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Everything posted by riley

  1. Aaah, my absence doesn't deserve your support but please if you have the time and the spare healing, send it to baby bug tomorrow. She has a barium swallow xray at around half 9 in the morning which will determine her condition. We're hoping for congenital as she'll grow out of it by 2 but the paediatrician has led us to believe its more of likely to be a blood vessel which will lead to further surgery
  2. Awwwwwwww lovely chooks, I can imagine how strange it is without them. We only looked after our friends for a week and got quite attached! Emily has a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better hold on them than I ever got - she's a natural! Speaking of which, I can really see Georgia in E, J is going to have a particularly gorgeous sister in law
  3. Hey guys, sorry Ive not been around but just a quick update to say the Rilster Squigg is well and happy. New tablets working well and no antibiotics involved! He's lost a couple of nails recently but without any hassle as these things go. He's a perky Riles again. Getting into bed with us, running round to his mates house on a morning ready for a walk, play bowing - it's all goooooood x
  4. riley


    Fish oil/vit E Niacinamide Soloxine they tried him on predisolne (sp?) but he became twitchy and 'odd'
  5. riley


    As some of you will know, Riles has SLO, he's not responding to his meds any more he's crying during the night before a nail drops out, 3 in as many weeks, he won't go for walks and he won't eat, just spending the days on his bed. The vet is changing his meds and we pick the new lot up tomorrow but he's really suffering. He's not eaten properly for three days, I've made fish, steak, burgers, garlic tuna, nothing tempts him. Having said that, he seems happy on his bed, he won't poo in the garden but he will walk to the top of the field at the back of the house, poo then go back. I don't want to lose him. He was my baby way before the tiddlers came along. he got me through a nasty bout of PND and he and I are soul mates. I guess Im hoping you guys can help, but I dont know how.
  6. Nope, we're in sunny Leeds so she'll be at LGI or Jimmy's
  7. So, firstly, hello and thank you for your good thoughts. Lucy saw the paediatrician on Thursday and sadly he thinks she may have an 'h type tracheo-oesophageal fistula - basically a hole in her windpipe. She's to have exploratory surgery in a week or so. Please keep her in your thoughts/prayers thank you
  8. My brother used to work with a Richard (dick) Pheeler and I knew a Luke North
  9. Out walking this morning an off lead dog (large and gorgeous) ran up to Riles, I couldn't see the owner to start with but I could hear her hollering after her dog. She rounded the corner and was clearly in a flap so assuming she was worried for her dog with mine (yeah right) I said "dont worry he's gentle" but called Riley back anyway. Her dog followed Riles and she shouted and I kid you not............... "keep your hands in your pockets, keep your hands in your pockets, he's not viscious but he doesn't like srangers and he'll bite you!" Couple that with the chap who told me Riley (greyhound) definately had Collie in him because of his colouring (which means he's clearly also related to a cow) and you have two of my favourite walkies moments. Which got me thinking you guys must have some great ones too and we need all the laughs we can get so please add yours........ Edited because toddlers and keyboards don't mix resulting in some of the keys needing a little more force........
  10. riley


    Regardless of my personal situation I would still like to think I manage the basic manners of please and thank you, hell, maybe the poor woman had been deaf but she could've still smiled ;) My father died a slow agonising death at 7 a.m one morning, I'd been at the hospital since 3 but I still remember thanking the doctors and nurses as we left the ward. I won't apologise for taking issue with this as I think that society in general is becoming lax and accepting of rudeness and ignorance. How many times have you let someone out of a side junction or other exit and not received a wave of recognition, how many times have you held a door open for someone to have them not acknowledge the courtesy, do you really want to live in world where no one can afford another the time of day?
  11. riley


