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Everything posted by houndzrus

  1. happy birthday, sorry you had to work, but hope you can make up for it another day.
  2. Glad he is feeling a bit better. Cherry usually gets un neved by high winds. She doesn't like the noise whistling down the chimney.
  3. You have to do what's best for you and that will also be best for Kayla in the long run. Thanks Alex that would be great! Do you need my address? Wot she said x 2 WTG Archie I am drained from doing two home visits that took over two hours each. It takes so long to complete forms with people who want to tellvme their life story, won't give the answers needed and rant at me for things that are out of my control. Ho hum, at least I have finished till Tuesday, so I'm just trying to think what I can do, garden wise. I have lots of plants that should be going to the lotty, but the ground will be way too wet. GRIFF!!! Do you remember I said I would put a couple of outdoor tomatoes for you? Well........... (Gardener's delight and Alicante) I can grow them on , or you can have them now for your windowsill, to grow on until it's time for them to go outside. I can drop them off anytime, but they are not in the way here, so will be ok till the end of May. If you reeeeeeally don't want them, I can try and rehome them elsewhere, but they are so looking forward to coming to live with you.
  4. It doesn't hurt, but it itches and then he rubs it, so making it worse. The cream stops the itch, so he doesn't want to rub it. Someone said that ulcers hurt if looking at the light, but that won't apply to Jack.
  5. and change his name to "Jim lad" I might give that a try, thanks for the info Alex Good old Archie Going to have an early night and watch the apprentice in my bedroom. Last day at work tomorrow and then four days off, so will try and chill a bit. i am getting withdrawal symptoms from not getting up to the lotty, there's stuff I need to be doing! Those of a nervous disposition, look away now. Here's a picture of Jack's eye. It was taken last week, so it is getting better now, but this is the third time this has happened. Picture coming up......... Good luck tomorrow Michelle, try and make some time for yourself too. x
  6. Happy birthday Bo! :party: :partytime:
  7. Morning I hope Bones does get caught soon. Hope the madness is over soon Amy. Happy birthday Archie, sorry your missing George Marion, I met him too, he was a sweetheart. Blimey Griff! they do say it never rains but it your case literally. I hope it gets sorted soon. Good luck with the appointment at Suzeanna i am v tired at the moment. The tenancy support service at work has been computerised, so I am trying to get to grips with that, as well as sort people out. There's some silly rules come in too, just to keep the reports happy. Support shouldn't last longer than twelve weeks. Hmm, when this was all in the pipeline last year, they said cases would be an average of twelve weeks. Some people are sorted quickly, but there are some who go on for months, if not a years. Jack's eye is slowly getting better, but I might ask the vet if there's drops he can have long term, to stop his eye getting itchy in the first place. He does more damage to it himself once it starts, and we don't see it till it's too late. My first visit is near home this morning, so I have a bit of time before I need to go. Have a good day all.
  8. Tough decision to make oops Wasn't well after helping Keith make a frame in the Polytunnel yesterday. It was so cold, I got chilled and couldn't get warm for hours, then had headaches and fatigue. Went to bed early, but couldn't sleep properly. Not to bad today, but I will crack on and do the potting on I should have done yesterday. Still cold wet and windy here.
  9. You can come and help me pot on the tomato plants if you want to. Sorry I haven't posted here this week , but I have been keeping up. for those who need them. Busy afternoon planned setting up the polytunnel for planting up the Cues and toms when they're ready. Then potting on the seedlings. Going to be a bit of a squeeze in the conservatory for a while, as I haven't been able to plant any bits up at the lotty. It's freeeezing cold here! I wish it would warm up a bit, think I'll go and get my thermals back out of the wardrobe.
  10. Looking good Alex Well done on the water butt installation too!
  11. Thanks for the link Alex, no it's not mine but I feel for the people there. Such a lot of effort going in to their plots, that chap seems to have made it his life's work. I will be doing jobs in the conservatory this weekend. Much poting on to be done, the plants have speeded up growing, now that the weather is so mild. I wish I could get to the lotty to plant out the last of the onions, the beans and peas, but the ground will be too wet. Will pop up there, just to see how much water is in the butt though. I like those pots Mags.
  12. We didn't have hail, just heavy heavy showers! luckily for us, Jack got us up at stupid o'clock, so we were up the lotty even before the regulars got up this morning. By the time we left, everyone else was running for cover. I also cleared the last of the Kale and bits of cabbage and dug over two beds, ready for planting in the next week or so. Can't believe we got so much done this weekend.
  13. Sorry you're not enjoying your job Steph. Well done Glen and Molly I hope Bones comes home soon good thoughts for Snow. So sorry you are having such a rough time with your MIL Michelle. She really is certainly showing her true colours now. So heartless. Hope Dex is feeling better now. Love your new addition Sandra. Busy old day today, got loads done, both at home and at the allotment, in between heavy showers! I didn't think we would get anything done there at all, so it's a bonus
  14. That's great Sandra. Well, we have surprised ourselves this weekend, by how much we have got done,. We were quite lucky this morning and got a lot done before the heavens opened, so we finished the last bit of path in about 7 minutes flat! We will have to finish it properly, but here's some more pics. The guttering done on the other side of shed, so now that butt can fill up too. The spare bit of decking will do for Cherry to have her bed on. Weed membrane on the path. and the last bit that took 7 minutes in a heavy shower. And one just for fun, it works! Will need more than this drop though
  15. I know and the worst of it is, we have had it a year and never hooked the guttering up, so it has never even filled a little bit.
  16. Quick trip to the lotty today, took the fleece off the shallots and onions and got a lovely surprise. All of them growing well! shallots onions They are looking a bit squished, because I couldn't get there earlier and the fleece was on at least a couple of weeks longer than I intended, but considering it didn't rain for a fortnight after I put them in, I am pleased so many are up now. The elephant garlic is growing at a pace now and overtaking the normal garlic. this pic was taken before I weeded. The Elephant garlic is the nearest two rows. Unfortunately the weeds grow faster than my plants Keith finally got round to putting the guttering on the shed so that the water butt will collect water. He was so inspired that we ended up at B&Q getting a bit more for the other side, as we have a smaller butt that never seems to fill.
  17. Frost forecast again, so we've made a bubble wrap cover for the seed trays in the tomato houses. fingers crossed.
  18. Good luck with your new dog You could always delay on the name change just for a day or so once you have the new addition, to see if he is a "Teddy Texas" kind of dog or not?
  19. Lots of good thoughts for Rufus WTG JEd, you are a great guardian of your family. Enjoy the chilling evening Alex and Owl, I will be doing the same shortly. Suzeanna. Hope you have got your roast now San. We really enjoyed the day at Melton Mowbray. Bought some sausages and a pie from Ye olde Pork Pie shoppe and then had a great walk. Lots of labs and honorary labs having fun, no fallings out and birthday cake (doggy) for the dogs. Here are my pics on Facebook, though I do have a few favourites amongst them. https://www.facebook...=1&l=e07eed48cc I am off to relax now, late night last night and early start today, so I have some sleep to catch up on.
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