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Everything posted by La_Femme_Pires

  1. Thank you so much everyone. I had a call from the vets to say that Missie passed away a couple of hours ago.
  2. Sorry to hear that he is so poorly, I hope the new meds work and he accepts some food soon. For you and Max.
  3. Thank you everyone. Its times like this when you realise how great it is to be part of such a place as this! It is very possible that she has swallowed something yes. She is a great chewer of balls so every ball that the dogs have has to be kept right out of the way but she also has a habit of picking things up when we walk, normally disgusting things that have been dead for some time so it is possible that whilst offlead she has eaten something and I haven't seen her. The other two dogs keep searching for her, especially Griff my lurcher, he adores her!
  4. Missie is my JRT. Today I have had to rush her to the vets where she is on a drip at the moment and it is touch and go. The problem started last week when she started to go off her food, I wasn't too worried as she does this every now and then for a few days and then I either change her food or she starts eating her regular food again, I always used to be able to tempt her with other things whilst she was off food so it was never too worrying. She wouldn't eat anything yesterday despite attempts to tempt her with various delights she was also a little dehydrated so I gave her some electrolytes that my dad gave me and she perked up and even ate a little bit of food. This morning however she'd gone right downhill and been sick a number of times so she went to the vets and they are trying to work out what is wrong with her. They have ruled out any illnesses or infections and in the morning they will xray hopefully. I spoke to the vet earlier this evening and he said she had perked up a bit which is a good sign. I'm worried sick about my little girl and have ordered the vets to ring if anything happens overnight so i'm just hoping my phone doesn't go off in the night!
  5. I love the last bit! That sooooooo applies to me!
  6. Skulking out of the hotel lobby, swinging a bladed baseball bat, cometh La_Femme_Pires! And she gives a mighty howl: "I'm going to spank you like a rabid gangsta bitch!" Erm....
  7. Around 8000 people were tested and only around 1% were able to spot the 3 differences in the two pictures in the link below, can you spot them? Spot the differences
  8. Psych Matters I use this site quite a bit but must admit i'm not sure it'll be of any help. Harvard referencing, direct and indirect quotes must be refrenced in text and at end in reference section, they don't count in word count though. Citations must also be done and they confuse me most!! We've only started Freud today so can't help much and every time I think of Pavlov I can't get the Eddie Izzard sketch out of my head! Sorry not much help but I hope you'll find something on that site. Good luck! Edited to change linky...
  9. As we all prepare for the upcoming Halloween season, please take a few minutes to read some simple rules to help keep everyone safe. 1 - Don't assume the telephone calls are coming from another house. 2 - When it appears that you have killed the monster, NEVER check to see if it's really dead. 3 - Ladies, when you hear a noise outside, never go to check what it is while wearing only a tee shirt and panties. That is just asking to get killed. Go put on the most unattractive thing you own first, if you still insist on checking on that noise outside. 4 - Never read a book of demon summoning aloud, even as a joke. 5 - Don't go into the basement to check the power when the lights go out! 6 - If your children speak to you in Latin or any other language which they should not know, shoot them immediately. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run. However, it will probably take several rounds to kill them, so be prepared. This also applies to kids who speak with somebody else's voice. 7 - When you have the benefit of numbers, NEVER split up and go it alone. 8 - Don't boast to your friends about how you are not scared while your back is to a window or glass door. 9 - Don't have sex. Especially if you've noticed a few of your friends are missing! 10 - As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open a portal to Hell. 11 - Never stand in, on, or above a grave, tomb, or crypt. This would apply to any other house of the dead as well. 12 - If you're searching for something which caused a loud noise and find out that it's just the cat, don't stand their sighing with relief, GET THE HELL OUT! 13 - If appliances start operating by themselves, don't check for short circuits; JUST GET OUT! 14 - Do not take ANYTHING from the dead. 15 - If you find a town which looks deserted, there's probably a good reason for it. Don't stop and look around. 16 - Don't fool with recombinant DNA technology unless you're sure you know what you're doing. 17 - If you're running from the monster, expect to trip or fall down at least twice, more if you are of the female persuasion. Also note that, despite the fact that you are running and the monster is merely ambling along, it's still moving fast enough to catch up with you. 18 - If your companions suddenly begin to exhibit uncharacteristic behaviour such as hissing, fascination for blood, glowing eyes, increasing hairiness, and so on, kill them immediately. 19 - Stay away from certain geographical locations, some of which are listed here: Amityville, Elm Street, Transylvania, Nilbog (you're in trouble if you recognize this one), the Bermuda Triangle, or any small town in Maine. 20 - If your car runs out of gas at night on a lonely road, do not go to the nearby deserted - looking house to phone for help. If you think that it is strange because you thought you had 3/4 of a tank, shoot yourself instead. You are going to die anyway, and will most likely be eaten. 21 -If you find that your house is built upon a cemetery, now is the time to move in with the in - laws. This also applies to houses that had previous inhabitants who went mad or committed suicide or died in some horrible fashion, or had inhabitants who performed satanic practices in your house. 22 - Beware of strangers bearing strange tools. For example: chainsaws, staple guns, hedge trimmers, electric carving knives, Edited to add: Not only can I not spell Halloween, but i've put this in the wrong place... Could someone put it in the right place please and edit the title. I blame the time of day...
