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Everything posted by Katiebob

  1. Kaos - you probably won't believe this - they're going to call him 'Rusty' (absolutely unprompted, believe me) For everyone else - it's his Dad's name and they had absolutely no idea .......................
  2. Lots and lots of good thoughts for Timmy tomorrow I really hope you have some good news.
  3. It's been a day of very mixed emotions for me, mostly sad to be honest, but my little rescue rough collie puppy boy went off to his new home today. I've just had a phone call from his owners and he's settling in well and I'm soooooo relieved, although I suppose I knew he would. Very strange day - the people were here to adopt the puppy at the same time as the vet was here for Bobby. Not ideal. Sometimes you just have to cope ................... Anyway, fingers crossed for my little pup in his new life. I know he will be happy because they are lovely
  4. I'm sorry I know nothing about OCD. Good luck with sorting out Dharma's lameness and I hope it's nothing so serious
  5. Bobby is on his way to the Bridge and our hearts are breaking Go and find Hannah & Shep, beautiful boy, and run around pain free again
  6. So sorry, Cheryl and girls Safe journey, Catherine Chook
  7. Still thinking of you and praying for the very best possible outcome for Max
  8. Flippin' heck. I've not read back for ages so apologies but truthfully, I've got 5 (yes 5) foster pups here at the moment It's fine - no it's not fine , it's manic Please can I have my life back This is an edit, but shouldn't be: and Bobby is dying. My lovely big collie boy is 'literally' on his last legs. (Sorry, these are my woes, not yours, but I'm just soooo sad for him - he's only 10!) Not today, probably not tomorrow but it will be a miracle if he makes it to Christmas
  9. It's awful when you have no indication that they're ill and then suddenly they're really, really ill. Sending loads of good wishes and positive thoughts for Max
  10. Poor little girl Amanda - you need to name her because it's difficult to say anything about her without a name!! Marti-Egg is happy as a squirrel in a nut-tree He yells if he wants attention (and gets it, of course) and I let him gallop around the sitting room tonight at full speed. I think he would have liked to gallop for longer but I had to put the 4 rough collie foster pups to bed and as the bitch pup keeps climbing out of my puppy panels it meant I had to find and set up a crate for her Anyway, all is peaceful here now. Hizzy thinks he's died and gone to heaven. He doesn't know whether to herd Taz (the bc foster), Marti (he adores kittens) or the rough collie pups Heaven help us. Hizzy might be suffering from dehydration in the morning cos of all the rushing around he's got to do to keep them all in order! :
  11. Smarty Marty is home and he is gorgeous He's just eaten a complete pouch of kitten food so I don't imagine that he's going to stay tiny for very long He's a credit to your devotion, Cheryl - thank you Pics later - I've got a housefull to feed! Amanda - thank you so much for looking after little Marty so well overnight and for bringing him from Cheryl's to Kent. He travelled well in the car to here - meowed at me a few times, sat watching me drive and then fell asleep Little Vicky Sponge is absolutely adorable too and soooo tiny I think you should call her Tinkerbelle (or Sophie).
  12. Do you want me to offer him £2K for her? Might be the best offer he gets? Can you afford £2K
  13. I think not Ok, so we may now have 5 pups rather than 3 but I think I've sorted out foster homes which is a HUGE plus. Thank you to everyone who offered. The only reason I haven't asked anyone from here is because of the distances involved. The offer was still much appreciated
  14. Taz is back and is doing well He's whining a bit because he's a bit sore but otherwise he's doing fine Photos soon, I promise. Thank you for your good wishes for him. The vets are ecstatic too - they are sooooo happy that it all had a good outcome Oh, and the other good news is that I've managed to find enough foster homes so we're trying to get the rough collie pups signed over tonight!!
  15. Blondie is gorgeous I imagine you're very happy to have her home Is she on your DIY regime too? If so, good luck
  16. I took an 11 month old bc x in yesterday due to be pts and today I need to take in 3 rough collie pups who if I don't take in the owner will change her mind This is truly madness
  17. Happy birthday Rick, late though this is, I hope you had a fun day
  18. I must have 'Prat' written across my forehead I'm trying to find other foster homes for these pups because I don't trust the 'breeder/owner' for more than 10 minutes! Give me strength
  19. Never rains but it pours I've been waiting to see whether a few rough collie puppies would be signed over to rescue for a while now. This evening we had the call! There are 3 And where the hell am I going to put them? I must have been a really wicked witch in a former life
  20. Sue & I had a frantic phone call today from one of her ex-training class members. Her partner bought her a dog for a Mother's Day present as company for her existing staffy boy (dont' say what you're thinking cos I think it too!!). She was desperate to rehome the second dog - a collie x boy aged 11 months. She said he was brilliant with kids, great with other dogs. The dogs (who are both entire) were fighting. Badly. Apparently her staffie was starting the fights and was going to do major damage to the youngster. I did resist, and resist, and resist. She said she had tried all the rescues and no-one could take him (unsurprisingly!). She said she would rather have him pts than let him go somewhere dispreputable To cut a long story very short, he's now here Like we need another dog Anyway, he's a foster and I've spoken to Flukespad who will help us with the rehoming. Unsurprisingly, he's booked in to be neutered on Friday! What did surprise me rather was that when I booked him in, the receptionist said 'That isn't Taz, is it?' to which I replied in the affirmative. She had taken him to be pts yesterday but they persuaded her to have a re-think. He's a nice boy, he really is. He's very bouncy but he's coping fine here. He doesn't look that much different from Willow, Sue's bc - and they're roughly the same age so they're having a ball Please wish us luck with him and send a few good vibes for his castration on Friday. Pics tomorrow cos currently my camera is not playing!!
  21. Nice to know that, as usual, I get the kitten who is the little s**t I wanted to call 'Egg', Oyster so that I could shorten it to OY but then I realised that all our animals would respond to that (especially OY YOU LITTLE s**t ) so maybe not such a good idea I'm really looking forward to collecting Egg at the weekend and we've now decided that his name will be Marty (Smarty Marty of course ) Can't wait
  22. Ok, you choose whichever will be most suited here Happy to have either, they are both beautiful boys
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