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Are We Gonna Do A North West Fugee Walk

Laurel n Hardy

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Formby pinewoods and beach? :rolleyes: Got sled dogs here too if needed :laugh:


Oh that sounds good. TBH I'm beached out round here so would prefer something with some sniff and exploring for Cromwell but also need to have plenty of visability to keep Miss Tizzy in my eye line (just in case she takes a dislike to someone!! :laugh: ). So pinewood and beach sounds a great combination to keep everyone happy! Any websites with info available? :flowers:

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Formby pinewoods and beach? :rolleyes: Got sled dogs here too if needed :laugh:


Definitely not up for that, as the red squirrel sanctuary is there! I remember they had a 'help the red squirrel' drive when I was last there, and I'm sure if i'd let Kiera off lead she'd be out of sight like a shot and "help" the red squirrels out of the area completely - before either she or they, and possibly both, would get shot! :ohmy: :(


Seeing as I also got involved in a car accident on the way back when I was there last so I really dread driving there again. So make it a 'no' for me if you go there - sorry guys!

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Ohhh ummm might have to avoid that area myself then...Cromwell is a avid squirrel hunter and I wouldn't want to get us in trouble! :laugh: Completely OT but at the moment on Anglesey we are culling grey squirrels and repopulating red ones...I'm a tad confused as to why one type is seem as a pest and the other protected? Personally I'm not bothered what colour squirrel I see! :wacko:

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I am busy for the next 3 Saturdays starting tomorrow. Sundays are ok though. Caroline. Can't you play hooking from puppy school


Nah' its only a six week course and I've paid in advance so don't want to miss any and I want Zan to get his certificate at the end of it.

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anyone fancy marbury park on Sunday? x


depends on whether flyball's gonna be on - what time were you thinking of? Marbury park is just up the road, so I could possibly make it after flyball if you're not starting too early (1-ish?). But don't go later on my behalf because I don't even know yet whether I'll be able to make it in the first place :rolleyes:

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