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Everything posted by Bradders

  1. I am finally back on the internet!!! Not had time to fully catch up yet - but Newt and east both look great - love the jumping sequence! I have a wonder cure for leg mites - pig oil and sulphur - paint it on Rolo's legs on a regular basis and it has done wonders - no mites and no sore scaly skin that his type are prone to. I may have foudn a proper saddle that actually fits Rolo - xxxw!! I am not convinced that it fits me, but given all I am doing is being led around on him at the mo, I doubt that it matters! Fitter is coming Wednesday - fingers crossed. i did look in to getting a WOW PW, but sort of glad that I dismissed it - tooo expensive! This one is a Don Burrell - anyone heard of it/him? Rolo is coming along so nicely - must get another video done of him - she has started to introduce turns on the haunches and leg yielding - he concentrates so hard, bless him. She is also going to compete him in dressage for me - if we get a saddle. Hope Loki is OK Clare
  2. Another flying visit from me - home internet connection is now almost nonexistant! Sorry poor Wanda is havign a few troubles - good luck with the freezemarking. Try human hair conditioner on tails - something not too heavy - works wonders! I sat on Rolo on Saturday - only for 10 mins and only in walk, but it is a start. If I am going to start riding again, I have to get a different saddle! I also got him to wlak over a tarp for the first time on Sunday - several times! Even got him to stand still on it while I took a photo!! Sorry this is so brief, but I have more time to read than to write!!
  3. Sorry guys - am having hug internet problems at home - can't get on at all most days - not happy! So sorry about foal So sorry about the Old Macs too - I would be livid! Just popped in to throw in a curve ball then I have to go back to work! I am havign serious doubts about selling Rolo - am considering giving it another go - lots of things would have to change, but I just adore him. We will see - have not decided anything yet!
  4. Sorry, I somehow missed all this So glad that she is back and recovering well - cats aree very resilient creatures and I am sure that she will be fighting fit in no time
  5. Just read everyone's posts and already lost track of them I guess it will be great to have Frant home - I am so lucky with my liery yard - been ther ver 12 years now, and, apart form t odd bit of bitching, it is great. Great news about the saddle Jacky - I keep meaning to take Rolo's posh one to the local saddler - am hoping will get a fair bit for it as XXW are rarer than hen's teeth! Good luck at the weekend Clare - you will be fne - both riding and towing!! Just had to share this with you!: Rolo was being schooled today, and Mel decided to put some ground poles down -give him something to think about. He enjoys polework and has seemed to really enjoy the little jumps that we have done wth hm. He was not meant to be jumping today, but he had other ideas!! He was having such a good time - he decided to "pop" a ground pole! Apologies for quality of pic, but it was on video - so I have taken the pic from the telly - it just made me laugh so much - told you he was athletic!
  6. Could only see the first pic, but he has the most beautiful head - and a very kind eye
  7. I have hacked out here a few times - Cindy is lovely and her horses are superbly schooled CMWestern
  8. Unfortunately I can imagine - which is why he will not be doing it just yet!! Think we would be seeing the countryside at high speed! Think he would be brilliant to drive in a few years time - when he has grown up a bit and seen more of the world. Thanks for all your kind comments about him - little monkey rubbed his mane last week and has "pulled" the chestnut bit - probably my fault, it was getting a bit greasy and I probably should have washed it - but isn't it typical, I decide to finally put him up for sale and he pulls the cloured bit of his mane out! Am hoping that he will go to either a dressage or a showing home - he would excel at dressage - as long as the judge isn't biased against his sort. He started jumping this summer too - will never be a puissance horse, but has a lovely big jump and is careful. Poor Feniks - hope he is feeling better soon Kane made me smile Jacky - am with him on this showing lark - a bit too nit picky for my liking! Easta is looking great as always - be lovely to see Newt too. Clare, have you tried a bit bank? I found one a few months ago - will have a look when I get home to see if I can find it again. I have a couple of pelhams that you would be most welcome to try, but I think that all mine are 5.5 inches.
  9. Oh well Reds, it has rained so much this Summer at least there is moe soft ground than usual about. Here are Rolo's pics - see what you think Even I can't believe how much he has changed from the runty thing I bought!
