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Everything posted by Moonbladez

  1. Poop! I think its contageous. The vet started talking about "motions" and by the end of the appointment he was telling me to bring him in if his poop didnt improve..
  2. Ha Ha thats my house! Well the three dogs are on the human sofa sprawled out, and then me either on the floor or sat on the "dog sofa" straining to see the TV. Although Woody doesn't leave my side, so if I sit on the dog sofa, then he comes and joins me on my knee. The spot is then quicly filled by Gareth
  3. Woody is only too happy to oblige... I think... He drew the line at modelling the pink collar I made though
  4. While doing rehoming, I made this! It has black lining on the back and a velcro fastening. I woud model it on a dog, but the only one who it fits is Woody and he was non too co-operative. He just rolled on his back Im not really happy with it, but its ok for my first one
  5. me me me *waves hand* im comiiiing! *jumps up and down*
  6. Mine is showing "quantity " I persume I could change that to be more than 1?
  7. Ha ha ha I dont know wether to laugh or cry!! Im spechully scared of your emote Amy Thanks again for voting everyone ! Please feel free to cross post the just giving page! x
  8. Haunted House thing A couple of places remaing for any brave souls who wish to partake in the event for Oldies! You will be responsible for payment for the event, travel there and back and any accomidation you may require for the weekend. Are you barking mad?
  9. Welcome to The Refuge I may slightly in love with Muffin, so feel free to stick a stamp on her bum and send her to me, thank you Ill find somewhere to squeeze her in..
  10. Im glad you all had a great weekend! I was absolutley gutted I couldn't make it, I had so much fun last year. But I didn't want to risk taking an unvaccinated Woody to a place that had so many potentially unvaccinated dogs Where are the banners situated, apart from the back of your car. I may see if I can get to picking them up
  11. Me and my crew! No idea why I bother with sofa throws Woody has lost just under half a kilogram in the week since he was last at the vets. So hopefully wont take more than a few months for him to be at his ideal weight *paws crossed* His itchy skin isn't holding him back too much, he LOVES is walks and meeting new doggies and owners. He is such a cuddly loving dog!!
  12. Poor lickle Susie, paws crossed you start feeling better soon. Woody has stopped eating aswell.. Dogs.. wouldn't live without em!!
  13. I have the postcode of MK4 1GA, which is the postcode of the Premier Inn which is next to the lake. Hope to see many of you there if the weather holds out
  14. Show off his new streamline look and showing off his new stripe he has mimiced off Sandy He is tiny stood next to Spirit like that. But the baldy bits are a bit less obvious now
  15. He weighs as much as a small elephant, but thankfully he is the size bodywise of a laptop. So you can just pick him up, and he is happy enough to be picked up. But in between the lifting, the 6 mile walks and the constant games of fetch its a great way to loose weight!
  16. Woody now has his own facebook page if any of his fans would like to join Woody Wigglebottom
  17. See what happens when I go without sleep... Sorry... Bath Dates are above.
  18. We have dates for a Bristol street collections. I just need a show of hands who can do what dates, so I can set the wheel in motions for the most popular date. We need the dates as soon as possible as they go as quick as hot cakes! Thankies Muchies. Sun 22nd Aug 1pm - 5pm Fri 27th Aug 1pm - 5pm Sun 29th Aug 1pm - 5pm Fri 3rd Sept 1pm - 5pm Sun 19th Sept 9am - 1pm Fri 24th Sept 1pm - 5pm Sun 26th Sept 1pm - 5pm Alas no Saturdays available in the rest of 2010
  19. Seeing his little wigglybottom covered in fur, wiggling off into the sunset with his new forever family will make it all worthwhile
  20. Woody is such a well behaved, tolerant doggy. He has put up with so much over a short period of time. And the ritual I have to do every day. The x3 ear drops, the x2 eye drops, the bathing everyday, this nasty lady spraying him with this nice smelling stuff 3 times aday, the 6 mile walks, the horrible diet food he is on. He always goes through it with a smile on his face and a wiggly bum because he wags his tail so much. Woody Wigglebottom has made himself very much at home. I came down this morning to find him sprawled out upside down on the couch. I stil have no idea how he got up on the couch because its too tall for him Maybe Spirit gave him a boost up.
  21. Picking up stuff you may of dropped on the floor and placing it on your lap or somewhere. Also to stop you bending down
  22. The vet visit went fine. He was very well behaved, even when the nasty Vet stuck dye in his eyes His dew claw came off by itself, it got stuck in the carpet when Woody and I were playing fetch it in the living room. It was a clean break, no blood thankfully. The twirly bit of the claw that came off was actually hollow And yay his conjuntivitis looks like its clearing up aswell. He doesn't wake up in the morning with yellow cack sealing his eyes shut. His skin condition is slowly coming under control, it doesn't seem to be itching him any more and he has stopped dropping more fur than my Husky. He hasn't had any more bald spots appearing and those bald spots he does have, now have lickle hairs coming through. Wuu huu! Its a long slow road to recovery, but he is the perfect dog to be sharing the road with HAI!!
  23. Im bias...Im in love with Woody kisses
  24. Here is Woody and Sandy getting to know each other a bit better... They were actually snuggled up asleep at one point.. till I made the mistake of moving But all in all.. Woody is a superstar! But please ignore the dog hair and the black skin on Woodys belly. Its all part of his skin condition which I hope to kick in the backside very soon
  25. :wub:Don't we have a handsome bunch in at the moment!
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