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Everything posted by smorse

  1. We had a great time too with Morse, Smudge, Sophie and Sky. I would love to make a donation to help the Oldies club if someone could please tell me how to?
  2. Thankyou everyone for the warm welcome - it already feels like a great place to be We lived in Edmonton, Alberta for 18 years and roughly 9 years of that was winter! The cats still seem to put on a Canadian winter coat each year so right now there is more than enough cat hair lying around to make another whole cat it seems.The gingers are brother and sister from the Edmonton SPCA and Toby managed to lose a back leg when only about 5 months old by getting stuck in a tree. He has the loudest cat voice I have ever heard and a whole selection of annoying habits - sucking ear-lobes, sitting on the newspaper as you try to read it and drinking your cereal milk fom the bowl if you leave it unguarded for so much as a second. Topsy is skilled at breaking her way into any room and when you try to remove her she sort of melts her body making it impossible to throw her out. Shadow is an absolute sweetheart - his only slightly annoying habit was at one time he brought frogs into the house every morning. Morse is my reliable dog - Smudge is a complete right off in the reliability stakes - so there's not much competition for the position and by most people's standards Morse is not that reliable either! But I do like my dogs to be dogs and to have some freedom to explore on their own in safe places even if it does mean I spend some ( loads) of my time waiting for them to find me at the end of a walk occasionally.
  3. I thought I'd better join up after so enjoying the wolf visit on Monday. My daughter (Sophie) is already a member and has dragged me along on some walks and the wolf visit - my younger daughter came on that too. I live in Reading in Berkshire and have 2 dogs and 3 cats. The dogs are Morse who is 7 years old and Smudge who is 4. The cats all came over from Canada with us in 2000 and are called Shadow, Toby and Topsy. Morse is a medium sized terrier cross maybe whippet maybe cross anything while Smudge is a dachshund/JRT mix with a habit of going down rabbit holes and occasionally getting stuck! His record so far is 4 days stuck while we were on holiday in Wales in September 2006 - an experience we never want to go through again so we are now very very careful with the places he is allowed off leash.
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