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Everything posted by Dizzycharm

  1. I think the norm is 2 weeks after the symptoms have gone, but if you really feel worried just give your vets a ring and they should be more than happy to give you advice .
  2. Agilitynet has an A-Z of agility clubs, which includes phone numbers etc. The British Flyball Association also lists some clubs or you can email the representative of the area and ask them. Hope thats helpful.
  3. I'm off to Severnside on the Monday, so won't be at GT show, but I will be at Bincknoll :wave:
  4. Don't worry too much about moving on. It can confuse a dog if you teach to much in a short time (not to mention handler ). I expect when you go to your next class they will add something else in.
  5. Thats a good idea. I just say move you fat arse out the way, which seems to have the same effect
  6. I know, just put it down as she has the skill to do harder intermediate courses rather than my baby who will start to compete in just novice courses (hope that makes sense)
  7. Had one of each. Dizzy doesn't have to be measured, and Twiglett was done in February, and they are both Large. At UKA, Dizzy is under 20" (18" to be exact), and Twig is over 20".
  8. Dizzy is definately Intermediate level, whereas Twiglett is Novice. Though at UKA Dizzy is Senior (nearly Champ), and Twig is Beginner
  9. I still say that at the start line, especially with my manic Dizzy. I'm so glad that you had a good time, WAG always have a nice laid back show - though it was a long day. Good luck with you next show . Where are you off to next?
  10. By the description of the agility, you must have been at the same show as me - Woolstone. Well done, the jumping was definately not a beginner course
  11. My little girl was so good on Sunday. She did a lovely clear in the helter skelter and really enjoyed it She doesn't weave properly yet and decided this week that the dogwalk is scary (no prob, just build confidence back up), so the agility and jumping rounds were incomplete as it were. But even those she did well and listened to everything I said. Did an awesome wait in the jumping, where I went to the third obstacle before recalling (and the spaces were 6 strides between 1-2 and 5 strides between 2-3, so brilliant.
  12. Just read the bit about 'when you're ready' and thats exactly what I relay to Dizzy at the start line 'when I'm ready' as she doesn't have a wait and is a complete loony - who will make it over or past the first jump once I've let go of her collar
  13. My 15 year old collie was on Glucosmine, Chondriotin and MSM tablets for arthritis, but we made the decision at the beginning of the year to put her on Metacam. I think that sometimes there comes a point when a stronger medication is needed. I really didn't want to try veterinary medication but she is so much better (she had started getting thickening of joints in the toes, which have now gone down). Basically, you know your dog better than anyone , so you'll know if more is needed. Charm (my collie) told us that G, C & MSM wasn't enough anymore, and I think she has done really well considering her age (will be 16 in May) .
  14. Thanks ReikiAnge, on Thursday morning Gem was no longer hobbling and I checked the wound - a good half of the sliced area had healed, and this morning it is mostly healed. Gem is alot happier, and also not being so grumpy with our foster dog.
  15. Hi, first time I've done this, not because I don't believe, just that I don't know anyone who does it. Please can you send some healing to my mum's dog Gem, on Tuesday something sliced the side of her foot and she is feeling very sorry for herself (not that I blame her). It would be very much appreciated by me and of course Gem. Thank you
  16. The first clear round is one of best things in agility. Well done to you both
  17. Hi SDS, I had the same problem when my girl was a pup, tried different puppy foods but the outgoings (if you know what I mean) were the same - liquid. Our others dogs are on BARF, but chose to feed pup a proper puppy food cause I thought it was best. Well after 2 weeks of no change I put her on the natural diet, the same as our older dogs. Thank god, within a day she had perfect stools. Obviously this would only apply to you if you are happy with raw feeding, but I thought I'd share my experience with you anyway .
  18. Cider vinegar is good for helping the dog break down bones We actually buy our chicken carcasses already minced (mum couldn't get used to chicken wings, so this is perfect). We get all our meat from Landywoods which is delivered, minimum order £50 (we've got 6 dogs, so no probs about that). To have a look at website, just type in the name on google, or I think the address is the name then ???
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