  10. I am not that far away - and have a camera Naughty Kane Rolo is officially for sale I am still heartbroken over it all, but, the wonderful home that was on the horizon has fallen though so I have got to get by backside in gear and do something positive about selling him. On the plus side, he is going like a dream at the moment - am hoping that the silly spooky phase he went through has passed! Oh, he did a flying change on Sunday By accident, whilst running away on the lunge But it was a perfect one, so at least it shows he can do it! So, if you know of anyone lovely looking for a dressage pony with a difference, or a traditional coloured, send them our way. Will post his "for sale" pics later
  11. I have never had such trouble naming an animal! She was going to be BOGOF - but the embarassment at the vets would have been too much! That morphed to Boggie, but didn't like that. She is not really a Lily Like Cerys, but it did occur to me this morning that that could cause confusion as one of my (many!) other cats is called Alice. Oh well, she is Cerys on her insurance now!
  12. I think Lily may be havign a name change - what do you think to Cerys?
  13. He is stunning Jacky - although those eyes suggest "little monkey" to me!
  14. I now have 5 cats Numbers were meant to be swelling to 4 with the addition of ONE kitten - I was persuaded to take two!! They are half siamese - can you tell?!!! Ruby: and Lily: Poor little Lily looks more like a bat than a cat, bless her They are very sweet, if a bit manic! They are locked in my bedroom at the moment - I think a gradual introduction to the rest of the menagerie is better! I gave up yesterday and took refuge in the spare room - they sleep curled up next to me, but wake up at 04:45 everymorning - when it is great fun to leap from the top of the scratching post on to the bed, using Mum as a springboard!
  15. Sorry, been out of circulation for a while - been great to catch up with everyone's news Not alot to report form me other than I have had a bit of a revelation - the pony that I have ridden a few times put a fairly hefty spook in - and I did not budge - I know with a degree of certainty that if Rolo had spooked like that I would not have touched the sides, so, if nothing else I guess it has erased any doubts that I had about Rolo and I. Had a holding response from potential home - havign a crisis at the mo - have said I need to know what is happening asap - we shall see
  16. Can't see him I have always wanted an Iberian horse
  17. Well done Jayne - sounds like you and Blue are doing so well. Sorry you had a tumble, but these things happen every now and again. When I was taught to jump it was always from trot - I was not allowed to progress to canter until my balance was well and truly sorted and there was no danger of me socking hoirse in the mouth! Mind you, as I have got older I don't jump at all ! Lovely pics San - was going t try to get there yesterday, but I split my head open on a beam in the barn yesterday - blood everywhere and very sore head! Excellent news about Apple - you must be chuffed How are you finding the Barefoot Jacky? You will probably find that your legs are a bit futher back - aopparently the bars are set further back. Well doen for getting over your wibble I rode yet another different pony yestrday - 14 hands ish little grey lightweight cobby type. Only did about 15 mins in the school with him - he is soooo different to super sensitive Rolo - my legs did not know what had hit them! Plus Rolo goes in an outline at the drop of a hat - this little chap has so much muscle on the underside of the neck that he goes everywhere like a camel, which I found disconcerting to begin with. But he seems very kind, which is the main thing. Am hacking him around the fields on the famr tomorrow.
  18. Livestock borrowing is a very good idea!
  19. Sorry - only get time to dip in briefly at work at the mo - greas to read the news - just no time to comment on it all - sorry! Am on leave for the next 2 weeks, so things will be particularly manic today! The main thing athat occured to me is that it doesn't seem particularly fair on the mare to give her a friend for a couple of weeks then take him away again - but that is probably me putting human emotions in to a horse If Kane is settled and happy where he is, I think I would be tempted to let sleeping dogs lie - maybe your friend can get some electric fence and strip graze?
  20. Think I would go for someone living in - added benefit of someone making the place looked lived in too. How you go about finding someone you trust is another thing all together!! Where are you off to?
  21. Just picture huge bum leaping sideways then carreering off away from the camera He did work nicely the rest of the time - well , most of it! So glad that Kane is back on form - have said it before and will say it again - moving yards is the best thing that has happened to both of you! Your comment about the pony struck a chord - I rode around the fields yesterday (first time I have ridden in months) - on a tiny pony He is probably about 12.2 - 13 hands - I was worried about crushing him, but we seemed to cope - and his owner said that I ride light - whatever that means - but am assuming it is a good thing! Like the sound of where you ride EAD - sounds like your are not at one of the "kick and pull" establishments At least you got something out of the clinic Clare - and Loki went somewhere diofferent and did something different. Can't view videos at work - will try later!
  22. I ma in West Sussex too - will keep my ears open!
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