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Fritz - Giant Schnauzer


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Fritz is an adorable Giant Schnauzer who has kenneled with me regularly over the last 4 years. His owners are going back home to South Africa this week and their vets advised them Fritz was too old to make the journey or cope with the heat out there. So they were going to put him to sleep. I asked for a chance to find him a new home as he is quite happy in kennels so i knew a month wouldnt stress him out too much.


Fritz is 10 ish. He is fully vaccinated, wormed, flead but not castrated. The vets feel he is a little too old to be having a general to take his bits off. He is not great with other dogs. From a distance he doesnt care what is about but he would not live with another dog. He is fantastic with people, with kids and lived with 2 cats no problem.


Here he is looking a bit woolley but should someone offer him a new home, i will have my groomers give him the once over and make him look like a schnauzer should again :laugh:






I can be contacted by day on 01744 815469


please feel free to crosspost to anyone who can help

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