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Pumpkin Update


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Back from another trip the vets and her temp has gone high again but she is still happy and quite lively. It has been narrowed down to meningitis or lymes disease unfortunately both require totally different treatments.


As she hasn't responded to the antibiotics and given her age and breed it is more likely to be meningitis she is going to start on steroids later today, but for total peace of mind a sample has been sent off to test for lymes. The spinal tap sample has arrived at the labs and they are testing it today.


Hopefully she will respond to the steroids and be home soon.

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wow thats great news

what was it in the end ??


It is still quite difficult to tell.


As she wasn't responding to the antibiotics and after talking to Janine we started to treat from meningitis yesterday. But although her temp is normal and she is very active her white blood cell count is higher than it was when she went in which shouldn't be happening and causing the vet some concern :( So we have to take her back tomorrow morning to test her blood again and if it hasn't changed she will have to go back in again and we start again.


Meanwhile she is running amoke here playing with Annie and Bertie and destroying all her toys :rolleyes: :biggrin:

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