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Oldies Club Camping Weekend - Dog Has Kennel Cough


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Thank you for all the kind messages - Tara is much perkier since her jab and visit to the vet yesterday :)


And no symptoms yet in the other two - Tessie will be even more of a cuddle monster if she gets it, sweet baby :wub:


Thank you also for the liquorice in honey tip, I will definitely do that - and when they have all be clear for the recommended time, they're all going to the vet for the KC nose-liquid - poor things, they'll not like that! :wacko:


I can't believe its not something that vets don't recommend it when you go in, but to be fair, they never mix much with dogs usually, so I guess I can understand why...


Fingers crossed for everyone else's doglets xx

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The vet suggessted Holly had the squirt up the nose because she goes to a lot of shows and CMC rallies so I hope she will be OK. It depends on the strain Tara has got I suppose.


Pleased the other 2 seem fit so far, hope they stay that way. They do not like the nose squirt but if it works thats the impotant bit, and it is soon over.


Keeping my fingers crossed for the other two.


Glad she is feeling better, you feel so helpless don't you.



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Kennel cough vaccine is a bit like the flu jab - it does not protect against all varieties. Akso, because it's a live vaccine, dogs can actually expel the virus shortly having the vaccine - it's advisable to keep contact with other dogs to a minimum for a few days after it.

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Hi Chasta, all, thank you for asking after Tara and the girls :flowers:


Tara is fine now, and the other two didn't get it, so all's well :biggrin:


The vet said there are so many different strains, but that the squirt vaccine can still alleviate symptoms even if they get a different strain, and all 3 are going in a few weeks time for the vaccine - oh how they are going to love that!! :wacko:


Having said that, im sure with a treat, they would have it many times over, they are sooo food orientated! :laughingsmiley:



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