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Everything posted by Melp

  1. You lucky thing! Beats Liverpool any day eh?
  2. Hhahahahahahaha that is bloody brilliant
  3. Sooooo, A lot of us on here are pro rescue, a lot are pro [responsible] breeding, some of us are both. My own personal opinion is that while there are so many thousands of dogs in rescue, there's no way I would ever consider buying from a breeder and I find it particularly difficult to understand when people who are members of rescue organisations or forums where rescue is promoted heavily, then go on to buy a dog. However, I am also aware that personal preference, family, home environment etc do affect what breed or type of dog you can or should have. I would not and could not have a collie. They are far too active a breed for my situation and whilst they're lovely dogs, they just don't do it for me. I'm aware of the many thousands of dogs killed or rejected by the greyhound racing industry and am lucky in that the breed suit my situation in terms of exercise needs, size of house, children etc and I also happen to like the way they look. that doesn't mean I'll only ever own greyhounds though. I like and seem to have the ability to care for elderly and ill dogs. Whilst they've almost always been greyhounds, we've also had a springer, cavs and of course the wonderful Foodog I have openly criticised peoples choice of buying dogs when there are so many rescue dogs needing homes and I make no apology for being critical, however it is down to personal choice and just because I wouldn't do it doesn't mean no-one else should. The lady who bought a dog from a pet shop recently was heavily criticised for her decision. How many of us have walked past a pet shop and seen the rabbits, cats, dogs or whatever and been able to walk away without a second glance? Yes buying funds the breeders, puppy farmers, BYB's and idiots selling puppies from the boots of cars. Yes its wrong to finance the dodgy folk who churn dogs out to make a fast buck but when you're in a situation where the dog is in front of you its not easy to walk away. I don't like other peoples choices sometimes and I don't understand them either. I'm also damn sure people don't like mine. Does that mean people are horrible, irresponsible or unable to care for the animals they have [rescued or bought]? No it doesn't, it just means they've made choices that are different to our own.
  4. Congratulations, she's beautiful
  5. I was on a few waiting lists for rescue iggys and never saw a single one come up. They are very lovely I can't say I agree with your choice Em but it is YOUR choice and I hope you have many happy years with her.
  6. Melp


    For leg n pit shaving of for lady garden topiary?
  7. Noooooo! Crate crate crate. She's a staffyx. If she kicks off at Henry you'll never forgive yourself!
  8. If she's what I think she is [An Iggy] they very rarely come into rescue in the UK [though you can get them from Spain] She's very cute.
  9. Not one of ours but I'm glad he's home
  10. Got a fella have ya? Been pissing down here for abut an hour after a beautful sunny day. Biggest clap of thunder has just made Dennis bolt for the upstairs bathroom. Why he has to get higher up and therefore closer to the noise baffles me Owl what hospital is MummyOwl in?
  11. Abi dabby dat was one of Ellis's. We have never figured out what she was saying but it meant something to do with sleeves. [she used to say it if her sleeves were runkled up] Oldmerry is my favourite of Sams, it means ordinary. The other day i asked him if he wanted brown bread or oldmerry [white] bread. He told me off for being stupid
  12. I've been really down recently but have just joined a group on facebook called the Lying down game. [the midlands one] I haven't laughed so much in aages and may have participated a bit its juvenile and silly but its bloody funny.
  13. You and Kev are lovely people and deserve to be happy. Glad you've had such a lovely day
  14. I like that idea an really wish I'd been able to have one of Foodogs pawprints
  15. Yes but so should I. I've just eaten a wafer bar and now I'm eating chocolate buttons.
  16. Oooh are you dropping in for a cuppa on the way back?
  17. Oooh good luck Sam My benefit saga continues. Being the director of DNB is almost certainly going to have an effect on Income support. If I wind it up or change the directorship to someone else I have made myself unemployed and could face a ban on claims for up to 16 weeks How can I make myself unemployed when I AM employed elsewhere AND when I don't even have to be available for work on Income support because I have children? AND AND AND, I'm NOT employed by DNB, its VOLUNTARYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AND the council now want proof of my Income support entitlement which I have not got because Income fecking support claim is in dispute. I am now going to jump off a bridge. Never been so bloody stressed in my life. I apologise for constantly whinging.
  18. It still doesn't make sense though. Even if there was an amendment and Bruce were exempted properly [which he's not] it is not possible to rehome a registered dog. He would have to stay with his owner. This is what I don't get, how can anyone offer to take him when it's not legal to rehome him?
  19. How are they able to rehome him?
  20. No theres no question about dividends but I can see why they might be asking for more info now. I am the Director but don't take anything at all from the company. I assume they can check that? I've now got an appt with jobcentre plus tomorrow at 9am and the council on thurs at 9.30. How the heck do people manage to commit benefit fraud when its so damn difficult to make a genuine claim?
  21. How does ANYONE ever manage to claim benefits? After yesterdays saga with the council I have today received a letter from Dept of work and pensions. One of the things they've asked for are details of voluntary work. [i already told them about DNB but they need more info including company details] at the bottom of the letter it states: If you are not to be paid for the work you are doing, the Decision Maker can consider assuming notional earnings, as the law states that people providing a service for another person can be treated as if they are being paid for the work by that person. The amount of earnings used is that which other people actually employed in the same sort of work in the area receive. The amount of money calculated is counted as fully coming in even if it is only partly paid or not paid at all. wtf???????????????? so they can say I don't have an entitlement to income support or other related benefits[which by the fecking way they've already said is NIL] EVEN THOUGH I AM NOT PAID BY DNB NOR DO I RECEIVE ANY EXPENSES. Christ almighty this is bloody ridiculous So what do I do, wind up the company EVEN THO IT PAYS ME NOTHING and stop helping other people in the vain hope that somehow I'll be able to help me and my kids?
  22. You will not! but thankyou very much Trev has found Sams certficate and is posting it to me. I'll take Ellis's passport and they can feck off if they want anything else [thankyou Marge for your advice ] Am trying to organise a payment holiday with the mortgage company but they insist on speaking to both of us together [on the phone] which is difficult when we're in different counties Wendy mooningboobies how are you? its been aggggges Wendy bert did you get my text about 3 in the morning on sunday?
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