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Sue B

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Everything posted by Sue B

  1. My Hugo is the same. He once ran across a field in the park towards a woman with a dog, i thought he was going to see the dog, nope, he sat nicely at this woman's feet looking winningly up at her. When I got to the woman, who I didn't recognise at all, she told me she had met us once before, three months ago and given him a biscuit. My often dense, elderly and cloudy eyed, dog had recognised her from across a field and knew he was on to a winner
  2. She is beautiful, bless you for rescuing her.
  3. So glad Connie is Ok. Don't worry too much about the whining, all of my fosters that had dentals whined for a while afterwards, she should be completely back to normal tomorrow. Hugo and Vicky send gentle kisses too.
  4. Have received Marley and Me, many thanks to Annie
  5. So pleased to know that Poppy is doing well, she is a very special dog and I love her lots Hugo and Vicky also send happy kisses to Poppy xx
  6. Thanks for that but the problem is that I don't know who "Annie" is, is that her full username?
  7. I bid for and paid for some time ago,Marley & Me, to be posted by 'Annie' If Annie is reading this, when can I expect to receive this book?
  8. I didn't really fail with Hugo as I knew the minute I saw him that he was for me, and adopted less than 24 hours after first spotting him, In January this year, the last thing I wanted was another foster, but one of the staff suckered me into meeting Vicky, next thing I knew I was taking her home to foster "just for a few days". Then we found out that she has long term and incurable (but so far, managable) health problems which made her virtually unhomeable, so, although she is still a foster officially, she is not going anywhere and can stay with me for the rest of her days. Vicky She has fitted in so well, adores Hugo and is an absoulte angel. Having two dogs long term may be the last thing I wanted, but I wouldn't be without her now.
  9. I don't have stairs! I usually come on here latish - the computer is in my bedroom - so Vicky gets on the bed way before I even think of joining her. And yes, she does hog my side and the pillow, and she grumbles when I move her. I also often wake up squashed against the wall and with cramp Hugo likes his space so prefers his own bed, thank heaven for snall mercies.
  10. How could I have missed this? A huge welcome to adorable Connie and lots of healing thoughts just in case she has any thing wrong. She certainly sounds lively enough and the good appetite is a very good sign.
  11. Have just looked it up, for a large female (over 25kgs in weight) it is £85.00
  12. Took Hugo and Vicky for a special treat, surprise visit to Regents Park after work tonight - we usually just go to a small local park on weekdays. Hugo was very excited at this unexpected visit to his most favourite place in the world and ran about like a loony, then he leapt about like a spring lamb - I think this was one of the most joyous two hours I have spent for a long time, I was just grinning watching him. (he is sixteen) Also, Vicky has been a bit poorly lately but has slowly improved. Tonight she was skipping along quite a lot too and at one point tried to run alongside Hugo The simplest pleasures in life are the best, and I love my dogs so much.
  13. Before you got your first dog what info did you rely on most? For i.e friends exp, books ect or did you just go into it with an open mind and a prayer?!lol As I had a huge experience of having fostered lots of very different dogs before adopting Hugo, I knew exactly what type of dog suited me and my lifestyle best and managed to get the perfect dog for me. I pickd up a few bits and peices from books and talking to other dogs owners but most of my learning was hands on. I suspect that if I hadn't had this experience, I may have fallen for the first cute face and lived to regret it. After you had your first a dog for a while did the info you relied on change? i.e from following books to the letter to saying feck it and doing things your own way?! Not really, Hugo hasn't needed any training or behaviour adjustment apart from a little fine tuning on recall. Is there one thing you wish you knew beforehand that you know now? Not at all, though that is mostly due to my past experience What was the worst thing you learnt and what was the best? (beforehand and after owning a dog) I can't think of any bad things, the best thing I learned from my fostering experiences was how to understand dog's behaviour and how best to communicate with them If you could change one thing about your dog what would it be? That he will live forever!
  14. They don't have to be a bull breed to get low cost neutering from us, we do free neutering for bull breeds and low cost for all other types of dog, regardless of owner's income. I don't know the exact cost we charge to neuter a large female dog (the most expensive type to neuter) but it should be well under £100.
  15. When we are waiting at the station for the train home, Vicky (foster dog) likes to lick Hugo's manly bits verrry slowly and lovingly, I am used to it now but we do get some strange looks. Hugo has to grab something with his mouth when he knows he is going out for a walk, I leave toys in the hall for this purpose or else he would grab my leg. He also likes to move his bed (large cushion) from room to room and will spend ages telling it off if it isn't arranged just right
  16. Hi Sam, It was great to see you and Mark again. Hugo says thank you so much for the yummy donut and sorry about his manners (or lack of) when he decided to announce very loudly that it was now home time Its not often you get your dogs bought coffee and donuts, a lovely surprise and a really nice end to my day too
  17. Have signed, they tried to do this in my borough (Camden) but thankfully backed down due to number of complaints. The local paper - Camden New Journal - printed loads of letters each week, mostly against the ban. If you can get your local paper on side it may help? Best of luck.
  18. I do that too! I feel really bad if I can't find Hugo's poo - he likes his privacy and will wander away a fair distance to poo if off lead - and will pick up any poo I can find to redress this. Have to say, I don't like picking up another dog's poo much, which is strange when you think about it, if not as if any poo is nice
  19. Sue B


    Please don't laugh about that name when my Hugo came into The Mayhew originally it was as a stray and someone - god knows who - named him Dave. The we traced his owner and found out he was really called Pluto (yuck), I changed his name when I adopted him as he didn't seem to mind what I called him as long as I fed him. So Hugo's card vacc reads Dave Pluto Hugo
  20. Wishing Bumpy best of luck for Saturday He is a top dog anyway in my eyes
  21. Have to say I agree 100% with this. I am a smoker, I go out for a fag when I am at work around once an hour and spend approx two minutes smoking it, thats a maximum of 16 minutes a day, however, I get in at least twenty minutes early, usually leave twenty minutes after the time I am supposed to and rarely take a full lunch hour. I think if you added up all the time most office workers spent making tea. gossiping etc it wouldn't be much less than smoker's breaks. I do try to be a considerate smoker, e.g. I don't smoke in non smoker's houses or cars, try to keep smoke away from people outside and have been going out of restuarants for a while now to have a fag, even though its still OK (just) to smoke in them. I also have a portable ashtray so I don't drop butts on the pavement. I know its a filthy habit but I do enjoy it.
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