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Molly In Her New Home


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Molly of the Ark went to her new home yesterday and Molly's new owner has already sent some photos of her looking very settled. :biggrin:










:wub: :wub:


:biggrin: :elefant: :biggrin: :elefant:


We've also been sent a lovely account of Molly's first day. I'll post it here when I hear from her new mum that it is OK to do so.

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Here's the first account from Molly's new mum:


"We went to pick up Molly yesterday 10.3.07 from the Ark. We had first seen Molly on the Oldies website but when we asked about her we were told someone was interested in her, however two weeks later that home fell through and we had the pleasure of going to meet her. She was a little scared but that's understandable. After a little walk up the lane, I opened the car door and in she jumped - Molly was coming home.


It only took under two hours to reach home - I went in and let our two boys into the garden before bringing Molly in. She met Faith our blue merle collie on the way out to the garden; once in the garden she walked up to Merlin our weimarner and pawed him, then she approached our dandie Barney and chased him down the garden (he usually chases the girls).


During the afternoon she settled on the settee and had a good sleep, waking up just in time for tea which was eaten very quickly. Time outside for toilet and back on the settee for more sleeping.


Around 8pm her new dad got in from work; his first words where 'what a beautiful lady'. She snuggled up to him on the settee and with a large yawn fell asleep again. Bed time came and after another walk down the garden, a good sniff around, Molly was carried upstairs to bed where she went into our son's room, jumped on his bed, laid down and promptly fell asleep until 6am.


Molly has only been here 24 hours but she is settled, sleeping and relaxed. Our other three dogs have welcomed her into the family. Molly now has so much to look forward to and if it was not for places like the Ark and the Oldies website we would have never found Molly. Older dogs have so much love to give; we may only have them for a short time but the place in our hearts goes on for ever.


I will let you know how Molly enjoys her trip to the beach, our holiday in the caravan and all the other lovely places our dogs already love to visit."





And here's today's installment:


"We are so happy with Molly. She has settled in so well as if she has been here for ages. This morning while out in the garden she was chasing our 5 yr old weimarner and pulling his ears, he was nudging and chasing her back, but knew she was older and was so gentle with her.


She is laid asleep on the bed at the moment in the sun again next to Merlin. I thought out of all the dogs she would make friends with would have been our little dandie Barney, but no she prefers Merlin.


We will be taking loads more photos of her as she enjoys new things, ie the beach etc, so yes her photos can be used and my e mail if anyone wishes to know how she is doing.


Your site is great and I wish I had known about it earlier, but I believe that for every dog is the correct home and I was made to find the site when Molly was in need of a home and not before."



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