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Cassie Has Spondylosis


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Tracey - two of my dogs have had acupuncture in two different ways. Merrie was treated by Emma Faulkner at Park Hall Vets in Mansfield Woodhouse and she does acupuncture by homeopathic injection. There were only a couple of points that she objected to in the 5 years that she had it.


Barty is currently being treated by Adam Durkin at Blenheim Vets in Ashbourne by the traditional method of putting the needles in and leaving them for a few minutes. Barty is a typical woosy greyhound and if he tweaks a toe screams the place down. He has only objected a couple of times in the three years that he has been treated.


Having had acupuncture myself, it isn't really painful more like the sensation of stinging nettles which is why most dogs tolerate it really well.


Both of the vets that have treated my dogs are excellent and more to the point, the acupuncture works that they do.


Carprogesic is basically Rimadyl and it isn't without its side effects. Liver and kidney damage are the most common. Have you tried Cassie on Devil's Claw, it is a very effective anti arthritic herb - which worked well for Merrie in the early days of her disease.

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My bitch had accupuncture for arthritis in her spine.


She didn't mind it.


Sometimes she would object to a needle going in a certain point and the vet would just move to another one.


I think the needles were left in for about five or ten minutes.


Amber used to be sore for 24 hours afterwards, but was fine after that.


To begin with she had it twice a week for so many weeks, then once a week for so many weeks, then it was topped up when she needed it.

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I don't know how I missed this Tracey, but I'm so sorry to hear about Cassie.


My old greyhound Desmond had spondylitis quite badly and Molly also had it though not so badly. Both managed quite well with pain relief.


No advice about acupuncture, but everything here crossed it will be successful and Cassie will be more comfortable :GroupHug::GroupHug:

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Thanks for the kind words flowers.gif


I've just read Barty's Blog Anne, what a lot you've been through with him Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif He's a gorgeous boy wub.gif


I didn't realise that Carprogesic is Rimadyl unsure.gif One of our oldies had that for the arthritis in his hips and it ulcerated his stomach and gave him kidney damage mecry.gif


I know Park Hall vets (used to go there in the 70's when it was a riding school!) so I think I'll enquire about going there actually. Being a bit daft but didn't know there was a homeopathic version of acupuncture as well as the traditional type, will look it up.


I've used Devils Claw before (for a rat actually) and it seemed to work for him, so that's got to be worth a try too.


Interesting to know about the frequency of visits and length of treatment too, thanks Blackmagic flowers.gif

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I've just read Barty's Blog Anne, what a lot you've been through with him Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif He's a gorgeous boy wub.gif


I didn't realise that Carprogesic is Rimadyl unsure.gif One of our oldies had that for the arthritis in his hips and it ulcerated his stomach and gave him kidney damage mecry.gif


I know Park Hall vets (used to go there in the 70's when it was a riding school!) so I think I'll enquire about going there actually. Being a bit daft but didn't know there was a homeopathic version of acupuncture as well as the traditional type, will look it up.


I've used Devils Claw before (for a rat actually) and it seemed to work for him, so that's got to be worth a try too.




Emma was the only vet in the UK to offer acupuncture by homeopathic injection so I am not surprised that you haven't heard of it. I hadn't until I found her. Emma is lovely and I will never forget all her kindnesses including the last one when she came in on her day off to help Merrie to the Bridge. If you do see her please remember me to her, I hope she still remembers Merrie.


Thanks you for your kind words about my Barty flowers.gif I am rather fond of him myself !!!!

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Sorry to hear Cassie is struggling again. Neither are exactly local to you but it may also be worth asking Purplemog or Careli if they can suggest anything / anyone that could help with this type of condition - they each practice canine massage etc.

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