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Everything posted by phoebejo

  1. My lovely doctor decided to double the dose of all my medication It's lovely and warm on my planet Two nights of 12 hours sleep has been wonderful.I have decided that the thing that would make be better than anything is a Chihuahua puppy. Daisys best friend adopted a Chi six weeks ago. They were glad to see her gaining weight so quickly. Then rather than looking rotund, they realised she looked pregnant! The vet scanned her and said there were three puppies! Further investigation revealed Phoebe (the Chi) had lived with a male Chi in her last home. Well 1+1=5 extras They were born yesterday morning A black one, a brown one, two tan coloured ones and a white with black dots. The photos are sooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet and I must have one. Mr Hazell says no so I just remind him it's for the good of my health
  2. Approximately one hours sleep last night, went to bed at 11pm, must've dropped off about 6am My eyelids feel like they've got staples in them
  3. Bad, very baaaaaaad day yesterday, Sunday, my birthday, was pants, as was Saturday but today has been lovely. I didn't get out of bed until lunch time because of a wonderful book I was reading Mr Hazell gave me a very sweet card, it was really really soppy and so I nearly wee'd laughing. I don't think he was amused I apologised and was a bit more grateful for my big box of chocolates and bottle of Baileys. That will join the unopened bottle of Amaretto he gave me for my birthday because I can't drink while on the medication I am on
  4. I've given up with Frontline, and so has my mum, because it doesn't seem to kill fleas anymore. I think maybe my lot are just immune to it now. Advantage does the job.
  5. I like February, it's my birthday on the 12th, and February means it's nearly March and March means it's getting warmer
  6. Yep my money is on some kind of animal doing it to them.
  7. Are you sure it's not a weasel or similar attacking them? I have a large flock, young boys included, and never have I had any fight to the death. Boys might squabble amongst themselves but they wouldn't kill pullet.
  8. I'm still not doing too well. I don't know how much of it is just me generally being buggered or which is side effects from the medications I was such a gibbering wreck last night I took myself off to bed at 9.30pm just to make the day end I started reading about nervous breakdowns, read a list of about 20 symptoms and realised I had them all! I used to be really laid back but I've been so stressed for so long now I reckon my brain is like a piece of cheese full of holes that is falling to bits. I'm not quite sure how to get it back to how it used to be again. Mr Hazell is being lovely I'm putting the girls to work around the house and they are doing a good job of making me cups of tea and trying hard not to kill each other. I've told them a little bit about what's wrong with me, but apart from Mr Hazell nobody else knows. I've always done a brilliant job of hiding it anyway. So it helps to be able to write here. My cats seem to know I'm ill and are taking it in turns to look after me Rory has perfected his worried look and barely leaves my side, even following me to the bathroom Rosie has offered me her toy worm this morning. I am touched
  9. Yesterday I was very brave. I went to see my favourite doctor, sat down and announced that I was a fruit loop who had self medicated with biscuits for seven years but felt that now I needed shed loads of drugs. Since Alan has kicked the bucket, and my nasty neighbours are off terrorizing some other poor souls, I thought I'd feel better. Instead I've been getting worse and worse. It's as if my brain had tolerated so much for so long that once the war was over it fell to pieces with exhaustion. I blubbed and snotted and got most things off my chest and after half an hour of hearing my tales of woe she said I was lovely, not a fruit loop, and that she would make me better. So, long overdue, I have some happy pills plus a short course of sleeping pills because it'd be rather nice not to wake up three billion times a night for a bit. Mr Hazell has been a pain in the arse at times, not understanding what was wrong with me, but yesterday he was amazing He bunked off work to take me to the doctors and made me another appointment for in two weeks because I was too frightened to speak to the receptionist. He took me out for lunch, cooked my dinner, sorted out all of the girls and made sure I went to bed early. I likes him
  10. If only we could talk sense into them Some cockerels are just pure evil. My friend who used to breed gold Brahmas had the most amazing hens and the chicks produced were show winners but when the Brahma cockerel became ill he had no choice but to cull him because he wasn't able to handle him to treat his illness. He gave up breeding Brahmas, I have the last one of his hens here, Princess Michael of Kent. Whereas another friend breeds barred Wyandottes and her cockerels are the soppiest cockerels I've ever seen. She shows them so they're well used to being handled and are just nice little people. When I win the lottery and have a place where I can keep cockerels I'll only have nice boys that I can handle. It's dangerous otherwise, for me and for them.
  11. Oh they'd still crow Removing those bits is illegal too, that'd turn the bird into what is known as Capon I believe. Capon used to be a popular meat at Christmas.
  12. It's illegal to remove a cocks voice box. Although why the powers that be reckon death is a kinder option I've no idea.
  13. I like how the word c*** isn't allowed You were very lucky to find him a home, they're hard to come by. I wanted a lemon pyle Brahma to add to my Brahma collection of three gold hens and a blue partridge pullet. Three eggs hatched and four months later it looks as if all three are boys As far as Brahmas go, they are a rare colour so at least that's in their favour and this is the time of year breeders start to make sure they've got all the boys they need for spring, I would hope I can find someone to take at least one of my boys for a life of rumpy pumpy with the ladies. I hope the new girls clear the nettles soon
  14. I heard our mystery visitor over the bathroom ceiling
  15. Steph you might've cracked a rib. Take Miss Merles advice and go see someone who knows about these fings. Loft is now empty. No sign of any visitors though Maybe we have ghost rodents
  16. I love Sainsburys and rarely shop anywhere else. I'm ten miles away from the nearest supermarket, Sainsburys, and ten miles the other way to again, a Sainsburys. I hate Swindon and will not venture further into it unless I really have to I've had a productive day. I've been tidying my bedroom and having a thorough sort out of stuff. Got rid of loads and loads and loads of old paperwork, my shredder may keel over and die when it sees what I have in store for it A built a new chest of drawers I bought in Ikea yesterday and a bedside table. The whole room needs painting whenever I get around to deciding what colour On Sunday Mr Hazell & his brother Bob are off up into the loft in search of our visitor who we can hear again. I've bought one of those sonic devices that are supposed to deter rodents so I hope he vacates the premises soon. They've got to clear it out anyway because we're having chaps over to insulate it properly soon and they've said it needs to be empty for that.
  17. I don't get it How can a woman be famous for cheating on her husband with his own brother, and I assume both families have children? That's just wrong. She should be hanging her head in shame, not parading herself on telly And another fellow famous for being kicked off another reality show for drug taking. These are not celebrities Maybe I'm just old.
  18. Hobbycraft do wool, as do Dunelm Mill. I can only knit scarves
  19. I love Shameless too, I was brought up on an identical estate The American Shameless is good too, season two starts in a few days What about Lost? It had some dodgy bits but on the whole I loved it. I still don't understand the ending though I'm content with that, considering I spent much of the time I was watching it wondering what on Earth was going on Now the years have passed I can appreciate it more
  20. It has to be Karen Hardy or at least another professional female dancer. I want someone who knows what they're talking about.
  21. I watched it on Youtube. Bit of a pain but worth it. The Tudors is good. I keep meaning to watch Game of Thrones.
  22. True Blood or Vampire Diaries Just before Christmas I felt like watching North & South, the one with Richard Armitage, not Patrick Swayze.
  23. That's something Mr Hazell would do
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