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Everything posted by grace

  1. grace


    I expect you can only keep them under license.... Exotic, Dangerous or Wild Animals Licenses to keep exotic, dangerous or wild animals are issued under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976| [External]. A list of such animals can be obtained from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |[External]. Where appropriate, we will arrange for the premises to be inspected by a veterinary surgeon to ensure accommodation is suitable for the welfare of animals. The licence will be issued subject to compliance with licence conditions and payment of the licence fee and is renewable annually. Application Form| (pdf)
  2. You are going to need a farm soon......:0 The babies are so lovely though.....I can see why you cant resist them....
  3. grace


    Could you try a grazing muzzle .... there seems to be a lot of laminitis about this year, people I have spoken to are putting it down to the rain bringing of the fresh shoots very quickly, so a field can look quite sparse but have a lot of fresh shoots coming through....
  4. Dont they eat Birds Eggs though?
  5. grace

    Bee Keeping

    That looks like good vlaue for money....
  6. grace

    Bee Keeping

    Im hoping the price might come down a bit if it becomes popular.... I have a teeny tinly little wilderness (planned that way...honest) at the bottom of my garden with a barrel pond and water lillies and lots of native plants the bees already love it....Im sooo tempted
  7. grace

    Bee Keeping

    (I know they are an insect hope its ok to post) I notice on the BBC today we are being urged to keep bees in our back garden and with the introduction of the new BeeHaus from Omlet..I can feel myself being lured ... slowly round to thinking well why not... Anyone here got bees? Grace
  8. I use Silent Roar... its lion poo... it works really well and is completely natural and safe... I get mine from Amazon...
  9. What a flamin nightmare...but think how much worse it would have been if you had not got her to the vet....a slow horrible death....
  10. It does seem a very sad fact that some young people see life (even their own) as very cheap..... I do wonder if these boys will go on to stab or shoot another innocent victim in the future.... I read about this obsene act of cruelty on the BBC News makes me very sad to think this is the level some ones child has sunk to....
  11. grace

    Crane Flies

    Seems its NOT True:- Just Plain Weird Stories Myth: The daddy-longlegs has the world's most powerful venom, but fortunately its jaws (fangs) are so small that it can't bite you. Fact: That is a full-fledged Urban Legend, with no basis in fact whatever. This legend is so widespread that many people believe it who should really know better, including some teachers and TV documentary producers. Three different unrelated groups are called "daddy-longlegs." Harvestmen have no venom of any kind. None at all! Same with crane flies (below right). Pholcid spiders have venom but there's nothing special about it; in fact, a recent study showed that pholcid venom is unusually weak in its effect on insects.
  12. grace

    Crane Flies

    Someone I know told me you should never let your dogs eat Crane Flies (Daddy Longlegs) as they are lethal to dogs if eaten..... can anyone confirm this? Grace
  13. Has he been checked for a retained testicle..... it is fairly common in small ponies....
  14. Has anyone here got an Eglu for their Chickens....any drawbacks?
  15. I watched this last night, I thought it was good in so far as it showed the pit falls of buying a puppy from such places...but it didnt give much hope for them ever being shut down... a terrible shame
  16. Sorry Im a bit late only just found the new board ... I joined "Curves" ladies only Gym just before Christmas and lost 8lbs and 12"!!!!! its great but you do have to go more or less every day to see any results which can be a bit limiting but its only half an hour.....
  17. grace

    New Sport

    Yes I have joined the JettyDogs and we are suposed to be going the Brentwood in May (if I can scrounge some transport) G
  18. grace

    New Sport

    Im going to give Barnum a try at this... he already does it into water anyway and he is such a show off....
  19. I think everyone who has replied has given great advice. I have a demented GSP called Barnum who was a nightmare to controll off the lead when I first got him....the secret off getting him under control was his ball on a rope...the world could end but if I have it in my hand he is fixed on me....I wonder if a toy or something similar might help you keep Sparky close to you if other people are about?
  20. I have tried everything on Barnum (GSP) to stop him pulling the Canny Collar is the only thing that works, he is calm and responsive and after using it for a few months I now only need to put it on him on the way out... They say in the instructions that if it loop drops over the nose to slide an rubber band over the straps to stop them slacking off completely. Grace
  21. I work with Ruth's (who runs the kennels) other half they are really fighting to survive, the worry for them is tremendous. grace
  22. Some of you may have seen this already, but in case you havnt: "Please email your support for keeping the Greyhound Charity in Perry Barr open. Please email today as there is a meeting about it and the man in favour has asked for as many emails as we can muster in support of the rescue staying open. [email protected] FAO Planning Department Reference 2006/2457 Tell them this kennel is an important facility and should not be facing closure, and you are behind RGT Perry Barr all the way." I work with the partner of lady who runs these kennels and they are really fighting to survive, as if the worry of finding places for the greyhounds wasnt enough they now have to face this. Grace
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