  10. My pony used to stand on my foot all the time and i'm sure she used to twist around a bit to make it hurt more... How did your norty horse stand on your thigh...? I already have a bite mark from Tiegan's pony and he doesn't even arrive til tomorrow... He's been fed treats where he is at the moment, something his owner doesn't do and something I won't do either but he expected to get one and nipped my arm when he didn't...
  11. I try and write, i'm just not very good at it!
  12. I do believe I also said that its better to get them off first!!
  13. At my vets for tick removal the nurse will do a free consultation and only charge for the tick removal, about £6-7 I think. A whole consultation fee for a simple tick removal seems pretty extreme. Good on you for reregistering with your old vet, I wouldn't stand for that sort of thing being said within my earshot!! RE ticks, you shouldn't put anything on them to try and get them off as they can regurgitate their stomach contents into the bloodstream with allsorts of lurgies. Its always better to use a tick remover/tweezers or a tick fanatic mother... Ticks will eventually fall off too so if you really can't get them off don't worry too much but it is better to remove them before they can feed too much etc.
  14. From what I can gather frontline will kill ticks on the dog but they will still attach themselves. They certainly do on my lot. Whenever I walk in areas that I know are populated by deer they always come back with ticks. My daughter has 'tidied' my tick removers so I used a pair of tweezers.
  15. If you have itunes it gives you an option somewhere on there to change the format of the music. Thats how I have done it before when transferring songs to my mobile...
  16. So sorry it wasn't Levi. Still got everything crossed that there is good news soon!
  17. Has anyone heard anything more on Levi? I was wondering how things were going?
  18. I don't think that Greyhound Racing will ever be banned. Change have to be made but all the time that there are people going to watch and betting on races it won't stop. I think campaigning for humane treatment is probably the best way to go as campaigning for a ban is unrealistic. I probably come across as harsh when saying this but knowing the millions of pounds thast are flooded into greyhound racing each year I can't see an end to it.
  19. Sorry, I think maybe I read it in the wrong way as though you thought I was someone who knew nothing of the industry and asking silly questions.
  20. AbigailJ I was asking what I thought to be a legitimate question. I know what racing involves, its the reason I got involved in greyhound rescue in the firstplace!!
  21. I know how they are treated it was the actual race running that I was asking about.
  22. Would they not run if they didn't want to? I'm not asking that as a statement but as a genuine question. I have worked in horse racing in the past and we had one little gelding who hated racing and he used to refuse to leave the starting stalls and he was rehomed to a 'pet' home. With NH horses you can often see as they jump that their ears are pricked and they are enjoying themselves and I wonder if it is the same with greyhounds? I'm guessing with a lot of them the chase instinct gets the better of them and they just run... I have to say I don't know a huge amount about Greyhound racing, except the rescue aspect.
  23. Unfortunately I have to agree with ClazUK. It may heighten awareness to the general public but the people who do this aren't going to be bothered, they will find someone else to bolt these dogs or worse. How many of the people that actually go to the dogs or bet on greyhound racing actually care about the animals? Its all about the money and no matter how many stories like this come to light it won't make a difference. With any luck though the NGRC will sit up and take some notice and not let so many dogs slip through the net when they should be tracking them into retirement. As for the RSPCA knowing... I lost all faith I had in them a long time ago i'm afraid and I haven't got it back yet so in all honesty nothing suprises me...
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