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Green Lights For Animal Ambulances

mersey pet amb

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We are at present lobbying the dept of transport to allow Veterinary ambulances with properly qualified staff to be able to display green warning beacons. This will allow ambulances greater visibility when en route to an emergency and mean that traffic will give way to such a vehicle. It will not allow them to go through red lights etc. However the road lighting regulations do not recognise animal ambulances as ambulances. This is strange as the Vehicle excise act does and as such proper veterinary ambulances actually display the word ambulance on the tax disc and on the log book, a government issued document. What is further anyone can set up a private human ambulance service without qualifications and throw a blue light on a vehicle quite legally. We have so far approached the police for special exemption but they will not overide the lighting reg's. We have contacted parliament and they have no plans as yet to change the regulations. So now we need your help. We are in the process of organising an E-petition we need as many names as possible on this petition. As soon as the petition is published to the net we will place a link on here if the administrators allow and also on our website please pass the word around.. all the best Steve Merseyside pet ambulance

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