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Missy Looking Smart!


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After losing our LabX Tessa on the 16th of this month we have felt even closer to Missy Moo Bags than ever before. She is a completely different dog now she is a lone dog. She is loving all of the attention on her and is much better behaved.


As I got a new camera last week I thought I'd see if I could get a really nice photo of her after her bath and got this...




I'm made up with it, hope you like it too :D


Sara x

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She has you all fooled by her innocent look :D


I'd love to bring Missy to see you Gwyn but she is still a total nightmare with strangers and other dogs. I really need to work on it because now I don't like leaving her on her own too long (was a tiny bit different when she had Tessa for company)


I take her to the beach every weekend now and make her walk through the crowds, even if it means shoving a ballie in her mouth first! She is learning slowly but sometimes she'll react to kids on bikes or dogs that are too bouncy and in her face. She isn't snappy/nasty at all (otherwise I wouldn't risk it) and she wags her tail the whole time, just she's used to barking at people and now it's just turned into a habit she can't shift.


Very glad you all liked the pic though :wub: :wub:

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