovely for those walking to have somewhere private and off-road to park, and a place to enjoy a flask of coffee and a sandwich and watch the birds and squirrels. :laugh:

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Took this photo today of the bark chips on the car park and out over the fields.



Must get some of the area where the walks are, and to tempt everyone to explore that and utilise the facilities... Which reminds me, must sort out the 'bucket'n'chuckit', too! :laugh:


The builders have yet to remove all the rubbish and old zincs/scap they have accumulated, btw!

Edited by AlTRPD
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I should point out that, as yet, there are no facilities there, such as drinking water and electricity, and the loo will be of the 'bucket'n'chuckit' variety!


What the Woodland and Wildlife group members do, is to take along a flask and picnic things if planning to stay a while; wet wipes etc. (Even a camping stove!)


I'm hoping to get to the camping & caravaning store and obtain a water carrier for dinking water, although the dogs seem to be happy enough with rainwater or going into the river to have a drink.


Later we aim to get a generator for power - one that will run a microwave and electric kettle; as well as visit the salesroom locally and try to get some folding chairs or garden type funiture, as, at present, we tend to sit along the edge of the path when the sun is shining and watch for the kestrels, buzzards and other birds. Not long ago, I saw some seagulls mobbing a buzzard overhead there, and a few times I've seen sparrow hawks darting around bushes where the little birds are hiding.


Birds were a bit scarce this morning, as they were working with a chain saw just the other side of the boundary hedge where the feeders are. However, I did manage to get the metal bird feeding station - won recently in a challenge - erected and some food out on that, so hopefully by the time the walk takes place, the birds will be well used to visiting that. :)

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That would be brilliant, thank you. :flowers:


One of the Woodland and Wildlife group members kindly donated some funds to enable us to get a new chemical toilet, and also a camping kitchen, so that we can make tea and coffee etc. The loo is now situated in the back of the feed room, but has yet to have a cubicle fitting around it! One of our local volunteers, Peter, is fitting a hook on the inside of the feedroom door though, so that anyone needing to use it can, at least, have privacy! :laugh:


We've not yet picked up the kitchen things yet, as Peter is still painting the walls in the TRPD room, but hoping to get that finished today, as there's a couple of rolls of floor covering due to arrive on Monday or Tuesday. Various other things that have been donated are at my home waiting until we are ready to take those down there, including a cupboard thing that opens up at the sides to reveal a writing desk and shelves, which will be really useful. There are a few other shelves to go down there, too, and it won't take long for all of those to be filled up!


Plants are also stacking up ready to go in the bird garden, and the coal tits have started using the bird feeding station just outside the door on a regular basis. I am hoping they will soon get used to seeing people around there and not fly away the moment they spot someone. The robin is less flighty, and showing his face more often now.

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Not really, Alicia. We are about 15 - 20 minutes north of Cardiff and a few minutes from the A470/Pontypridd.


Peter has just about completed painting the inside of the TRPD building now, and the floor covering has arrived and we hope to lay that on Thursday. This afternoon, Peter put up some boards that we'll be able to hang pictures up from, to bring a bit of colour to the place. (I now need to persuade the art group to oblige with a few! :laugh: )


We have also had a calor gas fire donated today, so will need to get some gas for that, so we can all keep warm - not that we need that at present. Indeed, at the other end of the building, Merlyn has been sweating in his stable!


He was a right pain today, as we were there working much of the day - Peter on the paint etc., and me doing a marathon photo-taking session of things to add to the TRPD Auction Club's mini-auctions to reduce the stock prior to moving thinsg down there. Merlyn seemed to think if he banged the field gate enough, I'd let him back into his stable early, and he'd get an extra feed. :rolleyes: It worked, but I only gave him some chaff and carrots, so then, despite having a full haynet, he was banging his stable door demanding his tea... and at 2pm! Of course, the two little ponies then started banging the gate and fence, thinking they were due their tea, too. Even allowing for the clocks having gone back, they were still way earlier than their normal feeding time.


Goodness knows how they will cope when I am working down there regularly, and don't even pop home to grab lunch or a cuppa?

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I have just updated the Autumn Glory Dog Walk thread in Doggie chat. :)


If anyone is planning to come for a dog walk, and has any garden shrubs suitable for insect-attracting hedging that they plan to dig out or split and can spare any they want to get rid of, we'd be delighted to offer those a new home. :laugh: :flowers:


We're planning to start planting some things around the perimeter of the car park next week, and so that visitors can see that as they park, and don't risk backing over the edge and down the slope into the bird garden before we can get a proper fence erected! :laugh:


Actually, I am finding that the best way to view the birds on the feeders seems to be to sit in the car quietly and watch them. As we can afford to, or they are sponsored, we aim to get some extra bird feeding stations to site around the car park. An ever increasing number of birds are discovering the one we have sited near the building now, as are the cheeky squirrels. :laugh: A squirrel obstable course seems to be a 'must-create' project for the future.

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OK will heave a nice white hebe into the car and you can have that. It's outgrown its planter and I can't find anywhere suitable to put it in the garden which will have enough room for it to grow. It's a small-leaved hebe rather than a tall straggly one. Bees like it anyway. If you can give it a good home you will be doing me and it a favour.

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That would be really kind, thank you. :flowers:


Our bird garden plot is about the size of two allotment plots, some on a slope, some on flat ground, so it will have plenty of room there. We've only just started on creating the garden part, as there's been so much to do on the building, and with the move pending, but now as the weather allows, we hope to get busy out there, so that something nice and colourful will appear in the spring.


I've been updating progress in a couple of threads at the following link: TRPD Woodland & Wildlife Forum and will post more photos there over the weekend and next week, weather permitting we can make more progress there! :unsure:

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