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Just Had To Go Home


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Matthew's just phoned asking if I could pop up home, he's had another fit and one of the dogs had poo'd in the living room. He normally picks up after them, but, with him having the fit, he said he just couldn't face doing it. Got home and Yena, who you knows not been very well for a while, as had diarrhoea and what a mess. Because she needed to go to the toilet desperately she obviously had do it in the living room, it want from the living room door, the full width of the living room (13ft) down the living room (17ft) in the dog bed, back across the width of the living room again and than half way down the living room :ohmy: :ohmy: . I'm sure you can imagine the smell :sick02: :snorkle: Poor Yena, was in the garden looking so awful, knowing she done something she so shouldn't of done. So I've given her a kiss and hug and I think she feels a bit.

I now am wondering is it her time, or is it she as just had an upset stomach :mecry: :mecry: . I so wouldn't want her to lose any of her dignity, I don't mind picking diarrhoea up, but does she mind doing it :( :( I think I need to speak to OH and the family and together we can decided what is best for her, not us :mecry: :mecry: .

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Thank you Jacobean, they do get stressed when it happens. She was sick in her bed last night, so this is part of me wondering if it's time. She is ever so thin just skin and bones with a fat tummy, I so don't want her to suffer, but, I so don't want to loose her also :mecry: :mecry: But, I have to be strong for her, and do what is right for her, I so wouldn't want my baby to suffer :wub: :wub:

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Think about it, we had to buy chicken flavoured food instead of beef this week. If Matthews been feeding her chicken, it could be it doesn't agree with her. Thank you Jackysian, I wouldn't of thought of that until you said about a tummy bug and thinking what she might have had to eat. :)

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Also dogs are intuitive and can sense things before they happen so it wouldn't surprise me if she was ill before the fits occurred either.


Change of food can definitely have an affect. You're supposed to wean them on to food gradually mixing in with the old stuff. Try her on the old food and see how she goes. As you say that could be your answer.

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We normally keep her on the same food, (with her been ill) so when Morrisons have it in stock I buy it all, but this week I needed some and they didn't have any, so I got her the same make, but a different flavour. I'll monitor her over the next couple of days and see what happens, before I make any decision. If her upset stomach continues I'll make a vets appointment to get her looked at. :) :)

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