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Paw Injury


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Sophie sliced off half of the pad on one of her toes last Friday. It is sort of between two toes, and quite a chunk taken out. It has been bandaged by the vet since last Friday, with bandage changes every 3-4 days. They've indicated that the bandage may stay on for up to a month. This seems quite a long time to me - how will it heal if it never has access to fresh air, etc? Sophie is getting quite depressed by the lack of off-lead exercise and the presence of the bandage.


Does anyone have experience with a similar injury? And is there anything I could be giving her to promote quicker healing?

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Lily had a warty thing removed from her foot a few years ago and it took about 6 or 8 weeks to heal. Hopefully Sophie will heal up a lot quicker than that!


After a few weeks we did away with the bandage and used a cotton sock taped (with that stretchy plaster like tape) around her ankle. The extra bit of air did seem to help.

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When Charliegoo cut his pad open, the actual cut itself was more or less healed within about a week. All would have been fine if he would have left his dew claw alone. As it was, he kept chewing his dewclaw, made it all manky and ended up having to have it removed. All in all, from cutting his paw, to being ok to race at flyball again, it was probably about 6 weeks :huh: However we didn't keep the bandage on for all that time, just for about a week after he had his operation :)

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Thanks. Its coming up to two weeks with the bandage on - back to the vet on Friday, so I think I will start pestering as to when the bandage can come off. We've been four times and seen 3 different vets, so its a bit difficult to keep track of what is going on, as they all say different things. Unfortunately, because of my working time and the bandage changes having to be done at a specific surgery (the one farthest away from us), I can't arrange to see the same vet each time :(

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