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Everything posted by phoebejo

  1. Jedward are going to make me rich when they win on Thursday. I've had the biggest bet of my life on them at 5/2
  2. Last day of the summer holidays and it's raining again I'm going to take my girls out for lunch. Early bath and bed for them all tonight. I'm going to miss them tomorrow
  3. I too am 5ft4. I cannot reach things on the top shelves of my kitchen cupboards. I can open the kitchen windows, just about, but I cannot then close them
  4. Linky Putlocker & VideoBB are my favourites for watching things on. Putlocker is especially good for TB on a Monday morning!
  5. I've not ventured into Twilight yet. I'm deeply immersed in True Blood, been watching season 4 online, last but one episode will be up early Monday morning. I don't really watch proper telly much so I was wondering what I'd watch once it's finished for the year but season 3 of Vampire Diaries starts a few days later so that's me sorted TB season 4 has been amazing, just as good as season 1. Roll on next June because I think Dennis O'Hare is back as Russell Edgington for season 5 and I loved him in season 3. "Mine is the true face of vampire! Why would we seek equal rights? You are not our equals. We will eat you after we eat your children. Now time for the weather. Tiffany?" :laugh: :laugh:
  6. It's probably from her second hatch of the year. Some of the birds in my garden have two a year. Emilys kidneys a normal We also saw her lunch in her stomach and her heart beating
  7. Just about to leave for the hospital where Emily is having a scan on her kidneys & plumbing *wibble* We took our minds off it this morning by playing cards. Georgia is such a cheat
  8. My mum has been to stay for a few days. Lizzie was beside herself with joy She's my mums biggest fan We stopped at Jollyes on the way home and she bought some bones for the dogs and said I was to tell them they were presents from Nanny
  9. I had an email this morning from Daisys biological 'father' that made me literally shake with rage Apart from a fiver here and there for her first few months on earth he hasn't provided a penny for her nor made any attempts to see her until late last year when I decided I was fed up with scrimping and saving to make end meet and that it was high time he dipped his hands in his pockets to make things easier. I had no idea where he lived or what his circumstances were but the CSA managed to trace him. The letter had barely touched his doormat before he was on the phone to me begging to come to some financial arrangement that didn't involve the CSA. Since then every month without fail he has coughed up. Daisy received a lavish Christmas present from him, he said he was going to make more of an effort to build a relationship with her........ and then nothing happened. Her birthday passed by unmarked by him in June. This morning I got this: No mention of her by name, no enquiry as to her wellbeing, nuffink She's a child, not a bloody sofa from DFS! She doesn't cost 50% less to maintain all of a sudden! I would've liked to have had more children but I couldn't afford to support them so did not. He already has a son, who incidentally he has every other weekend, and who is a stranger to Daisy. Am I supposed to tell her she's about to gain another half sibling??? He sure as hell will not. This was my reply: He didn't like that. Within minutes he was on the phone! I heard tales of woe, yet he still didn't ask about Daisy. What a pathetic, miserable, inconsiderate piece of excrement. I hope he turns green and all his skin falls off.
  10. Don't feel bad about it. Think of it this way, Abbey will be happier in a new home where she can rule the roost. You're helping her on her way to a better life. And Maddie will be as pleased as punch she doesn't have to share her home with such a little ratbag
  11. You've all made me cry, you're so luffly It was horrid, just horrid, getting the cream into Emilys eye tonight She screamed at us for twenty minutes, hyperventilated, almost made herself sick before eventually giving in and I had to hold her eye open while Mr Hazell tried to get the cream in There's no way on earth she'll do it herself. She then couldn't get to sleep because she'd worked herself up into such a state and was still awake at 11pm. I hope tomorrow night is easier Lots of love to Karens Mum and to Tia :GroupHug:
  12. Yep, her sight has deteriorated so she's been referred back to the hospital. She's also got to start using an artificial tears cream at night to stop her eye from drying out, when the optician put the dye in you could see the damage to her eye. WW3 is going to break out every night now because Emily HATES anything to do with her eyes and will fight us all the way to get cream in her eye. I said to her that if she didn't co-operate we'd wait until she was asleep, creep into her room and squirt the cream in regardless. Trust Georgia to pipe up "that's a great idea, I can't wait to see that!"
  13. Thinking of your mum I'm having a wibble too. Emily is going to the opticians in a little while. Some of you might remember the surgery she had on her eye a few years ago. Whilst it wasn't 100% successful, her sight did improve. However it's gradually got worse again. She doesn't want to admit it but she's almost blind in one eye now because of the way her eye lid isn't strong enough. And she can't have the same op again because there's not enough muscle left to shorten, it's already too short and she cannot close that eye completely. I know we'll be referred back to the eye hospital but I really don't know what else they can do for her
  14. Amy seems a bit fick. She's as entertaining as watching paint dry.
  15. I don't even know half of them I love Jedward and Darryn Lyons is a funny chap but I don't really care for the rest of them.
  16. It's not her fault she's a clumsy moo, all Brahmas are and my lesson has been learnt, don't trust Brahmas with precious eggs! So this time I spent £4 on some Silkie eggs to put under Bridget Brahma and my good eggs are going to go in the incubator. I'll give her the chicks once they've hatched. Thankfully chickens cannot count
  17. I know what it's like living with an unforgiving daughter I'd be honest with her and say you'd really love the job and are going to apply too.
  18. We went away for Monday & Tuesday and I am so glad we picked those two days because the weather was lovely and since it's been utter pants. I am soooooooo cold today! Yesterday morning was horrid because on day 18 out of 21 my clumsy broody Brahma hen stomped on a very precious egg, killing the nearly ready chick I sobbed my heart out over that and rued the day I trusted her with it instead of baking it in the incubator It was strange because I've never hatched any Fresian Fowl chickens and I only got that one egg because my friend who was sending me 6 Brahma eggs only had 5 so topped the box up with the FF. Sods law that the Brahmas were all infertile but the surprise FF was a good egg! Then the postie arrived with boxes of eggs I'd bought on Ebay for another broody. In those were a box of 12 from a breeder who sends out boxes of eggs depending on what breeds have laid that day, all are pure breeds so it's very exciting opening the box to see what I've got. In the box were two Fresian Fowl eggs
  19. The highlight of my otherwise dull day will be watching this later to see what Z-list 'celebs' they've managed to rope in
  20. It's an E-coli infection she's got. I don't remember which antibiotics she's had, apart from amoxicillin but it's resistant to that which is why she's since had two more. Fingers crossed this latest one works.
  21. We're having a really pants start to the holidays. Emily has been ill for weeks, but really ill since the 17th with a nasty urine infection. Today we've been back to the doctors to get a third different antibiotic because the others haven't worked. She's going back for a blood test tomorrow. If these antibiotics don't work she's going to have a scan on her kidneys. She's got a high temperature and feels really grotty. We've not been able to go anywhere or do anything. Daisy and Molly are just horrid to each other and have driven me to drink already. We are not happy campers
  22. I'm in the tired corner too. Emily got me up last night, then Georgia did, then Mr Hazell got called out 347 times
  23. I tired myself out moving garden furniture so that Mr Hazell could mow the lawn, having another cup of tea to aid recovery We're off out strawberry picking and to buy a heater for Mollys spare tank because she's found some baby fish in her biggest tank and wants to try to rear them to adulthood. You'll notice these are clearly the actions of a bad mother, which is what I am according to someone on another forum because I've allowed my children to listen to Amy Winehouse music I'd better download a disc of Sir Cliff Richard before we go so as not to encourage them into a life of sin with my poor musical tastes.
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