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United Utilities Homeserve - Anyone Got It?


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Had a phone call about a service that our water company offer re pipework. I generally get the leaflets through the post and bin to be honest but the chap said in the event of a claim there is no excess charge. Unfortunately the line was crackly so I couldn't hear half of what he said but he did say for the first year the whole premium is only £23.88. Offer on today. Hmm. I'm not daft enough to just say oh yes straight away and give a stranger my debit card details. He has given me a number to ring back on. I sense a con somewhere as how can they afford to give insurance for £24?


Has anyone had this? I realise it's a special today only offer but even so. I've got nothing in writing, only a conversation with him telling me there are no costs if we have to call on them. Also said they can call out within 24 hours.

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My next door but one neighbour who shares a drain with me tried claiming with them when his drain broked and they were useless.


Whereas my insurance company (esure) dealt with the claim as my bit of drain was damaged by roots as well, they basically paid for everything to be sorted under the accidental damage bit of the policy.

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Like any insurance Michelle the price will reflect how likely you are to claim & for how much - have you ever had a major plumbing problem whilst living there?


There are also some aspects that are the responsibility of your water company not you & lastly whenever someone quotes me a special price today it's usually been a lie / available another day :sleep: but if you want to find out more there are details on their website

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If it is Homserve, then we have had to call upon their services on 2 occasions and both times I was more than happy with how they dealt with us.


The 1st was for a problem with the French Doors not closing properly and the 2nd was with our boiler.

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I have got cover with Homeserve and have for about 5 years now, in fact I think most of my neighbours have! I see their vans a lot around here though I haven't had a need to call them (thank G)!


My sister had to call them out about a blocked drain and they turned up promptly and she was pleased with the work that was done :)

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