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Any Spare Healing Thoughts For Boysie Please?.....


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He still won't eat or drink :(

We've tried putting water on our fingers (we don't have a syringe ), but he turns his head away. Have made up some rehydration fluid to try and tempt him with, and if not, I'll be ringing the vets. If he won't eat, we can't get his meds into him.

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I'd be straight onto the vet too - especially if he won't drink :(


You can get a syringe at any pharmacy if you can find one open (or else ask your vet for one), it's vital he gets fluid inside him.


Sending pots more healing thoughts :GroupHug:

Edited by madmerle
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I found a syringe in a dog first aid kit :) He has had some rehydration fluid, and then his tummy went all gurgly.........

He has perked up a bit since - he's following us about again, and has just barked at the phone :wub: (never thought I'd be pleased to hear that).

Will give him some more soon, I'm more worried about him not drinking than eating atm. Will also ring vets for their opinion.

Thanks again :flowers:

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Okay, this might be totally inappropriate, but I thought I'd share it anyway - please do disregard this completely if you think that it's not at all useful.


A good few years back, a friend's little dog called Mucky, wasn't well and refused any food for 5 days. Seeing as he was already a skinny dainty little thing, she tried all sorts to get him to eat to no avail. She was getting really worried about him (took him to the vet of course, but he couldn't find anything), because of him missing out on nutrition etc. I remembered then reading in a book that dogs absolutely love pancakes! So I made him one with wholemeal flour and a little oil added to it. It was so big I could nearly wrap it round him. But after a couple of tentative sniffs he started eating it, and ended up eating half the pancake (which, considering the size of it, was quite an achievement! :)). Over the next few days he then got pancake with a little yoghurt spread on it, or marmite, or whatever she knew he liked - and it really worked.


At the moment Mal's recovering from his op and isn't eating very well. I'm planning to make a couple of pancakes for lunch, because I know that these will disappear in no time! The one problem will then of course be that, once recovered, your dog will feign illness as soon as they find out that they're not getting pancakes anymore!


Hope this helps, and still sending good thoughts to Boysie :flowers: and a :GroupHug: to you.

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