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Patch - Our Little Godsend

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Patch, our wonderful, adored, beautiful, special Patch. Our Little Godsend :wub: . You gave us so so much in such a short time. 2 and a half years you gave us, and we cherished every single day.


It is 1 year since you we sent you to the bridge. A deed that had to be done, but a deed which we knew was our only option. We had to do it because we loved you so much :mecry:


It is so hard to believe that it was only a year ago you were still with us. We still miss you dreadfully :mecry: .


It was only because we lost Spot and Stripe that you came into our lives. You gave us so much hope. We were falling apart and you made us feel whole again. For that we thank you :wub: .


We truly believe everything happens for a reason. If we hadn't lost you, we would never have found the Dog Rescue sites and in turn we have been able to help other dogs who are/were in the same position as you once were :( . Because of your passing we have now been blessed with our darling Emma and have been able to help others too.


Unfortunately, whatever we do for other dogs, it does not make the pain easier to bear, as losing you has left an unmentionable gap in our hearts :mecry: . We think of you every single day.


Mum, Dad and Stitch still love and miss you so much :wub:


Run free and happy with Spot and Stripe at the bridge and give them big licks for their birthday on Monday from mum and dad.


We miss you all :mecry:





Rest easy :wub:

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