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Everything posted by Kerrio

  1. I emailed Gill about the links not working and she told Sarah the fab web lady, who fixed them pronto! Sent mine
  2. I tried to donate a bag of food and I can't get the blinking link to work!
  3. Bless her little cottons. And bless John and the Soi dog folks for caring. Might be a good time to donate a bag of dog food (only 6 Euros a bag) linky
  4. Carole - I am so sorry - Sooty was very special and you did so much for her and went through so much with her.
  5. Everyone. You catch more flies with honey. Please try to keep advice positive - I know it is hard for those on the "sharp end" of rescue who are inundated with unwanted dogs. But posting negative comments when someone is asking for help is not useful. Also - if you are asking for help here - remember that all advice is just that - advice from other dogs owners, some may be trainers, maybe not. While every suggestion may not be suitable - there are always going to be some good points - please don't discard them out of hand because they do not suite your lifestyle. There are no magic cures with dog behaviour, it's all down to perseverence, understanding and some hard work. Thanks for listening.
  6. Kerrio


    Hello Mickyzoe - welcome aboard - hope you enjoy it
  7. Hell Arne and welcome to you and your dogs
  8. Kerrio

    Hello :-)

    Hello Dawn and welcome.... piccies of you cat, bird and pony please And keep an eye on the dogs need homes for a suitable pup - Last Chance Rescue is down your way too and worth a visit
  9. Hello Bethk and welcome.... Tell us about your dogs please (and yes - piccies too )
  10. Kerrio


    Hello Shirley - and Welcome. 5.00 AM for a first post?? Wow ! you are keen! (or is that shy? )
  11. Kerrio


    Hello Budgie - welcome aboard! Love the avatar
  12. Hello and welcome - and yes - we absolutely need pictures
  13. Hello Irons and gorgeous Murphy Welcome
  14. Hello ZED - and especially ZED's dogs Welcome aboard
  15. Welcome to the Refuge Anne! Do you have your own dogs as well?
  16. Or know anything about them? We are seriously thinking about getting one as our old mattress is passed it and I wake up very sore every morning. I could have phrased that better couldn't I?
  17. Get a USB key and a friend who knows what they are doing. It's not *that* simple and depends on a ahuge number of factors.
  18. The - "have you seen Jackson's Blog " Bump??
  19. Kerrio

    Why My Pics?

    Also - unbelievable though this may seem, there actually people out there still on (whisper it) dial-up. *faints*
  20. Hello and welcome, I've not had any 20+ dogs myself, but a friend has a yorkie who died last year at 22/23. My oldest oldie was 18, our current oldest is a 15 year old deerhound (I keep telling her that Deerhounds don't live that long - but she's not listening)
  21. Kerrio

    Why My Pics?

    Why not? Thats what I have to do! (ok - sometimes I do a right -click on the picture and look at the properties, but that's cheating) One thing to remember is that how big pics look on your screeen relatively depends on the resolution you are using. Mine is *quite* low as my eyesight just ain't that good, other people have HUGE screens with high resolution, so big pics just don't *look* so big. Hope that helps.
  22. Kerrio

    Why My Pics?

    WHenever I see pics bigger than 640 wide I resize them. However (and I know this is a bit shocking) .... I don't read every thread! (And I don't think any of the mod team does - though I may be mistaken! ) We absolutely do not pick on any one - its just a case of "as we see them" - if your pics are getting resized more frequently than others - it probably means your posts are being read more.
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