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400,000 Dogs And Cats Put To Sleep In One Year


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Monday, July 9, 2007


IT HAS been the target of mockery, rage and passionate debate. Assembly Bill 1634, which requires the spaying or neutering of dogs and cats, shows that nothing arouses the citizenry like a proposal to regulate the treatment of pets.


While the clamor has not eased, the California Healthy Pets Act has become more reasonable through amendments in the legislative process. The version to be considered in the Senate Local Government Committee on Wednesday has addressed some of the concerns that created such an uproar upon its introduction.


For example, some pet owners argued that four months was too soon to spay or neuter certain dogs and cats. The time frame was extended to six months, with a provision to wait even longer with a veterinarian's recommendation. Some pet owners warned that the bill would foretell the "end of mutts" in California and unduly restrict the rights of folks who are not commercial breeders to allow their dog or cat to have even a single litter. A provision for a "one litter" per year exemption was added. Some alleged the bill was "elitist" and the $500 penalty was too harsh for low-income pet owners. The bill now requires that the penalty be waived if the cited owner gets his or her pet spayed or neutered.


Obviously, there are some pet owners who regard this as a property-rights issue and would not be satisfied with any modifications.


This week, the halls of the Capitol will be filled with passionate advocates on both sides of the issue, and it's safe to assume that at least 99 percent of them are responsible pet owners. Regrettably, too many Californians are not, which is why this law is needed. It is modeled after a Santa Cruz County ordinance that has been credited with reducing the number of euthanized animals by 50 percent.


Each year, more than 800,000 dogs and cats are abandoned in this state -- and about half of them are euthanized, according to Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, D-Van Nuys, author of AB1634. It's not just cruel, it's a huge waste of government resources. Taxpayers spend about $300 million a year to shelter and put down those unwanted animals, Levine said.


The bill cleared the Assembly, 41-38, without a vote to spare. The Senate, which is getting intense lobbying from animal lovers on both sides of the issue, should be open to further minor tweaks to accommodate practical concerns that arise.


But the concept of the bill is sound. Voluntary compliance is not working. Legislators should pass AB1634, as a matter of compassion and as a matter of fiscal prudence.


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Also, you can send a letter to the SF Chronicle's editors on this matter via e-mail:


[email protected]

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Having spent time in the US over the years and the thing that shocke me was how they see pets as a commodity. A rescue centre is almost like a shop to them, they will come in and want to swap there pets! I spoke to the PixieBob and Bengal Rescue in Seattle this time I was over there and they face a huge problem. People literally just dump the cats go and get a kitten!

I wanted to bring the cats home with me!


Its such a big problem over there, and it seems to be all states unfortunately :angry:

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It is terrible isn't it? Its the sheer volume as well thats is unbelievable that not more is done. The rescues really struggle over there and many of the Bengal rescues have already shut their doors as they're over ran with old cats, old being over 5!! I imagine the dog rescues are the same.

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