    Never having been one to hold back *ahem*, we (Jack, Riley and I) were walking yesterday, a lady came up behind us and as Jack was dawdling along in the middle of the path I took hime to one side with the words "JJ, we need to be aware of what's around us and move to the side so that the ady can come past us" Which he did and we watched as she went past, WITHOUT A WORD! Not even a smile in acknowledgement. So I may just have said rather loudly after her..... Thank you, it's a pleasure, how on earth you expet children to learn manners when as an adult you can't exhibit them yourself is beyond me.
  12. Thank you all again!! She's over this one but is still ruttley and wheezy, the gp says he feels she's a 'happy wheezer' but she's seeing a paediatrician on Thursday next week so we'll see. I'll be honest, I'm worried but we're not dwelling on it as she's such a happy little bot with an appetite to rival her daddy's!! We'd be grateful for the continued good thoughts tho.....x
  13. yeeeeeees, he is rather isn't he? The vet says we're made for each other Quite a nasty one this time, he was joyfully playing in the snow when he ran through some (snowed over) broken glass and severed an artery resulting in lots of blood and an emergency vet visit. Staples are out now but he still has the dressing changed every two days, fingers crossed it should be off by next Monday.....
  14. Hello, Ginger or not Ginger, that is the question......... (melp, do you remember J being this colour??) And Riley hound (ignore the wound, he's fine ((as severed arteries go!)) )
  15. We wont have another hound for a while after Riles, we won't kennel him as (Claire will vouch for this) he hits a massive dive when he thinks we've left him. So we have to weigh up the pros and cons, Riles was here first so he gets first consideration (within reason) but when he's gone we'd lke to be able to take the children away for weekends and longer. In an ideal world we'll volunteer on here to do some sort of 'respite' fostering - you get it for children - why not dogs?? Got a wedding, here we are - got a holiday and your dog doesnt like kennels, here we are.....but i cant imagine ever being completely dog free x
  16. The Black Bra > > I had lunch with 2 of my unmarried friends. One is engaged, one is a > mistress, and of course I have been married for 20+ years. We were > chatting about our relationships and decided to amaze our men by wearing > a black leather bra, stiletto heels and a mask over our eyes. We > agreed to meet in a few days to exchange notes. > > Here's how it all went. > > My engaged friend: The other night when my boyfriend came over he found > me with a black leather bodice, tall stilettos and a mask. He saw me and > said, 'You are the woman of my dreams. I love you.' Then we made love > all night long. > > The mistress: Me too! The other night I met my lover at his office and I > was wearing the leather bodice, heels and mask over my eyes and a > raincoat. When I opened the raincoat he didn't say a word, but we had > wild sex all night. > > Then I had to share my story: When my husband came home I was wearing > the leather bodice, black stockings, stilettos and a mask over my eyes. > As soon as he came in the door and saw me he said, 'What's for dinner, > Batman?'
  17. Congratulaions!! What a lovely name
  18. Firstly a thank you again for being there and helping us through the difficult time with Luby before Christmas, her chest is improving almost daily although at times she still sounds like a 50 a day girl Just being able to pop online whist I was with her in the hospital and read your messages of support and healing was a real boost. So here there are my two smalls, who are taller small and smallest small........(can you believe J is 3 on the 26th and Luby is already 5months old!)
  19. Hello all and thank you for your good wishes, thoughts and support. We're still here but she's improving slowly. Her iv line may come out tonight which is another step forward and she's maintained her own oxygen for the past few hours. There really are some poorly babies here so if I can put on you to extend your positivity to those little ones and their families too I'm know it'd be appreciated - thank you again so so much popping on here and reading your messages of support has been a godsend x
  20. Not a chance - I need 5 months grace to lose the baby weight - but if you'll do it I'll do it. Lend me a staffie or 10 and Im away....
  21. Now you see Id do it (could be the medicinal whiskey talking) but Ive only got a gummi bear for a greyhound so I'd be no use !
  22. Just been reading the news online and seen the 'shrine' at baby P's grave, lovely and well meaning as it is, am I alone in thinking that all those teddies (and yes the money they cost) would have been better directed given to a childrens home or charity as a more befitting memory? Sorry if I offend anyone
  23. Ahhh Ive missed the refuge and looky look Im following the lovely inipops too - time for a book swap soon mrs..... RMF I am hating christmas shopping this year
  24. Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your Friends. Copy then change all the answers so they apply to you...... ! 1.What time did you get up this morning? 8.45 - I am blessed with sleepy children 2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Batman 4. What is your favourite TV show? Spooks and Mock the Week 5. What do you usually have for breakfast? coffee , 6. What is your middle name? Jane 7. What food do you dislike? Any form of Offal (puke) 8. What is your favourite CD at the moment? Shuffle on the ipod but Christmas music is creeping in - 9. What kind of car do you drive? Honda CRV 10. Favourite sandwich? Hummous and pepper 11. What characteristic do you despise? Bulllying & arrogance 12. Favourite item of clothing? PJ's and cargo pants 13. If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would you go? Somewhere remote with my Tiddlers and Riles where we could just be...... 14. Favourite brand of clothing? none - owt that fits and doesnt make me look like a tory wife 15. Where would you retire to? See holiday destination 16.What was your most recent memorable birthday? The one after J was born - 33, H took me to the Red Lion at Burnsall and unbeknownst to him I'd always wanted to go. When we were growing up we didnt have much money and we used to go play at Burnsall on a weekend, I'd look at the Red Lion and promise myself that one day I'd go there and stay but never got round to it. Twas lovely 17. Favourite sport to watch? Erm, none. If I had to then skiing but is that a sport or a pastime? 18. When is your birthday? May 19. Are you a morning person or a night person? Neither really, I get up, I go to bed - end of. 20. What is your shoe size? 6 21. Pets? Riley Dog and we've been adopted by a fat GT (ginger tom) 22. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Nope - same old same old 23. What did you want to be when you were little? Apparantly I wanted to Solicit people - I am neither a prostitute or a lawyer! 24. How are you today? Ok - mother and I had a good old fashioned bicker this morning but that's par for the course. Whiny old trout. Her that is. 25. What is your favorite sweet thing hmmmm, I need to be in the mood for sweet stuff but probably a rum baba 26.What is your favourite flower? Snowdrop 27. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Tomorrow when H gets back 28. what fragrance do you wear? Coco Chanel 29. What are you listening to right now? Computer hum and Lulu snoring 30. What was the last thing you ate? Pasta 31. Favourite food? Saag Paneer 32. Favourite Drink? Good red wine and decent coffee 33. The first person you spoke to today? My mum 34. Favourite restaurant? La Grillade in Leeds 35. Real hair colour? Morticia brown 36. What was your favourite toy as a child? Girls World 37. Summer or winter? Winter 38. Hugs or kisses? Neither really unless from H or the tiddlers then either 39. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate 40. Coffee or tea? Coffee 41. When was the last time you cried? Watching the news when the Baby P story broke 42. What is under your bed? Fluff 43. What did you do last night? online shopping 44. What are you afraid of? losing those I love and I'm afraid *for* my children 45. Salty or sweet? salty 46. How many keys on your key ring? 6 47. How many years at your current job? Gave up work when we had J, so 3 years at home 48. Favourite day of the week? Friday - weekend innit 49. How many towns have you lived in? 2 50. Do you make friends easily? No Over to you.....
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